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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. I am one of the biggest fans of Peyton Manning out there.

    I have never seen someone turn a franchise around, and keep it competitive

    For so very long.

    He is a hall of famer for certain.

    But...... I personally dont expect him back. (even though i wished it werent so)

    There are 2 problems.

    1) Peyton has had his 3rd surgery in a little over a year. On Sept 8th when he had the most recent surgery, he opted for the surgery that would speed up the healing process. It was quoted by several sources that he would be back in 6-8 weeks. Another source said he would be playing in 8-12 weeks.

    It has now been 17 weeks.

    He reportedly will probably fail a physical this week. After 2 other surgeries, that were completed that also failed, it appears from the surface, that this last one is not on track, and may also be a failure.

    With NFL QBs a significant drop in velocity can change a great QB to an average QB or worse.

    I remember watching Bert Jones go from a great player to an average player, after losing that velocity.

    (i realize that a rotater cuff surgery is different than what Peyton had, but both surguries may impact velocity of the football)

    90 percent healthy doesnt cut it in the NFL for a QB, nor should you pay that much money for what may now be an average NFL QB.

    2) This team has huge holes and aging vets. I know we dont approach the league like Dan Snyder with

    FA's, but 28 million would go a long way to rebuilding our team.

    I hope i am wrong, but unless Peyton restructures, and makes an amazing recovery, I don't see him here next year.

    I'm not sure... but I think Irsay mentioned the word "rebuild" in his press conference. I don't think this is a ringing endorsement for the return of Manning (healthy or not)

    I think this is going to be a clean break.

  2. I respect you, you at least come in and post why you feel the way you do, which is all anyone can ask. Others just scoff, and pass by, but you will come in and defend.

    But that little quote is what it all comes down to. I understand people want to look for a bright light in a dark season, but in everyones haste they prowl around using terms like "Great" "Top in the NFL" etc. and that label belongs to no one on this team. Regardless of how you look at it.

    You cant sit here and say over and over how 'feared' these guys are, the same thing pertains to every other player in the NFL. You dont think when the Ariz Off cord. is setting up a game plan, he's not 'fearing' or 'planning' for Chris Clemons/BrThis isn't 2004 anymore, teams aren't quivering in fear of Freeney/Mathis, they are exploiting them.

    ock/Red when he goes to SEA?

    Thank You... And @ 19m per year I would exoect a tad more than what DFREE has produced... In fact Mathis deserves the big contract. OH well.... Iraay is the genious.;.

  3. It hasn't been his best season by far or even close to what we expect out of him but it hasn't been horrible either. Probably not a pro-bowl worthy year but Freeney isn't the first and wont be the last player to be voted to the pro-bowl when he didn't really deserve to go. I am not worried about the number of tackles, we don't pay Freeney to make tackles we pay him to get sacks and while the 7.5 is about 2.5 lower than where it should be it's still not a horriable year.

    Frankly I think Saturday should have gotten some pro-bowl love this year, he had one of the better years in his career. Oh well probably makes up for last year when he didn't really deserve to go. Also Conner deserved as much of a sniff as Angerer did but both are pretty young and it's hard to make the pro-bowl that young on a losing team. They always say it takes you 3 years to finally get to the pro-bowl after you should have gone and you stay 3 three years past when you should have stopped going. Bethea just doesn't get respect outside of Indianapolis and because of his nature that's probably the way it will stay. McAfee is a victum on being a really good player but in the same conference as probably the best punter in football in the Raiders guy and since they only take one punter it's going to be hard to unseed him.

    Mathis is puzzling one, if Freeney went you would think Mathis should have gone oh well just boils down to he's not as big of a name as Freeney and when you are 2-13 one Pro-Bowler is about right.

    Mathis is the "one" player on this team i give a pass on. He always gives MAX effort and is 30 yards down field chasing RB's down... because Freeney can't keep his "lane"... hehe..

    but seriously... DFREE and Mathis have not been "good" DB's for a very "long" time.

    Mathis at least runs his butt off to make a play... Freeeney..... if he whiffs on the QB.. oh well....

    Dwights stats outside of sacks are quite sad. And ANY Colt fan who has watched this team the last ten years can see the "swooping" non containment of DFree and Mathis..... Containment... yes "CONTAINMENT" has cost this team dearly in the past.

    Freeney is a HOF on passing downs... just watch him on the others. And tell me he is?

