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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. Caldwell has the ultimate excuse, either way:

    "We don't have Peyton."

    "Peyton's running the offense, not me!"

    Caldwell will not be held accountable for anything.

    Polian has already made the excuse for him stating that it's hard to win without Peyton, and then later stating we should be able to win without Peyton, which in theory should place some heat on caldwell. But it's not happening, and we just continue sliding down this slippery slope of double standards. caldwell has Ultimate Job Security.

    The only way Caldwell is in trouble is if he "totally loses this team" the second half of the season. If he keeps them playing hard then he is good as gold.

    I don't care for him but I will admit that last season and so far this season he does get them to play hard.

    Now strategy and player development are a whole different story he is failing badly at. And this could be attributed to the departure of Moore and Mudd. and Dungy.

    So... we shall see.

  2. It's very easy to tell where we will go. Look at Polians past and you will see he limits himself to very little action in the FA market. Now even with how this season has gone and will go, I don't see that changing. Polian has done it the way he has done it and been successful, he and his son are not going to change from that.

    I do, it has to if this team wants to keep Peyton happy. CB, DL, and OL will all be upgraded aggressively this off season through the draft and FAgency. I guarantee it.

    Only a few years left in the Manning run, (if he can play on)... and I am sure Indy will load up to make one final run at a ring.

  3. This is a myth.

    They're professional athletes. Our defense runs out of gas in the second half because our offense can't convert 3rd down. I'm not sure where we stand, league wise, in relation to 3rd down conversion rate, but I reckon somewhere near the very bottom.

    truth.................... spoken...................

  4. Yes we're 0-6...currently.But DARE i say only three games back in our division.The texans/jags are done,so that just leaves the titans to overcome(which is quite possible).We have yet to play them.I seriously think a 7-9 mark gets it done this year within our weak division.But if that happens,then i'm for letting curtis play out the remainder of the year.If manning suddenly came into the mix and won the superbowl it would always have an *asterisk* next to it,because he didn't play during the regular season.

    Yep.... with "coaching" .. and a game plan,...... This is ...... with 6 former All Pros.... yet 0-6.


  5. Must be married. They control 75% of the money and all of the well I'll everyone come up with their all of the :)

    As evidenced by nearly anything I share an opinion on, I don't throw stuff against the wall and hope it sticks. That would be like saying Jim Caldwell sucks and not offering any variables about why that is the opinion.

    The above example in the previous post is just one of the things I have issue with. As I've said in other threads, I'm not blaming him for 0-6, I just don't feel he was the right coach with Manning, or without Manning.

    And I agree............

  6. Dungy & Manning helped make each other - arguing otherwise is uninformed. But the point is the same that to properly coach and motivate a team you need to be a screamer. Complete nonsense. The NFL coaching lanscape is filled with guys who got greatness out of their team without having to act a fool to do it.

    Tony took Tampa to the NFC CG............. with Shawn King.

    Is that "uninformed" .... info??????

  7. bill beliceck was bad at first give the guy a chance this team i mean this manning is nth with out manning like a body with out the head

    BB was a .500 coach in the AFC central playing against Pitt, and Balt. With Vinny as his QB. He was still was competitive. The Colts have 6 former ALL PROS ON THIS ROSTER... and they look lost.

    Something is bad amiss.

  8. You do realize there is a cap right? This isn't Madden.

    With the amount of money we have invested in our offense and other key players, we've only got so much to go around.

    Like I said before, its like Wack a Mole. Address one area, others pop up. This is why teams are rarely so dominant on all sides of the ball. And if they are, its usually only for 1 or 2 seasons.

    And not sure if you noticed but the FO did address our D line this year with draft and FA. Strangely enough, since Caldwell has come in, we've bulked up on the line and LB corps.

    Have you ever looked at the Colts cap?

    Dwight is the 2nd highest paid player on the team at around ... umm 18 mil per....

    Brackett... around 4 or 5

    Mathis around 4 or 5

    that alone represents probably close to 20% of the teams cap number. Freeney gets about 1 mil per sack. Because he sure as heck doesn't defend the run.

    So...... ??

    This franchise has spent money poorly.... esp the last few years. Sanders, Clark, ....

    never mind...

    Caldwell is a great coach and the Colts are just unlucky. And the cap space is ..... what it is.

  9. i think people forget that he took us to the Super Bowl in his very first coaching year...

    with so much pressure, he pulled something amazing by taking over Tony Dungys legacy. Even though Peyton does alot, he is still involved...

    Yep, and ... now... ??

