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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. .....and they'd have made up for losing Manning, Brackett and Clark.


    Huh,... 2 CB's and a pass rushing DT/DE? Would the make a difference? You know nothing about the state of this team.

    YES, they would have been worth at least a 3-3 record to begin the year.

    but, Indy has no DB problems.

  2. What about the other 10 10-win seasons?

    All frauds..? Really? . are you John D Harbaugh?

    Since 06 the talent level on this team has deteriorated to a pitiful level. And it is undeniable.

    Tim Jennings, K Hayden, and R Brock are just a few examples of "productive" players who were kicked to the curb here in Indy........ WHY? They were not THAT expensive.

    Just a poorly ran ORG. the last few years.


  3. When the Colts were in the Super Bowl..did Big D say we had no talent.? Really?

    We have 12-13 of the same players starting now..right/?

    Yes... who DID make a play for Indy to WIN the game?

    Garcon drops the biggest pass of his life. Colt D.. nowhere to be found?

    Wayne, sorry route ran equaling an INT...

    It was all Manning.

    where is Collie, Clark, Wayne, Addai, and the O ??????????????

    and then were is the effort? From the rest?

    Everyone in this organization is being exposed as "frauds"... No Manning is no good.

  4. When the Colts were in the Super Bowl..did Big D say we had no talent.? Really?

    We have 12-13 of the same players starting now..right/?

    Yep.... AND?

    No Peyton = Nothing. this so called "core" group of ALL STARS.... :P Have been proven to be frauds.

  5. easy shot....next year he'll be back on the bandwagon......

    maybe... BUT, he has had the same stance for the last 3 years... "team has no talent".

    And was proven right, when the "cog" got pulled.

    Call him and ask him...


    oops.. 239-1070 sorry...

  6. Del Rio, in 8 years, had 7 Pro Bowl Players. DT Stroud (03-05) CB R.Mathis (06) MJD (09-10) DT Henderson (04,06) TE Lewis (10) Garrard (09) ST Player Owens (10). 2 DT 2 RB a CB, and a QB (who was like the 6th replacement?).

    Caldwell in 3 years has had 7. Freeney,Mathis,18,Bethea,Clark,Wayne, Saturday.


    What is "interesting" is how these same so called "ALL PROS" are doing now?


  7. Has anyone considered having Jack Del Rio as the Defensive Coordinator for the Colts? I think Jack would do a great job in Indy as the DC as the Jags were always a touch defensive unit. They were a defense that definitely didn't get pushed around like the colts do.

    Not Indy's style. <_<

    But I would love to have the "sweater vest" as HC... and Del Rio run the D,

    3 yards and a "cloud of dust" with Del Rio = Winning with Manning. :D

  8. Jags fired coach as said didnt like he blamed losses of last 2 games on OC calls instead of accepting responcibility , though we knowall those years of losing were reason,, Sorry I dont have the link

    1260 just has a Jax guy on and said the reason Del Rio was not fired 2 years ago was the "buy out". ....

    And the fact the owner, Weaver.. wanted Tebow for marketing at least... And did not get him.

  9. I'm not defending Caldwell, just saying that it won't help the Colts to fire him now unless they think there is a chance the coach they may want will be snatched up before they make a move for whoever that may be. Defending Del Rio on the other hand is ridiculous. We're talking about a guy, that while brandishing a shotgun, beat the daylights out of a Hall of Famer from his own team during the 87' strike.

    His teams won with physical play, .. oh and Leftwich and Garrard... :P

    I mean really now, this IS a QB driven league and Del Rio at least had his team competitive.

    If the team does not have the QB then YOU must play GREAT D and run the ball, or be very lucky. :D

    Bottom line, we here in Indy don't know WHO has been drafting for the Jags. Because they, like Indy, are suffering the same fate. No talent.

  10. I agree, I think most organizations would have fired Caldwell after the New Orleans game. It was more than clear he gave up at that game. The only problem is until the season is over one of Caldwell's assistants would be promoted to head coach, and they may be even more incompetant than him. The good part is they would be excited to get the job and add new energy to the team. But I can understand waiting until the end of the season. This season is completely lost and the organization will have to wait until the end of the season to find a permanent head coach.

    Indy knows Manning is NOT coming back, healthy or not.... The Colts NEED the #1 pick. Luck is a player, and will come right in and play well.

  11. Just because you can fire a guy on the spot, doesn't mean you should. How well have the Jaguars performed in the last, say, 10 seasons? Any division crowns or Super Bowl appearances? How many trips to the playoffs? If their front office is so much better than ours, why did they just grant an extension to a GM that has built a perpetually mediocre team? Hey, at least Del Rio was always emotional and fired up. That's the sign of a good coach, right?

    We have had one horrible season in 10. We have been one of the three best teams the last decade, and the best in the last 5 (2 Super Bowl appearances for Colts and Steelers, but Pittsburgh missed the playoffs with healthy teams).

    The best course of action is continuity. We will deal with this seasons' problems when a better plan is in place in February. We will also continue to be better than Jacksonville when it's carried out.