  4. Why the resentment for one of the best players in the history of the sport? Peyton has never been paid one cent more than he is worth. Complaining about his salary is akin to saying that you simply don't want this team to have a top QB. Boring and counterproductive considering that he is already here and that the league requires a top QB to have any measure of success now-a-days. But just for arguments sake, what exactly do you want to see happen? Do you want Peyton gone so they can free up some cash to - I don't know - sign Albert Haynesworth for 10 times what he is worth? I PROMISE you that ANY free agent that comes here is going to be overpaid. That's how free agency works, and it's NOT how you build successful teams.

    To the original question, I've read that Gonzo has had nagging injuries all year. They haven't played him because they don't need him to push himself past injury (and risk worsening it) in a year where there are three other healthy receivers and fewer passes being thrown. They know what he can do, and he has tons of talent. To those of you who expect him dropped like a stone at the end of the year, I suggest that if he manages to stay healthy he may actually be Reggie's replacement. IF he is healthy, why invest another high draft pick at WR when there is one sitting on the bench. There are too many other areas that need help, and it's way too early to see how this will play out. Personally I think that tight end is a bigger concern.

    "resentment"... ??? how about ....... Reality?

    This league is a business after all right? Manning has played "zero" downs in the last year and a half.

    Look here ... I do want him.... but not at the expense of the franchise. ....

    I totally see PM redoing his deal ...

  5. The salary cap is going to handcuff just about every team this year. People who think these free agents are going to get these huge deals and moving to new teams are in for a surprise. Most of them will be back with their original teams for less money than they'd hoped.

    While PM stashes 35million in his back pocket.

    just saying...

  6. If peyton returns it is business as usual. Unbelieveable we could think that Peyton would be bad for us. We are going to get new blood for the team and finally it will not be the bottom of the barrel as we have in the past 12 years. Anyway what has given you the idea we would go out and buy free agents now? we haven't done it yet and I do not think you can teach an old dog(Polian) any new tricks. although I would loike to see it

    Manning healthy... I would think he restructures his contract.


  7. Peyton cripple us? Peyton returning is the best thing.

    OK.... lets see "who" this team keeps via FA If Peyton is retained. It will be "NO ONE" unless the "position player" wants to take A "HOME TOWN DISCOUNT" ...

    Don't kid your selves.... Peyton's cap hit if kept will be a third of the teams cap money.

    That said ........ I am, fine with it... :coltslogo:

  8. If they're foolish enough to ditch Wayne, then unfortunately we're going to need a WR.

    The thing with Hughes really messed up the rhythm that Polian was trying to establish. I imagine some recovery effort will be made in that department as well. And of course theres the secondary....

    Isn't that up to Wayne if Manning is to return? I mean seriously.... Peyton is due to "CRIPPLE" this team if he is retained. It means NO FA activity whatsoever.

    And most likely... not bringing our own back.

    darn I can't wait to see how this soap opera concludes.....

  9. Anthony Gonzalez has been suiting up for the past couple of games.

    He's not inactive

    Why isn't he playing? Jerry Hughes has more playing time than he does this season....

    If Gonzo, Addai, Diem, and a few other are "retained" ... I will get pizzed. This Org. has talked about "culture" for a long time. the "Culture" of getting a ride because of injury NEEDS to Change.

    If you can't get on the field ..... Then U need to be bye bye...

    Period. this team is in transition,... it can be very smooth or the Org. could make it very ........cumbersome.

  10. For those of you who want us to lose the last game, all in the name of a player who hasn't played a snap in the NFL; all for a player who is not a member of this team you (claim to) love, nor a teammate to the guys we cheer for every week... shame on you.

    Watch this video. See the elation of the players who ARE Indianapolis Colts. Guys who have proven themselves in the NFL, and who give back to the community we are all privileged to be a part of. These are the guys that matter. Many of these are the faces we need to re-sign. These guys want to win:


    You want them to lose? You are going to cheer for them to lose to get a guy who's not as good as any of them right now? You want that joy to drain out of them so we can pick up a guy who won't play with them? A guy who won't bring them back from this losing season because many of them will be gone by the time he plays, or will be cut to make room for his contract?

    I'll admit, I understand the complaints about Coach Caldwell more than the ones cheering for a loss next weekend. The players, on the other hand, seem to think of our coach differently. While on the same video page from the link above, check out the thumbnail video titled "Caldwell postgame locker room speech."

    That's a coach with no emotion, remember. That's a guy no one has respect for. He has no understanding of the game, command of the locker room, or any of the intangibles to inspire others. He's just a puppet.

    I guess the player response in that video is more proof we need to lose on purpose, not only to concern ourselves with a non-factor QB, but also to get that guy in the circle fired.