  10. This team is missing more than Manning. Whatever happened to accountability? That used to be important, now days excuses are made. I just get the feeling that everyone from the top down is getting a free pass because of Manning. This team should not be winless rightnow.


    Since Dungy left, .... Moore has left? Mudd has left? The ship is rudderless. Irsay twetting info before the info hits the wire. This organization is becoming a joke really fast.

    Polian needs to real the mess back in. Dungy would have never put up with the silly drama going on now in Colt land.

    Too many chiefs now and not enough indians........

    Everyone in this franchise got drunk with success and forgot how it was achieved.

  11. I totally agree. Somewhere along the lines the Colts coaches thought it would be a good idea to run this tampa 2 defense all the time. The tampa 2 defense is a great defense for defending the deep plays. With that said...it is not meant to be used on every down...or every other down. Its used by almost every team in the league...but they use it as a prevent...not as the basis for their defensive schemes. It protects the deep ball so well because you're putting your lbs into deep zone coverage. Which by natural response...leave the place the lbs used to be...vacant for 15 yards. Imo the defense itself is flawed merely because it has such a monstrous downside that any qb/oq will exploit without prejudice (ie...the Bucs game). It needs to be retired and a new defensive scheme...such as the one you're talking about...needs to be put into action.

    The Tampa 2 (if used as a base D) requires one fundamental necessity. Stud DT's that get a push up the middle so a 4 man rush rattles the QB. If that doesn't happen....... well..........

    TB, Chicago, and yes Indy in the SB run rocked and rolled the Tampa 2 to rings.... but it takes talent.

  12. Much harder defense to work against because we had Siragusa in the middle Tony Bennett was more of a Dwight Freeney type, but the linebackers were not dropping as they do in the Tampa-2. So the good part was we were more consistent. The bad part was we were more vulnerable to big plays because we didn't keep everyone in front of us.. Interesting comparison because like the 1995 team didn't have near the talent that the current team has, yet they played much better as a "team" and a system. If Faulk went down, Warren stepped in. If Warren was out, Zack Crockett or Roosevelt Potts made it happen. Look a the offensive line and they weren't especially talented, but they did well run and pass blocking.

    I think the biggest difference was the coaching and the systems run. But it shows you that a guy like Freeney doesn't have to only be in a Tampa-2, because Tony Bennett was not very big himself. I do think a chance in coaching and schemes would do wonders for the team. Just look what Harbaugh is doing in SF.

    The 95 team had a ton of talent rockin the D side.

    Coryatt, Herrod, Buchanon, Daniel, Bennett, Belser, McCoy, Whittington, Johnson.... This team's D was the reason they went where they did.

    And as par for the "Colts" course Emtman Faulk, and Alberts were hurt......

    This franchise is snakebitten. But we still rise above................

    go Colts.

  13. Did anyone else notice that Angerer is #1 in tackles with 73 and Kavell Conner (NFL channel lists him as Kevin Conner, maybe I can get a job as an editor there) is #2 with 58?

    #s 3,4, and 5 are 57,57, and 56 respectively.

    Bethea is at 47, Wheeler at 31, Lacey 29, Powers 26, Terrance johnson 25, Caldwell 18. Then Nevis at 16, Foster and Mathis at 12.

    Also, historically, Mathis averages more than twice the tackles as Freeney.

    Kinda wild we have the #1 AND #2 tackle leaders.

    Does this show just how much (or how easy) it is to run on us or that because we aren't leading games like the past teams are running a higher % on us?

    It would be interesting to know if any other team ever had #1 and #2 leaders on their team.

    In short.... BAD.

  14. Did anyone else notice that Angerer is #1 in tackles with 73 and Kavell Conner (NFL channel lists him as Kevin Conner, maybe I can get a job as an editor there) is #2 with 58?

    #s 3,4, and 5 are 57,57, and 56 respectively.

    Bethea is at 47, Wheeler at 31, Lacey 29, Powers 26, Terrance johnson 25, Caldwell 18. Then Nevis at 16, Foster and Mathis at 12.

    Also, historically, Mathis averages more than twice the tackles as Freeney.

    Kinda wild we have the #1 AND #2 tackle leaders.

    Does this show just how much (or how easy) it is to run on us or that because we aren't leading games like the past teams are running a higher % on us?

    It would be interesting to know if any other team ever had #1 and #2 leaders on their team.

    Never a "good" stat to lead.... esp when multiple players of "our squad" are on the list.

