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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. So I just heard Clayton talking on JMZ about how Andy Reid may have overstayed his welcome in Philly. Would we want him as a replacement for Caldwell? I don't really know much about him. My sister who lives outside of Philly LOVES him. But I don't really follow the Eagles. Is he a good decision maker? And would he be willing to come here?

    So I just heard Clayton talking on JMZ about how Andy Reid may have overstayed his welcome in Philly. Would we want him as a replacement for Caldwell? I don't really know much about him. My sister who lives outside of Philly LOVES him. But I don't really follow the Eagles. Is he a good decision maker? And would he be willing to come here?

    Has this Colt "way of thinking" outstayed itself? I think so.

    Change is good sometimes ... and needed.

    But as long as the Polians are here there is no way the Colts land a "Alpha" coach.

    Andy R and Manning would be..... very nice. He has won a lot of football games in a lot tougher division than Indy plays in.

    yes I would welcome ANY change.

  2. I really think this organization lacks "leadership" with Manning gone. Everyone was quick to take credit when 18 was health, now nobody wants to take blame now that he is out. It is shocking the deficiencies Manning masked when healthy. Truly amazing really.

    This organization needs a leader and not a player. A COACH............

    Caldwell is not this man, I don't know who is but I know who I would like.

    Jeff Fisher.

  3. I realize we've had a lot of really bad teams and this season is only nearly a third over, but what teams were worse? Again, I realize the season's not over, but this team collectively just simply isn't good.

    Here's a list of really bad Indy era teams:

    1) '91 Colts..........tough to beat this Jeff George squad who finished 1-15. Team finished 28th on offense and 26 on defense in points.

    2) '86 Colts..........3-13. Good 'ol Jack Tredua and Billy Brooks........team finished 27th in offense and 25 on defense in points.

    3) '93 Colts..............4-14. Jeff George. I won't elaborate any further.

    4) "97 and '98 Colts...........team had a young Manning and Marshall Faulk but finished 3-13 in both seasons.

    Feel free to weigh in.......Bring back the "Lord help our Colts" song on q-95.

    The 91 Colts were by FAR the worst football team ..... probably ever, even tho they won a game.

    Lets face it, Indy was due for year like this. The success has been unprecedented.

  4. The D philosophy has just simply got to change. Or the staff....... The Colts cover 2 has had one great year of total D (09), and one spectacular short run (SB win)

    Outside of that... this D has been tick poor. And I for one am just simply tired of relying on our O to bail us out game after game. Our D cannot stop anyone when they need to, they are too darn small. Oh and they can't tackle a fat kid.

    the Colts should have won today.but .......................

    aggggg.. I won't even start.

  5. Why do you think we would take an OT? We just took two with our first two picks this year. Castonzo is doing just fine at left tackle and Ijalana is being developed at right tackle. We aren't moving him to guard, Polian said that himself in training camp and he's never played guard. We have both of our tackles for the future.

    I think we go one of five areas in round one in the next draft.

    DT: I think is honestly the least likely because I like Nevis and Johnson and I think the two of them can be a good starting pair in the NFL. I think we could use another DT for depth but again like I said the other night if a Warren Sapp is looking us in teh fact I am not going to say we should pass on him.

    WR: Reggie Wayne is probably in his last two to three years here if we are lucky. No one else we have on the roster is a number one level WR. We need some help there and you can get a pretty good WR with a top 10 pick.

    CB: Honestly I think this is the biggest level of need going into the draft short of OG but you rarely see a guard taken in round one. A top 10 corner should be a big play making corner to be our number one guy for the next 10 years. That let's us move Powers to number two and let Johnson and Lacey play number the nickle spot which is where they should be. All of the sudden our corner issues are fixed.

