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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. I am just curious as I am not very familiar with the draft history of QB's but do you think that one, two or three years later it will not be possible to draft a QB who can be very successful with the Colts (no matter if drafted at #1, 10, 18 or 63)? I am not convinced that these "once-in-a-generation" prospects really come up only once each 15 years when I look at all the different QB names that won SB trophies - especially one who can win his 4th SB although drafted only at #199...

    And what is Luck supposed to say? I mean, Irsay made it very clear that he will thoroughly go through the process whether Luck or RGIII fits best.

    Andrew Luck is a big kid.. 6' 4" or so, 230 or so... BUT runs a 4.7 or so 40. Ran a "Pro Style O" at Stanford and RAN for 7 td's and a long run of 58 yards. This is what I LOVE about him, he can really move. I am sick of hearing Herm E and some of these other * who keep singing the "NFL is changing to a mobile QB tune" ... really? Name me one "running" QB who won a SB..... Steve Young. Doug Williams was a drop back passer, and after him... Staubach is closest.




    I am just impressed with Luck to no end. Put "talent" around him at the the skill positions and ......

    Look out.

  2. I always really enjoyed watching Albert Bentley, Jeff Herrod, Jason Belser, Rosie Potts and Zack Crockett .. (For one game, darn that SD playoff win in 95 was epic)

    And I really wish Emtman would have stayed healthy... 6 games into his rookie year and a 90 yard TD INT return of Marino and then bammmm! Torn knee, and game over.

    But my all time fav. will always be Harbaugh and the 95 Colts... they gave Indy it's first "taste" of BIG TIME NFL..... That season and playoff run I will never forget. And they did it in the playoffs without Faulk and Potts (the best backfield in the NFL that season). IMO

  3. Will you be disappointed if Irsay picks RG3 instead?

    Good Lord yes... RG3 played in the worst defensive conf. in the BCS. I like Russel Wilson better truly... He played better competition, did it for 4 years in the ACC and Big10.... Only thing holding Wilson back is his height..... He is 5' 11".. and RG3 is what .... 6' or 6' 1"... really...??

    RG3 is a HUGE unknown...

    Luck is the best college QB I have ever seen. He plays with NO skill position players that will be drafted in the first 4 rounds. He runs a 4.7 40. He is "Manning" brains with "Elway" legs...

    Luck is a no brainer. That is why I think Indy just totally hit the lottery.

    AND THEY KNOW IT.................

    This is truly one of the most unique situations in NFL history...

  4. I'm thinking Manning is still number two next to Farve espially after Farve sent thos pics of his "trophy" to some gal. Every day there is Manning on sports shows everywhere. Who has ever recieved this much gossip, rumors and pressur to talk about what is yet to come in a career in ANY sport?

    It's not even close.. the drama queen Brett 4"arve was 24/7 on ESPN...

    It was disgusting...

  5. Perhaps the 'Luck Camp' are a bit more mature than the 'Manning Irsay' Camp, and do their contemplating behind closed doors?

    There is more than enough drama going on for any one organisation without a 'possible' draft pick adding to it all.

    Or maybe he's having a break from it all and is holidaying in the Pacific somwhere!

    If the decision goes down and Manning is released there is a lot to lose by both parties "if viewed as the bad guy" "public perception is huge" ..

    We see it in full effect every day on this board.

    I know it's simply business, but some take it very personally .... thus the back and forth from both sides. It's just not as simple as "We love you PM, you are now a FA".. This is a very touchy subject with the "FANatical" fan.

  6. Id be fine with starting new with Andrew Luck. The guy is as sure thing as it gets for an NFL prospect. Plus we cant risk 28 million dollars on a guy we dont know will be healthy or not.

    Plus we could do so much with the money we save in the long term from releasing Manning like signing big name FAs.

    I don't like that idea... "big name" FA's anyway.... they rarely pay off. Just draft wisely, and don't overpay DE's 19m for 18 tackles a year... and Indy will be fine.

    By the way... I think Indy is "LUCKiest" team in NFL history. Lose the best QB in NFL history to injury, and suck bad enough to land the "biggest QB prospect" since.................... Manning.

    Years of bad "LUCK" in Indy and now finally the last decade and looking forward are .... dare I say Lovely looking... :sun:

  7. I am starting to think more and more that some "BIG" decisions have been made for some time now.

    Remember Eli and Elway... coming right out and stating "don't draft me" "or else"....

    The Luck's have been eerily silent.... I wonder if there have been some behind the scenes "negotiating" going on?

    Think about it, if there was ANY chance Manning is back in Indy wouldn't one think that the Luck's may be a little squirrelly about the prospect of sitting for a "few" years?

