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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. I agree, if mathis is willing to take a home town discount, he will be back in a heartbeat. Saying that, premier pass rushers are a rarity, and one as good as Mathis is going to be able to command 6-8 million per year, if not more, and I just can't see the colts shelling out that kind of dough for mathis when they have Hughes waiting.

    Hughes needs to show why he was a first round pick, imo he has it in him, he just needs the playing time.

    Mathis is going to be resigned and not at a discount. He is worth every penny and Indy needs all hands on deck on the D end next season.

    The player I would be looking to trade is Clark, because at his number I don't see indy bringing him back with the glaring needs in the D backfield.

  2. Not exactly going out on a limb.

    It is the BENGALS, after all.

    The Bengals are a "very good D team" Indy has got to play great D and take care of the ball or we will get blown out by a rookie QB who starts for .......... the "BENGALS"

  3. It is absolutly ridiculous to let them go for a fourth rounder. Mathis is one of the best DEs in the league and Wayne is one of the best WR's in the league. Enough said

    The Colts will keep Mathis most likely, but Wayne... If he refuses to lower his contract demands he will not be a Colt next season.

    Also... WR is the one position on this team that I NEVER worry about. As long as Manning is in the game the Collie's and Whites will look like ........... Reggie Wayne.

  4. What picks has Chris made that lead you to this conclusion? I was under the impression that this most recent draft was handled primarily by Chris and I found it to be the best in the last 5 years.

    Nobody knows for sure.... but I can pinpoint Chris P starting to have influence in the Ugoh draft. The Colts made the pick and Bill said Chris made the pick, Chris P has been doing the draft lately. I am convinced.

    Bill Rocked the draft up until the Tony U trade. And that was when Bill passed the torch on air on ESPN saying his son did the dead.

    Maybe I'm wrong but Bill knows talent... and lately Indy is drafting none..........

  5. All this discussion will end up being a moot point as I see the Dolphins go 0-16 and the Colts go 1-15/2-14 thus ending with the No.2 pick. Actually, we might be better off with the No.2 or No.3 pick where there will be less consensus players to be chosen and thus making them ideal trade down scenarios since there are needs across the board and we will need several picks to address them.

    If we do end up with Luck at No.1 (the only consensus pick I see in the top 3), I also have my doubts that Manning makes it past 2 more years, these neck issues could end up being recurring and I would be shocked if they don't come back again. So, if it turns out that way that Luck starts after a couple of years like Rivers or Brees did in San Diego (unlike Rodgers caught behind a Favre that won't go away and starting 4 years later), I won't blast the Colts for taking Luck at No.1 at all. Definitely not Sam Bradford or Mathew Stafford money to worry about for 2 years if that were the case.

    If we do have a No.2 or No.3 pick, I bet the Colts keep Manning's offseason health reports under wraps till after the draft is over, just to give the Colts an edge come draft day.

    We will win one of the Jaguars games, btw.

    I don't see it. Indy has lost very winnable games to teams they really should have beaten. But they did not. I am worried about he locker room. And Kravitz, DD, and JMV have all "heard grumblings" of discontent withing the locker room with the coaching staff.

    Tryon? Was he right?

    If Caldwell holds this thing together then he will have may respect 100% ... but I really think this thing is going to get real ugly, real fast.

    This team has NO leadership.... at any level.

    and here comes












    I don't think Indy will beat any of these teams. Jax is the best shot. And then Indy sees Andy Dalton and Cam Newton....

    It will be so interesting to see if Jim C can keep this thing together.

  6. wait till you see the new scheme by coyer

    New scheme? The only thing this D can do is blitz ballz out. They don't have near the talent to try a "new scheme"

    This D is a train wreck about to happen... the easy games are over. Now the tough ones begin.

    Indy faces a rookie QB Sunday. Blitz him like there is no tomorrow and hope for the best.

