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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. sometimes a coach needs to be a little rah-rah and other times he needs to get in some grills, and yet others, being more passive. He doesn't understand that. He is one way all the time, stoic. Does that really give the teammates confidence.

    I agree, JC is just not the type of coach this team "needs" in this situation.

    Anyone can with P Manning.... Only a few could win without him.

  2. by best player not on the field, do you mean some of our most recent 1st round draft picks? Hughes and donald brown? Or A-gonzo? maybe you meant Ugoh and pollack, they kinda count as a first pick. They were all missing from that game, as well as manning.

    The steelers went 3-1 without their pro-bowl QB, so why shouldn't we? Oh wait, because we have no real 1st round talent from 2005 up. Face it, our coaches relied on Manning to Win for them. These horrible draft picks are the reason we are a bad team.

    you can't win superbowls if your 1st round draft picks are busts the last 6 years.

    Wrong, the Steelers won without Ben because they "play D" and "run the ball" .... Draft pick matter but... "Mindset" IMO is far more important. Definsive minded teams play D.

  3. I just don't see what Colts are thinking here. Link can play a lot of positions so he has some value but he is not a starting tackle in the NFL.

    Look at all the "good teams in the NFL" and look at their OL and where most were drafted and then look at Indy.

    And there you have it.

    I think this team is missing Mudd and Moore a lot more than the organization would like to admit.

  4. Well today was pretty dayum embarrassing. I truly believed this team had enough talent to win games. But, upon further review without Peyton Manning.... . This team is just not real good. They don't tackle, they ignored the backup qb position until far too late, they don't block, they don't have special teams in the return game, They don't keep contain from the DE's, They are just not a very good football team right now.

    And all these issues ....... HAVE BEEN ISSUES FOR YEARS.

    This team lacks leadership... did you all see the shots of the bench all game long? They knew they were beat at the kickoff.

    Caldwell and the front office are trying to be too much like Dungy. Dungy is a HOF coach, Caldwell is a ..... well nevermind.

    I'm ready for a change in leadership, not the front office but the coaching staff. Caldwell is NOT a motivator. He is just a nice calm man trying to fill a HOF coaches shoes. Not an easy job and harder without the greatest player in NFL history.

    It is time for a change, this team needs new energy..... and a DEFINSIVE MINDED COACH, Fisher or Cowher.

    The Colts made their bed, now they have to lay in it.

    Teams win games up front on both sides of the ball. And Indy has totally avoided this mindset due to the greatness of number 18.

    I would have never believed that one NFL player could be worth so much to a team. But i an convinced Manning is worth at least 14 pts per game to the Colts. And that is a conservative estimate. He has covered up so many "blatant" deficiencies.


    this front office has a lot of things to think about in the coming weeks.

  5. I can't really argue that based on what has been reported about him.

    Let's be honest here.....

    If YOU sent 6 teams to SB's and had the track record of one B Polian... Would U be a tad bit "arrogant" ???

    I know I would be. Juat one or two more SB wins and Polian is in the "legendary" scope of things.

    Indy should feel lucky to have had him be here.

  6. Bill Polian- Vice Chairman; Chris Polian- GM and VP; Dennis Polian-Director of football administration

    What type of atmosphere must there be in the FO when you see long-time employees being fired(Powers) to give positions to Polians? Do others in the front office fear dissention or offering opinions that differ from that of a Polian?

    If I worked in the FO and I saw executive positions being given to the boss’s relatives, I would become an instant “yes man”.

    “…what, you want to start Hughes….Good idea”

    “ …you want to move Linchenbach to center…that’s what I was thinking”

    Is nepotism in the FO good for the Colts? :hmm:

    Sigh... 12 wins a year.. and some just lady and moan.

    Unprecedented success gets unprecedented negativity. Sure things could have been better but.... look at what Indy was before.

    Or were you around? wink wink

    When the Colts kick the Brown's *'s I guess you will be back on the "bandwagon" ............... AGAIN

  7. I just got a message from a fraternity bro who lives in Indy.

    I live in Pa so the info I get is slim to none.

    Anyway, he told me to frame my Manning jersey because we'll never see him play again.

    While this has crossed my mind(I have a bad gut feeling similar to Marvin's "end"), I really haven't heard anyone saying it.

    I'm gonna hold out hope that he can return until it is official, but has anyone heard any concrete evidence of this?

    He's a pretty smart guy and seems "plugged-in" to Indiana politics.

    I hope he's wrong. OBVIOUSLY!

    Manning's issue IS A NERVE ISSUE. NOBODY can predict if or when he will come back. The nerve will determine all this.

    If Manning's nerve comes back then I am positive he will play another several years. If no progress is made.....

    then it's crying time.

  8. Im a little anxious to see how the fans react Sunday.

    In places like Chicago, NY and Philadelphia....the team would be met with boos after last week.

    Its just the way those folks are.


    Colts fans are a different breed..like Packers fans...These are 'OUR boys' More of a college feel.

    Will Colts fans turn on Collins if his first pass is intercepted.

    Will they boo the 'D' if the Browns' first run goes for 30 yards...

    ...or is this a must-win game to be played in front of a loud, supportive group.

    What's your best guess?

    Sigh............ Rookies.