    QB: I would agree I don't think this is likely. However, Polian mentioned on his radio show earlier this year that when him and Peyton harmed out this contract he told Peyton it was time to start looking at QBs in the draft like they could be a starter. He said they started looking at QBs like that in the past draft but no one they liked slide to them. So if we are in poistion and a QB is there I am not going to be shocked if we take him. I am not saying I would agree with it I am just saying I wouldn't be shocked. There is a good chance we wont be in poistion like this to get a QB this high till after Manning is retired so I could see the case for us taking one. Personally I would use it on one of the other three spots to give us what we need to help Manning win the rest of his career here.

    C: After thinking about the o-line I think we are one starter short on the inside. I was thinking guard but we could take a center in round one to give us a LT, RT, and C to build the line around for the next 10 years. That's how we built the line the first time under Polian and it produced very good results. We could then address the right guard spot by putting Pollack there where he isn't horriable, he's not great but he's not horriable either.

    You win games in the trenches, unless you have a Manning, Brady, Rodgers, or Brees. If Indy were dominant on the OL and DL Manning would going for his 5th or 6th ring by now.

    A team CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH LINEMEN. What if Peyton had an O line that was capable of producing on the ground "in a dominant manor?" This team would be unstoppable.

    And also.. Manning has proven he can turn journeymen skill position players into "all pro" types.

    If Indy had a run the ball, and stop the run attitude currently they would be a lot better off with out Manning.

  6. So I started this topic to talk about next year's draft with people who want to help bring in more talent around Manning. I know I am assuming he will be healthy but for this thread lets give it the benefit of the theoretical doubt. I don't watch college football, so can you guys tell me who to look up that we could realistically get? To help get Manning back to the SB next year! The whole Luck topic has gotten really old for me. People, WE WONT GET THE NUMBER ONE PICK. There are at least 3 other teams worse than us! So can we please talk next year with that in mind? Thanks!

    If the Colts land a top 5 pick, then by all means trade it for more picks ... UNLESS, a stud DT or OT is staring us right in the face.

    And if Indy is unfortunate enough to have the first overall pick... then they have to take Luck, or trade him for more picks than we could all possibly imagine. And I think Luck would command that kind of price. The Colts could nearly rebuild their team in two years with the bounty Luck would provide.

    Regardless, the Colts are in a win, win situation as far as next years draft goes.

  7. I really wish Irsay would stop "tweeting"

    And since Dungy has left the "Colt Way" has given way to selfishness and and an unorganized program from top to bottom.

    I think Dungy really deserves a lot more credit than he is given for keeping everything "under control" while he was here.

    Since Dungy has left Irsay has become a teenager with a new computer (this I don't understand he is becoming borderline embarrassing), Polian has not drafted well at all, and the team now spouts off in the media about the team. All of the above NEVER happened while Dungy was here, well at least Polian drafted "better" :lombardi:

    This team is lacking "LEADERSHIP" and with Manning out, they have NONE right now. I want Fisher in here next season for more than one reason. The Colts really need a strong personality like him badly.

    Caldwell just does not have it in him.

  8. Whats the end game of this thread?

    Like....when the thread topic was created, where did the poster wish it to go?

    Perhaps the OP wished for a circular argument that doesn't stop until a mod makes it stop?

    Maybe the point was to enter into a debate about free speech and how it translates to the internet?

    Maybe the point was to finally put an end to listening to alternate opinions?

    Please add this thread to your list of topics that should "Please Stop".

    heehe.. The internet was not around the last time the Colts were "a bad team"... heehhe..

    So it's new.. (the losing to all of us in a way) :omg:

  9. Now before I say anything, I'm not saying I want him, and odds are the Colts will not pick him up, but it's always good to keep all possible players on the board. Never say never.