  7. For the most part agree with that assessment with the only difference in my mind being that even if you believe Manning will come back effective next year, I think you still Draft Luck as the predecessor to Manning. Its just unfortunate this has happend this way but the team has to protect itself at the most important position on the field.

    Really? just stop and think about what you just typed....

    and look at the "current" team... "protect" and "important" ... and "position"... Indy did not give a darn about the "position" until they spent 4 mil for a QB they in hindsight did not need.

    stellar front office work.....

  8. Prepare to be crucified for posting that....

    Why? He speaks 100% truth....

    "If" Manning is healthy then it would be stupid for Indy to draft a QB "first overall" just to sit for 3 to 5 years. And the selection would tell one Peyton Manning... ummm sorry Bro but we are more concerned about our future than putting talent around YOU now.

    "If" Manning commits to play for 4 or5 more years then there is no way in heck Indy can "afford" to draft Luck.

    Irsay just simply needs to put the bottle down and whatever else he is doing because his endless jabbering online is just embarrassing.

  9. No. I am sorry. I watched him and I rooted for him to do better, but I have seen back-ups come in and do a better job imo.

    He is getting better, but after three years of "learning the system" and we can't win one game?

    Obviously Garcon is his favorite go-to player. Not enough versatility.

    Give another player three years to learn the system and I don't see that it could be any worse.

    I just don't see him as a starting qb leading a team, although I tried.

    Wow... He is not the problem. Curtis gave Indy a 17 pt lead that our D could not hold. Oh and wasn't this D built to play with a lead? Same w TB game?


  10. Last 10 superbowl winners:

    Green Bay

    New Orleans









    Of those 10, only ONE had a Quarterback that was fit into an offensive scheme after that fact. The rest have Franchise top notch QB's already in place. So it looks as if my inclination that you START with the Quarterback in this NFL is the way to go my friend. The proof is in the championship pudding.

    Rodgers was low 1st round pick, Ben R was a late teen pick, and Brady was a once in a lifetime luck out. These teams knew QB would be a need soon but I guarantee you they did not know they were getting what they got.

    The draft is a crap shoot.

    And of the teams mentioned above.... Outside of GB and NO STELLAR D, and a very solid RUNNING GAME won those teams rings. And that includes the Colts SB season..... our D was lights out in the playoffs.

  11. I love when people put words in my mouth. I didn't say we'd be better off...I said the argument could be made that trading the pick could have been a smart move...especially if you're going to give me the benefit of hindsight because I don't care how good people thought he would be, no one could have predicted that Manning would become the GOAT.

    And like I said in direct response to that poster, it was an unfair comparison (much like the Rodgers/Favre comparison some people love so much) for numerous reasons of which I only gave a couple but I can give more if you like:

    1. in '98, only 8 QBs were drafted in the entire draft. In 2012 I fully expect 4-6 in the first 2 rounds alone...point being there are far more options this year than there were in '98

    2. in '98, after the top 2 picks, the next QB drafted wasn't taken until the end of the second round..again proving there are far more options available in 2012 than were available in '98

    3. the '98 Colts were not a decade long playoff team. they were in a 100% rebuilding mode. Some people claim the current Colts team is in full rebuilding mode, but most would disagree

    4. the '98 Colts DIDN'T have the GOAT QB waiting in the wings expecting to return to full health in the '99 season (again, it's been said multiple times by most on both sides of the Luck argument, if Manning can't return at all then the argument changes completely)

    This is debatable. The core of this team is old.... Manning, Freeney, Mathis, Wayne, Clark, Bethea, Brackett, Saturday...

    And our drafts have been less than stellar lately. That is why I think it is a no brainer that if the Colts get a top 3 pick they simply must trade it for "more" picks. The talent level on this team is at a critical level. We have missed on way too many high picks recently.