    At least the bum rush of RB's are not getting to our DB's so soon.... :hush:

  15. I love both Wayne and Mathis but it might be a good idea to trade at least 1 of them if not both of them. Reggie has already stated that he want's to get paid and paying a reciever that about to turn 33 is a very dangerous thing to do. He's not as explosive as he use to be and is just a possesion reciever now. I would most likely want to keep Mathis if he's at the right price. Mathis is a really good fit with Freeney but when Freeneys out of the game Mathis dissapears. If these guys are looking for a big pay day then trade them but if they want to come back at a reasonable price then i would love to have them back. It's still unfortunate for Mathis and Wayne since they were seriously under paid in their last contract, so i wouldn't blame them for going for the money.

    I am not going for the reasonable price thing here... "WHO CAN HELP THE TEAM THE MOST?"

    And it is Mathis .... Reg has been a trooper but if Blair White was given the sane targets,,, well,,,

    Bottom line... just suck.

    Pick a STUD DL, or OL player ... unless of course... never mind. :hide:

    This team is suffering from Peyton withdrawal. Get over it and I love the Colt's chances next season to Rock and Roll.

  16. You really get it. I started probably the first thread on this topic. Winning 4 or 5 games does nothing to help this franchise for next season. You don't tank but unless the playoffs are a possibility(and they are not) it doesn't bother me as much to see an L. There has to be some silver lining in this mess of a season.

    I totally disagree with this.

    This team is learning for the FIRST time in 13 years to play without..... the great Peyton Manning.

    You really don't think that this is a good thing in the long run,\? as long as PM is back?

    The "silver lining" is this season....

  17. Change "rooting for" with "expecting" and you'd have me pegged.

    I can't actively root against them though.

    Right On.... As far as I am concerned this is a chance for a team to learn to play with out Manning... and when they get him back this team should have a completely new perception of the "game".

    If Manning returns healthy.... I guarantee regardless of who is the coach next year, this season will be a blessing.

    This team was naked without PM early this season. Next season it is on.

  18. Don't recall hearing their names mentioned during the game last week. Did they do anything?

    Well they get mentioned when they sack a QB...


    I get so sick of hearing the old "this D was built to play with a lead" . .. .??? Really? How about building a D to STOP somebody on third and ONE? How about building a D STOP somebody period? Seriously.

    I have heard Polian say the same stupid line "this D is built to play with a lead" .. and was then and is now the stupidest comment I have ever heard come out of his HOF mouth.

    Just build a D to stop the other team .... period.

    in all honesty this quote was probably thrown out there to mask the BLATANT deficiencies in other areas. Focus on the All Pro ends and forget about the rest of the sorry squad. Oh, and never mind that Dwight and Rob almost NEVER keep their containment.

    But we are built to play with a lead... heehe.. nonsense 17-0 ring a bell....

  19. I do expect Wayne to be back next year. I really think he bleeds Blue, loves our fans, and most importantly, is Peyton's #1 target. However, if he is traded, there are good options to replace him. Obviously, drafting one of the top WRs coming out, like: Blackmon, Jeffery, Floyd, Fuller, Broyles, and Jones. Also, there are some very good Free Agents coming up, including: Bowe, Colston, Meachum, Manningham, Stevie Johnson, DeSean Jackson, and Mike Wallace (RFA). So, all is not lost if we're able to secure one of these guys and keep Garcon. We actually get younger, and likely faster. I do love Reggie Wayne though, so I would be sad to see him go.

    Mathis, on the other hand, will very possibly be on another team next year. The NFL will throw crazy money at elite pass-rushers, and Mathis is going to be a hot ticket. One site has Mathis listed as the 5th best upcoming FA, and #1 defensive player. I think Mathis will cash in on that and unfortunately wear someone else's uniform. There are also ways to replace Mathis, though. Obviously, Hughes is on the roster, and a trade now allows us to see what Hughes can do playing opposite of Freeney full-time. After 10 games, we'd likely know whether or not we need to look at DEs in the draft, like Coples, Jenkins, or Paige-Moss. There are a few in Free Agency, led by Mario Williams, but I would expect him to get franchised if they don't reach a deal, and if the Colts won't pay Mathis, they won't pay someone else.

    After this year, we have Wayne, Mathis, Gonzo, Garcon, and Diem as free agents. Gonzo and Diem will likely be gone as Gonzo has been worthless and Diem is old and will be replaced by Ijalana. Garcon is 50/50 IMO. Some team might watch his highlight reel and over-pay him. If so, good for him, but I would like to see us keep him and hope he continues improving with Peyton back at the helm. And I think the team will have to choose between Wayne and Mathis, and it's going to suck either way.

    Who fills the need areas? Mathis does and he won't go anywhere.

    Manning make Blair White and Tamme names last season. He will do it withe others...

    Although I think Garcon will go nowhere, and he has All Pro potential.

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