    I've come up with some trade possibilities, but like I said we don't really need this guy, but he would be a good SAM linebacker, because right now we have a backup playing it, but playing it well. So without further ado the trade possibilities:

    They would like a DE, an LB, and a CB so

    Donald Brown, and a 5th round pick for Aaron Curry

    Phillip Wheeler, and a 5th round pick for Aaron Curry

    Antoine Bethea, Peyton Manning, Reggie Wayne and Dwight Freeney for... Aaron Curry and the Seattle Seahawks :)

    and on a more serious note, a 4th round pick for Aaron Curry

    Like I said, he would provide great depth and could be a possible starter, but he's not a must, and I don't really think we need him. I made this thread to see what people think of him. So, thoughts?

    Are you reporting in from Amsterdam? :drink:

  10. Okay, so why in the world do we resign Dan? Its Painters time to shine and we all know it. Did they sign him to start, or to back up Painter?? Im telling you, if Painter only makes HALF the throws Kerry couldn't, we make the playoffs at 10-6. Look at our D, they outplayed the Steelers. And look at our running game. We RAN the ball on the Steelers, Man, none of this makes sense to me...... Why sign a QB who doesn't even know where the back of the end zone is? Go out and grab someone like Dante Culpepper.

    .....I just don't get it anymore, nothing these days makes any sense......

    First the Steelers were beat up on the O line, our D should have done MORE damage.

    Second, Painter has one "great" series and now he is the flavor of the month? This kid has had boo koo time to "make an impression" and the Colts felt compelled to bring in someone else. And I don't blame them. This team in not going anywhere this year.

    The D got up for a prime time home game and "almost" made enough plays to win it for the team, but they didn't. This is nothing new from the Colts with Peyton. The D would come up with "big games" like Pitt last week, but more times than not they relied on Manning to bail them out. We will see much more of the same the rest of the year. Except for no Peyton to bail us out. That is if Caldwell can keep this ship afloat long enough to stay in most games.


    I'm ready for the welcome Jeff Fisher threads to start.

  11. I take back my previous coment...bad Curtis and good Curtis lol.

    By the way huge nod to Addai on that drive and just a side note I am realy sick of these no calls by the refs against the Colts.

    it's been even. It sucks but both teams are getting NO love.

  12. I take back my previous coment...bad Curtis and good Curtis lol.

    By the way huge nod to Addai on that drive and just a side note I am realy sick of these no calls by the refs against the Colts.

    it's been even. It sucks but both teams are getting NO love.

  13. Cabn you really tell me who will and who wont make the playoffs right now..

    Is Washington (2-0) a playoff team?



    are you sure/?

    Dont quit yet...There's plenty of time to give up in Decemebr

    The Browns were favored over the Colts today at home........ and they COVERED. This team is not good.

  14. but I would almost rather see the Colts lose at this point. I can already tell the Colts have virtually no shot at a playoff birth even with some improvement. I won't be actually rooting against them but I won't mind if they lose as many games as possible if it accomplishes two things I want this year. That we will win the Luck sweepstakes and that we will get an entire new coach and coaching staff which will hopefully lead to a whole new defensive philosophy. I don't expect Manning back this year at all but if those couple of things happen next year this won't totally be a wasted season. Go ahead and slam me but I think losing a lot is the only way we are going to get rid of the current coaching staff so every loss puts us closer to that possibility IMO.

    This is a horrific scenario IMO. I do not want he Colts to be looking at Andrew Luck and then pick him and have to watch him sit on the bench for the next few years.

    If Indy lands the top pick I say trade it. Luck will command a "HUGE" price and Indy could help itself in the short term by leaps and bounds.

  15. In thought the defense was good enough.....we got a couple of sacks and a fumble..

    Our corners are soft but the run defense was good most of the time...

    We dropped an interception but, overall.... withiut Brackett...it was not bad.

    The offense....well....what can I say?

    Indy played against Colt McCoy and 2 WR's named? who... and they got beat. Fairly soundly. If not for the turnovers this could have been real ugly.

    the Colts had their chances early and did nothing with them and settled for FG's. The Browns got TD's.

    The Steelers will drill this team. KC is the one game Indy better win. If not, we may be in the running for another first overall draft pick.

    The D is the problem in my opinion. Among other things.

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