  12. It has ALWAYS been about the #1 overall. I have no problem taking a QB...I have no problem taking Luck...I have no problem taking any of the top 4 QBs but I do have a problem with using the #1 overall pick to do it. I would say the same thing about any player at any position...I do not want to use the #1 pick on anyone. I want to trade it for the crapload of picks we'd get in return and add to as many different areas of the team as possible. I never said we should not draft a QB. Several of the pro-Luck'ers are saying that if we trade down then we can't get our QB of the future but that simply isn't true and I and others have pointed it out a number of times. We can still trade down and take Landry Jones, Barkley, Nick Foles, Ryan Tannehill etc etc. Considering we have time to groom the new QB we can take a more calculated risk on an equally intelligent and physically talented QB like the others I mentioned, and coach them in areas like footwork, reading the defense better than they already do and perfecting their throwing motion. These are the types of things you work on when you A) are intending to groom a QB and B) have 2-4 years to do it.

    the only reason I've been questioning whether or not he is over-hyped is specifically to determine if he's worth the #1 overall pick for a team like the Colts who don't need him to start right away. It has always been about the value of the #1 pick.


  13. WR is the last position this team should consider burning a pick on. I would rather have a big stud on the OL or DL. And help fix glaring weaknesses that have festered for how long now?

    If the Colts start running the ball, and stopping the run then Manning and the Colts will have great shot at another SB.

    But the Tweetmaster will probably burn a #1 overall pick on a player that will sit for 3 or 4 years.....


  14. He did up until the 09 playoffs. He's gone one and done the last two years. Now, perhaps a change if scenery would be good for him and the Eagles, but it's clear he has regressed as the Eagles coach.

    The Eagles are -10 in the giveaway / takeaway stat.... eliminate the turnovers and they are 4-1. No team can overcome that many boo boo's.

  15. Had this team not had Manning for the last 13 years or whatever this team would be a the brunt of every joke going. Or rather continued being.....

    An owner who acts like a high school kid with a new computer tweeting to his hearts content. The only NFL owner who so frequently makes a fool of himself in such a fashion.

    A GM who has not hit on a first round pick since? (Chris P has been doing the drafting) Has let the teams depth dwindle to pity full levels.

    A coach who calls a TO to kill the clock for "THE OTHER TEAM" in the last minute of a "PLAYOFF GAME".... Oh and the next halftime adjustment will be the first. Caldwell is just an "average" coach with a HOF QB.

    This team is small, they are always among the league leaders in games lost to injury. The philosophy has won a lot of games.... due to the one player who never misses games. But this philosophy has proven to be just not good enough when it matters.

    This franchise has been exposed this season. Poor drafts, poor game management, poor talent and on and on.

    Before the season I would have bet the ranch this was "at least" an 8-8 team without Manning. But without Manning every fault this team has is magnified by 100x. Imo the only bright spot on this team so far has been Garcon and Painter.

    This team is just not good right now. At every level of the organization.

    Bill needs to get back in charge of the talent evaluations because Chris P is not getting it done.

    Caldwell will be back unless he totally loses the locker room (which Dakich and JMV have heard rumors of)

    This team needs a fresh start. And not a "yes man" we already have one.

  16. Wasn't referring to you, nor demonstrating animosity to those who do hate him. Just something to think about.

    I listen to NY sports radio even more than Philly, and people hated Coughlin for a long time. He got a lot of leeway after the Super Bowl win, but there are many who still don't like him. Rex Ryan seems comparatively loved. There is something about his personality. Of course there is nothing like a losing streak to change peoples opinions.

    Tom C and Rex teach tough hard nosed D and running the ball.

    What does Caldwell preach? the status quo? He is a puppet. We all know it deep down.

    This has got to change. \

    NE lost Brady won

    Pitt loses Ben wins with how many QB's

    Miami lost Marino and Mitchell steps in and gets it done

    SF loses Montana how many times? Then Young how many times... and they kept winning....


    The talent level here has deteriorated to a putrid level. And I see NO development of young players. And game management? Is horrible.

    Time for a change.

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