    But they are stone cold quiet. While Peyton and Irsay are jockeying for "image points" When the whole thing goes down so “they” won’t be viewed as the “bad guy”….

    I just feel if Manning were a realistic option to return to Indy I would think that the Luck camp would not be happy about sitting for a LONG time.

    Am I just silly or what?

    They do have the same agent.... Luck and PM....

    Personally... I think It's a done deal, Manning out ... and Luck ... Welcome to Indy.

  8. It don't even matter to some in these forums what Peyton or Mr. Irsay have to say! They aparently know more than Peyton or Mr. Irsay himself! Pessimists look at everything negatively. So if something positive is said they will still look for something negative with which to rebut. And some people are just legends in their own minds and so full of themselves that they actually believe that their opinion is the only right one. Mr. Irsay said, in the article "Complicated Medical Matter" on Colts.com, that the date in march could possibly be adjusted. "Anything's possible if two parties choose to get together and do that. I don't think that's something that is an impossibility by any stretch." He also said

    “I’ve said from the beginning, it’s a two-phase medical aspect,” said Irsay. “Can he return to play at a really high level? (That’s) what his expectations are. That’s the only level he wants to be. Can he drill it (50 yards) in Foxborough in January when it’s 10 degrees outside? Is he going to be back to the highest level, the Hall-of-Fame level, he expects to play at? The second issue always has been the health and the risk of going back onto the field. They’re two separate issues. They’re complicated issues.”

    The bottom line is today's NFL is a QB driven league. And Indy won the lottery by ......

    ok .. oNe more time... "SUCKING FOR LUCK" ..

    The only guarantee in this whole can of worms is that Indy will draft Andrew Luck.

  9. I thonk this is city's business.

    I thought of naming a sector in LOS after him.

    In Hungary buildings, geographical sites can't be named after a living person...so I personally wouldn't like to see LOS renamedd... brrrrr

    If you got the $$$ you can do whatever you want in the US...

    Manning will get a statue first, then I truly believe he will buy a % of the team from Irsay... Manning will be a Colt forever.

    At least I hope...

    Even if he goes and plays for another team... it happens to the best of them. Montana, Unitas, Moon, Stabler, Tark, Favre, Warner, Esiason, McNair, Cunningham, Namath....

    Age, injury, and "circumstance" do not discriminate when it comes to smart business decisions.

  10. I would rather hear from the people whose job it is to evaluate Peyton's rehab. To me, they are the docs, the trainers, and the coaches involved. I hope Mr. Irsay has assembled a like group of advisors on whom he can rely for accurate information on which to base his upcoming decision.

    I would consider anyone who is not part of this select group, including Peyton's teammates, and various media pundits, to be biased.


  11. And by the way... I have yet to read anyone say they wish "Manning was out the door"

    None of us do.... but reality will dictate Irsay's course of action in the next month. And to some the writing on the wall is more than crystal clear.

  12. I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

    Forgive me for discounting his opinion, in favor of what the doctors and coaches that advise Irsay may say.

    Right on Frog, sometimes logic isn't so logical to some.

    Would any of you expect "ANY" other type of opinion on Manning's health from any of his mates regarding his situatiion?

  13. Thank you, Doctor Dee.

    Not a doctor but i have had nerve damage to my lower left leg from the knee down (drop foot) and Bell Palsy to the right side of my face. My nerve in my left leg only came back at about 20% and that happened at the 6 month mark, no progress occured prior or after that. The Palsy I got Very LUCKY with... the nerve came back 100% in 3 months.

    I'm no doctor but I guarantee you I know far more than most on the topic.

  14. This is why people are saying Irsay has already made the decision. It is a long period of time for the recovery and if they are not sure about Manning's healthy at this point, there is almost no way they can know it by March. Even September could be kinda early to tell, not to mention Manning will not be tested in severe game conditions until a real football season begins. So actually this is not a decision related to Manning's health indeed.

    Exactly... I have said it time and time again, a nerve can come back in a matter of a couple of months or it can take up to 3 years. The longer time goes by the greater the probability of the nerve NOT coming back slowly grows....

    And "not that far off" when in the context of a nerve healing can be a matter of a year or two.

  15. We all know what Mr. Irsay said in regards to Peyton returning to the team.

    He said, if Peyton is healthy, he will be a colt.

    With the $28MM option bonus due on March 8, it seems there will be a decision made before then, on whether Peyton is "healthy" enough to remain a colt.

    I have 2 questions for you:

    1) What do you think "healthy" means to Mr. Irsay?

    2) What do you think "healthy" should mean to Mr. Irsay?