    As an aside, I am aware that everyone who types on the internet can have an opinion. But that doesn't mean everyone should type that opinion, or receive a pass for that blanket reason. These are human beings. They aren't products or services of a business. The brand is, sure, as is the memorabilia; they, on the other hand, are men. They play to win. They care about the guys who are there now. We support these guys because they are the ones driving the franchise we cheer for. We are not players, and I get that. We shouldn't think like a player, right? If that's true, then that also means we shouldn't decide what's best for the team they play for.

    I won't call anyone a pretend fan for hoping we lose. But they know, as well as anyone with a shred of perception, that they are no better than the man they blame for pulling the players in 2009.

    This may be the first time I have ever agreed with you Doogie... hehe..

  11. It's not a matter of forcing the team to keep Manning because they will keep him anyway so long as he is healthy because he is our best option to win in the short term. Who we draft as a future replacement is independent of Peyton's status with the team and his presence will not keep us from also addressing the position going forward. Irsay confirmed as much last night. The only thing that would keep Peyton from being a Colt next year if is he doesn't come back healthy. Don't get caught up in what the media has been trying to stir up. Irsay squashed some of that nonsense last night.

    I don't think Peyton will be too hip to playing for a team that is drafting his "REPLACEMENT" with the first overall pick... one that would land this team "4 #1draft Picks according to Mike and Mike" This team gets an instant upgrade if they trade the pick.

    If Indy gets to pick first, I do not expect Manning to be with this Colts next season. Manning holds the cards. He decides "where he plays next season"

    And if this team is not full bore to improve around Manning then I am convinced he will not be here, and Andrew Luck will be QB'n this team next season.

    Do all of you really think Peyton at 36 will be willing to stick around for a full bore rebuild with his replacement ON THE ROSTER?

    It won't happen.

  12. This looks like it went as well as you saying the Colts were tanking before the Pats game

    You don't think so? They had one competitive game (Carolina) from NO to NE... and NE would have beaten Indy into pulp if not for letting off the gas. They had a really bad stretch of football. But they turned it around...

    and I give credit to everyone on the Colt staff. It is impressive to go through the season they went through and turn it around. I love it personally.

  13. This looks like it went as well as you saying the Colts were tanking before the Pats game

    This team has really impressed me since the Balt. game. But lets not kid ourselves now... the last 2 weeks have been some good ball. Against Tenn, and Houston (who had NOTHING to play for) The Colts were totally getting their butt's kicked mid year.

    Common sense would have told anyone after the first win there will be a let down. BUT there was not... and I like to see that. It tells me this team does in fact have a ton of pride. Which I was doubting.

    Rock on Colts.... Win one more and we can put this Luck ^cowpatties^ to rest.

  14. Just heard Freddie Coleman talk about this on his show saying the Colts will get the 1st pick based on SOS. Who else is rooting for a loss against the Jags? We've come to far guys, dont blow the best QB prospect in over a decade.

    The Best QB of for how long? Who has never thrown an NFL pass... Sorry but I'll take my chances and take a "broken down Manning" over the "hot shot rookie".

    Rodgers 23 pick in first round

    Brees Second round

    Brady Sixth round

    Roethelisberber teens first round

    Cutler teens first round

    You don't need the 1st pick to get a "great" QB.

  15. Pocket presence, not folding like a lawn chair under pressure, not going 3 and outs as often to keep the D off the field and the O on the field - those were my biggest complaints with Painter. Orlovsky should be the 3rd QB and not Painter next year if they decide to carry 3 QBs, which they will if Manning is the top dog and they draft another one; especially knowing that the No.2 and No.3 can be elevated to No.1 and No.2 very quickly.

    I watched a lot of Detroit games in 08 (for fantasy purposes) and he played pretty darn good. Their D was just SOOO bad. And this preseason it was easy to see DO was the better QB than Painter. This organizations stubbornness is sometimes really frustrating. This team would have 5-8 wins had DO been QB the whole way.

    This organization is a circus right now. I hope Irsay gets off the keyboard and takes a good hard look at the state of HIS team currently.

    And make according decisions.

  16. This means Caldwell will be our coach next year how stupid are we cheering for a win when Caldwell is our prize.

    Caldwell is guaranteed nothing, and I for one want some change.... That said, JC has kept this thing together of late when it v ery easily could have fallen apart. I guess if he returns Indy could do a lot worse.

  17. .....There's that 6 1 /2 thing again..

    ......have the Colts topped the spread 3 weeks in a row?/

    I sure would like this better Indy it it was 7 1/2..especially with Houston on their 3rd QB

    ..and on the road on a short week...

    ...But we are a field goal machine!!!..take the Colts to cover again.

    The Colts will get blown out this week..

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