  9. Okay.....we've officially entered the twilight zone. The Colts are underdogs at home to a team that lost it's home opener to the Bengals. The Bengals were my preseason pick to have the dubious honor of drafting 1st this coming spring. We all know that sometimes love is blind, so to all the optimists who took our Colts and the points this past week, I say bet them again. In fact, make a little more money and bet the Colts on the money line, straight up. As out of sync this team is, the difference this week, as I see it is:

    * We will be playing on our TURF, not the Houston GRASS

    * This is the Browns offense, not the Texans. That said, our defense has the ability to make every offense look like it's filled with pro bowlers.....but still, it's the Browns

    * Collins has one game in with the team and an entire week of practice. Comparatively speaking to his experience going into the Houston game, this is a lot

    * Collins will have a quiet stadium to get his reads and calls in while running the offense

    In the end, I just don't envision the Browns covering, let alone winning the game. I expect a much better, sharper effort all around by our squad. Should my hope / intuitions be wrong and this team comes out flat and gets bullied by the Browns at home, then I will stand corrected and we are without a doubt in for a long season and this team may actually just be what everyone in the nat'l media is saying.....one of thee, if not thee worst team in the NFL. Afterall, that is the reward for a team who gets the #1 pick in the nfl draft which is what several people in this forum continuously mention. I don't think we are near the worst team in the league, but a loss at home to the Browns sure would make a strong argument against that thought.

    Well the Browns have an "VERY GOOD" DL and OL. unless Indy can fix our own OL and DL.... They may be in trouble again.

    That said, I think Indy will pull it together... and win.

  10. hold up. Are you telling me you expect us to win this game? To be honest even if Manning played it would have been a very close game, now we have a starter who has only been with the team for 2 weeks. Get real bro, we will not make the playoffs this year. Many people on this forum are lying to themselves if they think we have a chance in the division. Now im not saying lose every game and draft Luck, thats absurd. Hopefully Collins can get comfortable enough with the offense to win 5 or 6 games, but that is streching it.


  11. I am a realist as well, I don't think this team will do well this year. But unlike you I want them to do good and don't want them to fail to prove me right. I hope they prove me wrong. You are the type of fan this so pestimistic that they can't even enjoy being a fan anymore, so their only enjoyment is watching the optimistic fans suffer. I don't understand the optimists because I think they are getting their hopes too high only to come crashing down. But atleast they are fans, I don't see how anyone that rather be right than see their team win is any sort of fan.


    Go Colts.

  12. For the 2nd or 3rd maybe even millionth time, being a "fan" does not mean you think your team can win. Anyone who lives in Cincinnati and thinks the Bengals are going all the way is a complete *. Are there still fans in Cinny? Sure. Do they think they have a shot? Probably not. I'm a realist. I'm also a Chicago White Sox fan, follow them every season until they fall apart (which has been early as of late) After they have no hope of carrying on to the post season I give up, better luck next year.

    gagirl89 - Reality is right now. Reality is we are playing without Peyton Manning and reality is this team has been relying on him for the past 10+ years. If you think everything is fine and dandy you are avoiding the reality that it is not. Anyone who read my post could easily decipher that reality was to be taken in context about the loss of the best player in the NFL. To even think for a second that the colts are not in trouble is lunacy.

    Coltslover4ever - The rest of us being the ones who have accepted that this season is going to suck. My mentality isn't "loser" It's winner since I'm the one who's going to be right ;)

    wordofmouth - Sounds like a plan.

    Bleedthisblue - Oh thank you for your insightful post, please bless us with more of this intelligence!

    Reality is that this team has won more game then any other in the last ten years. And that there are at least 6 former ALL Pro's on this roster,.... of which 4 are on D.

    That is reality.... this team can and will win it's fair share this season.

  13. The whole idea that Collins "forces" our protection, run blocking, and defense to get better, is nothing more than a strong self-delusion.

    These guys are professional. It's their job to provide protection through the whistle, open holes for the backs, and stop opposing offenses (respectively), regardless of who's taking snaps. If they couldn't do it with the best, or when the best was having an off day, they aren't going to pull it off just because a new handicap amplifies an existing weakness.

    Ahhh... never underestimate the mental aspect of anything.

    I think they will. Peyton made "EVERY" individual associated with this franchise look real good for real long time.

    It's time for this entire franchise to put on their "big boy pants" and getter done.

  14. Off topic but Manning is out at least 2-3 months.

    On topic: I saw that too. He replied to Rodney Harrison saying that I think those players are gonna take those words to heart and prove you wrong or something like that. I believe they can win.

    All the great comebacks and all the great wins were not ALL MANNING. The Colts play with HEART, and they will play with even more now that their best player is out.

    I am looking forward to this game against Houston.

  15. I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

    Wow... guess being an NFL fan ain't no fun unless you have a stud an QB and win 12 games every season....

    dayum, how did I stay a Colt fan since 84? hehe...

  16. Exactly!! He's our leader for the time being. It's time for all Colts fans to unite and show him were 110% behind him. I do believe he'll prove a lot of the nay sayers wrong and make them eat crow.

    Right On... This guy took NY to a SB, and Tenn to a AFC championship. He has it in him.

  17. Perhaps an experienced backup should have been here all along, but I'm confident that none of this has anything to do with anyone's unwillingness to eat crow. This is probably the third time today alone that I felt the need to defend Polian against someone who has bought into the nonsense about his ego affecting personnel decisions. I don't believe that for a second, and I've never seen a shred of rational evidence to support it.

    We have one of the best front offices in professional sports, and they hired dayum near the perfect guy to step temporarily in Peyton's spot. He's here now - the game hasn't been played yet. He probably would have been here sooner if not for the insanity caused by the lockout.

    In short, what exactly are you whining about? The fact is that there is only one Peyton Manning, and without him the Colts have major problems. The suggestion that someone eating a little crow along the way would have magically resulted in a seamless transition to Johnny Unitas's clone stepping in to take his place just makes no sense to me.

    There is simply NO defense against not having a quality back up QB in the NFL today. NONE. Players will get hurt.

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