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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. You may have wanted another team but I read this interesting quote..

    From an economic-impact standpoint, the game on Feb. 5 presents a better opportunity for local establishments to maximize revenue than if the Baltimore Ravens or San Francisco 49ers had advanced, experts contend.

    The NFL estimates Indianapolis will draw 100,000 to 150,000 visitors who could spend $200 million over a 10-day span.

    No kidding... IBJ whoever was on DD's show the other day and stated the "dream" matchup was a Boston vs NY clash. For obvious reasons.

    Good for Indy... and this town will Rock the SB, and I guarantee barring a blizzard Indy will get another.,,,

  2. I also concur....the funny thing is no matter how you look at it PM lead us to glory and in every respect he (being gone) lead us to this NO 1 pick heh.

    In 10 years we will all look back and think how "LUCKY" Indy was to have our franchise leader get hurt. It saved this team 10+ years of "rebuilding" on the fly.

    QB is everything in todays NFL.... We (Colt fans) will see this in the very near future. When Manning is gone, we already have actually.

    I think Indy hit the lottery getting this seasons #1 pick. I was all for trading it ... but not now. The more I have watched and read about Luck. He will be a blessing.

  3. John first let me say, I always enjoy your posts. They are always thought out very well.

    I actually have no particular preference when it comes to coaches except I think he needs NFL experience. I can live with Zimmer, but not Tress (you know I would if I had to) :) I know that Zimm has no NFL HC experience either but at least he has been in the game and has proven he can lead men. He turned around a pretty bad Cincy defense and has been in the NFL for I believe 14 years.

    Tressel ball Beating teams like Indiana, (no offense) Ohio, Kent state, and Cincy along the way to winning a National title does not a superbowl make.

    this is what I don't get... Jim T will NOT come to ANY pro team and run a "ground and pound" college O..... Because he will have a QB better than Krenzel, Pryor, Smith, or who ever.... and when he had Smith and Krenz OSU ran a "Pro style" O

    Tress is a very smart man, he would surround himself with "Pro level" coordinators.. I would thik Cam Cameron would look good as Colt OC... or as DD and Kravitz said today.. they think who ever is hired ... Clyde is back.

    It will all work out...

  4. Dungy.... "I think Jim Irsay has his man in mind. It may be Jim Tressel, that's what I'm hearing."

    Grady and Big Joe said the same this morning.

    DD has no "inside" info but thinks it can happen. And Tress would be a good choice.

    JMV in his normal "gloom and doom" lose Manning and make an unpopular hire and nobody in Indy will ever attend another Pro FB game again. "THIS IS AN ASININE THOUGHT"

    I like JMV but he is so off base here. Andrew Luck and W's will make Indy forget about one PM real quick. See Green Bay or SF for reference.

  5. I just heard John Clayton report Tressel will get another interview for HC. I'll be on board if selected (I'm a Boilemaker, but Pro foot ball fan first). I don't want him messing with the O or O staff too much, but HC and peeking in on the D, I'm good.

    I bet Purdue fan would embrace a "Gold and Black" sweater vest? ahhhh?

    Unless this is a really involved smoke screen, I think Tress will get a shot. And he is deserving as anyone.

  6. I think the key is that he's a very successful manager. He won't be play calling the offense or the defense he'll be managing the team. I think they need a no none sense DC and an innovative OC. If Grigson can fill those two roles then Tressel makes real sense here. I'm a Michigan fanatic and as a Colts fan, can compartmentalize the fact that I hate OSU and what may be best for Indy is the former HC at OSU. Jim Tressel is a motivator and a good guy who made a mistake. He could be as good or as I suspect, better than he was at OSU

    Right On..

  7. I cannot believe the arguments on here over Tressel. Look he was a good college coach no doubt, but he has no NFL coaching experience. Do we really need a rookie GM, rookie QB, and rookie coach? If they decide to draft Andrew Luck or any college QB for that matter and rebuild this team, you will need some form of stability.

    We need a savy veteran coach with NFL experience that can put this team back on track. Just like Grigson stated "they want a leader of men" well Tressel is not a leader of men in my opinion. How are you to lead men when you cannot even lead yourself in the right direction?

    Throw Three rookies into situation like this one and you usually get one big mess that just does not wipe up easily.

    I bet every team looking for a coach wants this...

    WHO? Those who are unemployed are unemployed for a reason. And the ones with no experience have not been given a chance.

    WHO? would make you happy? Cowher? Brian B? Gruden?

    WHO? In my mind Indy is looking at Zimm or Tress.. and factually they are the most realistic candidates. Outside of the "savy vets" who don't want to get into the grind again.

    Bring in Zimm or Tress and surround them with a "savy vet" NFL STAFF and Indy will see a winner real quick again.

  8. At the very worst, he is Marty Schottenheimer and the very best he is Coughlin.

    I'd take Marty right now... even @ 68. He has NEVER had the gift of a true "stud" QB. Yet always wins.

    Oh a very young Rivers, who SD kicked a "very young" Brees to the curb for. .... Marty goes 14-2 and loses by 3 in the playoffs to Mia and gets fired by the "genious" AJ Smith. Who traded a SB winning QB in Brees away for an unproven one in Rivers.

    Wow.. i totally forgot the whole SD Brees vs Rivers controversy. Looks like SD got the right coach... heeh.. Turner and the right QB.. Rivers.

    Marty would have had a great run for the Chargers if they just would have stuck with him. AJS and the Chargers have gotten ecaxtly what they deserve.

  9. I've been a Buckeye fan my entire life. Before Terrell Pryor, the Buckeyes did run a pro offense with quarterbacks such as Todd Boeckman, Troy Smith, Craig Krenzel. The nice thing about Tressel is that he's willing to adapt the offensive play calling to the quarterbacks strengths. However, his best track record came from running the conservative pro style offense.

    He's a players coach, which is evident when you look at the allegations against him. He covered for his players stupid choices, many of which had something to do with money, which is not an issue in the NFL as players are paid handsomely.

    I'm all for Tressel as a head coach.

    Everyone on this board blasting Tress know's nothing about him.

    Get your sweater vests ready. I'll take an extra large please.

    Put yourselves in Irsay and Grigs positions.. and you have interviewed all the names mentioned for the job.

    and Tressel or whoever blew them both away, (which is what has happened, I guarantee it.. Tress that is) And duds like Childress and Morningwig just did not give them the vibe Tress did?

    What do you do? You hire him.

    I will trust the "new establishment" ... Lets hope they get it right.

  10. Irsay has told the pilots to just fly all over the country to mess with us trolls on the message boards who track his plane at 6:55am :)

    This is probably the correct answer.

  11. Just announce the coach already Irsay.

    Yep, I think the Colts have known who they will hire for some time now. JMV has said "several" potentials have declined to even interview. Jay Gruden included, this tells me that something was / is already cooking.

    I can't wait to hear the news.

    My wish list NOW.....



    and after this .... unless a "known" is hired I think the Colts will be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Don't want Marty M, Childress, or any OC who's QB is Brees, Brady, Rodgers... (fools gold I fear)

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