    Jax has been winning more than not with ..... Leftwich, and Garrard.

    Indy on the other hand has had the best QB in the NFL.

    I think Jax and Del Rio have gotten a lot more out of his team this season than Caldwell has...

  12. Del Rio shoulda been gone 2 years ago, and if you think the Jags are a better run org they welcome your support

    Del Rio always got his team to play hard... Can Caldwell say that?

    Del Rio and the Jags year in, year out ... ALWAYS gave Indy their toughest games of the year.

    All that said, Del Rio probably had it coming... BUT, ... Why in the heck does Caldwell, who makes no attempt to switch anything up, keep his job?

    This ORGANIZATION is VANILLA AS VANILLA gets. I'm wondering IF anyone in this org. is capable of making an adjustment.

    Caldwell NEVER deserved the job in the first place. And now he is keeping the job having done basically nothing. Except, show how bad a clock manager he is?

    What has Caldwell done to merit respect?

    Manning's reaction to the most *ic TO in NFL history says it all.

  13. Polian has all ready come out and said Caldwell has done a fantastic job. He is not going anywhere and I would not be surprised if nobody gets fired.

    I think at minimum Coyer and Rychleski need to be fired.

    Caldwell is GONE. IF Manning doesn't come back. He has a "chance" to come back if Manning returns, AND Manning gives him the OK.

    Personally, I can't see how Manning would want to come back to this team as is. We shall see.

  14. I was very disappointed to find out that I would not be able to watch the game today. Since I live near Ft. Wayne, this has never happened to me before during the regular season.

    When I looked at the coverage map, I saw that the game was televised in North Carolina and South Carolina and in the Indy and Evansville viewing areas.

    Now, I know that some may consider not being able to watch a Colt's game this year to be a blessing. But, I was very sad. :( I wanted to watch this game.

    Just wondering if anyone knows why this game wasn't available to a larger portion of the Indiana viewing area. And, if this may mean that I will not be able to watch any further games.

    Although, missing the Colts/Patriots game would probably be a blessing.

    The Colts broke into an already saturated NFL market back in 84. Lions, Bears, Browns, Bengals, and Packers all in a very tight radius.

    It took Peyton Manning and a lot of winning to win the favor of the FW market.... but they never took it over. Loyalties in this sport are tough to break. FW was "Never" a "Colt" market.......

    And this is a reason Irsay will not pizz around about correcting this mess.

  15. I agree with you here. While I personally believe we do have a number of talented players, there are certainly a lot of areas that need to be addressed. That's why I'm still unsure as to whether or not we should draft Luck first overall or trade the pick and get a multitude of selections to help our team

    I see it unfolding like this... It is totally up to Manning to decide his fate with the team.

    1. If he is not healthy the Colts will release him. And draft Luck.

    2. If he IS healthy and feels the team can win, Indy will trade the #1 pick and go for a final run with Manning under center. (I hope this happens, but I truly feel Manning will retire)

    3. If he IS healthy and feels the team CANNOT win in the near future Manning will request to be released... and Irsay will do so.

    A trade involving Manning is not even an option, the Colts would still be stuck with his cap hit.

    Peyton holds all the cards. His health and HIS attitude towards the state of this organization will ultimately determine his and Indy's future.

  16. Injuries are always part of the game. Football is a violent game and injuries are an unfortunate byproduct. That is why the good teams plan for injuries through superior drafting, selective use of trade and free agency and good coaching. The Packers won the SB last year with 18 players on season ending IR and the best managed teams like the Steelers and Giants manage to play well with injuries. Most agree that our coaching staff is hands down, the worst in the league. That is not the sole or the main reason, IMO, why we are losing. It is more the players and their lack of talent of this year's roster. Even without Manning, there no way a double digit winning, AFC championship appearing team from last year should suddenly morph into a 0-for the season embrassment in less than one year. Even if we did lose the great Manning.

    I dont believe Belichek or Harbaugh or any coach could win more than 1 or 2 games with this collection of "talent" that is the Colts. We have demonstrated on the field that we cannot compete even with the Jags. We lost to that team that literally had off the street WR (Dillard) and a no name DE had 2 1/2 sacks. We werent even competitive with them, so that is a darning indictment of our lack of talent.

    We can blame poor coaching for some of our ills, but, the the glaring lack of talent is the biggest problem we need to address.

    This team is lacking talent in 2 areas.... QB and CB. I am convinced this team has the talent to win 6 or 7 games if they had a coaching staff that had half a clue. This team is SO bad currently because they have QUIT on Caldwell. And it is obvious.

    Indy got blown out in week one, the next five games Indy was in every one of them and a play here or there and they are 3-3. Against he likes of Pitt, Cincy, and TB. This team was very competitive early... then they just quit. And that is on the coaching staff.

    The NO game was the clear sign this team no longer was buying what Caldwell was selling. And here we are at 0-10. And I don't see this team winning a game the rest of the year. Unless Caldwell is fired, and that won't happen. Irsay will keep him to ensure that the franchise gets the #1 pick.

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