    If you have a hard time quantifying that, I am providing a multiple choice for you:

    a) Healthy means Peyton is back to 100% of his pre-injury form.

    b) Healthy means Peyton is back to 80% of his pre-injury form.

    c) Healthy means Peyton is back to 70% of his pre-injury form.

    d) Healthy means Peyton is back to something less than 70% of his pre-injury form.

    I am sure Irsay's definition of "healthy" is a QB who has not had 3 neck procedures and is free of nerve damage.

  16. Look I am not going to lie. I love Peyton Manning and I am beyond grateful for what he has done for this team and this city. However, I see Peyton Manning for about three hours a week on a television for about a half an hour or once or twice a year in a stadium. I am not going to pretend to feel some kinda close bound to him and that him not being a Colt would ruin my life.

    Don't get me wrong. I don't want him to leave. I don't want to see him released and playing for someone else. I would hate to see it all happen. With that said as someone who has lost a family member in the past year to death (not that anyone was saying that losing Peyton Manning would be like that) I am sure I'll move on from it.

    I've said this before about football and I think it's worth repeating. If the Colts losing Peyton Manning is truly the worst thing going on in your life be grateful. You have a good life.

    With that said I understand people being upset. No one likes the idea of him leaving and I agree as a sports fan this has to be in the running for the single worst sporting year in history a fanbase has ever had to go threw. It is just a sport though. Nothing wrong with posting on an internet forum for football though that you don't like the move or you think it's a mistake or that you wish it didn't have to come to that. Those are going to be normal reactions. I am just seeing a few people in my opinion going over the top with it and I am just suggesting maybe it's worth it to keep things in perspective here.

    Right... The bottom line here is that IF Manning were 100% healthy there would be NO debate as to his future. But he IS NOT, It's just smart business to part ways. The combination of Manning's health, the pending bonus, and the opportunity to draft Luck = the path Indy is on.

  17. Why is that? I'm just curious as to why you think this. :???: It's just business and I'm sure Jerry Jones would like another chance at a SB.

    There are 10 or 11 teams in the NFL that would not be in the market for a 36 year old Manning (who is a huge injury risk at this point in his career.)

    Romo is not the problem in Dallas, Jerry Jones and that sorry D is.

    Plus Romo is only 31 years old and in the prime of his career.

  18. Jerry jones is not convinced with romo, he put a waiver claim in for Kyle Orton. This means he is not a full believer in romo, other than the contract implications of romo and that he would face Eli twice, everything about this makes sense. They are manning away from winning a SB. Manning can win one in any of those 7 except Arizona which is why they were last.

    Romo is going nowhere...

  19. Just got done watching a segment of M&M and of course the topic is where might PM go when/if he is cut next week (from Schefter's mouth). They went through a bunch of places with Arizona fitting the bill of what Manning would be looking for. They mentioned Seattle but dismissed that being someplace he would like to go, not sure why thats the case. Here is what I see:

    AFC North- I just can't see him wanting to finish up a career in any of those citys with possibly the exception of Baltimore and I think Baltimore would be wise to stick with Flacco in the long term rather than flirt with a short term Manning trial. No way in Cleveland and the other 2 teams are set at QB.

    AFC East- Again, I can't see him going to play 2 games a year against the Pats for the division win. I don't think it will be good to have both Mannings in New York either so I don't see that working out well. Also a lot of outdoor cold games to be played, who wants that?

    AFC South- Houston has a very good QB now, Jax won't spend that kinda money IMO to get him but would be interesting although they too have kinda been in rebuild mode for awhile now and MJD is aging. Tennessee, well I think this is the place to go if he goes anywhere and will discuss at the end.

    AFC West- Chargers have a probowl QB now so no. Radiers are the raiders and have a lot of money and 1st round picks lost to their qb's now so I don't see that a place he would choose. Denver could be a dark horse landing spot if behind the scenes, the bosses really understand that Tebow is barely good enough to keep them in games at best but is a marketing tool. So is Peyton and he is a winner on and off the field. KC would be an intriguing landing spot as well. They have a very nice structure their. Good RB, nice defense, players coach, history of football etc...

    NFC North-Green Bay, why discuss it.NO! No to Detroit, very solid QB already in place. Chicago could happen but again, your playing a lot of outdoor cold games and the Bears have a disfunctional front office/owner situation IMO. Minny, MEH, I just could imagine it but it is a possibility. He could have Charlie Johnson protecting his blindside again :)

    NFC East-No way does he play on any team that could upstage his little brother, not at this stage in his career. No way!

    NFC South-Tampa Bay is the only spot I could see him landing, the other teams have their guy already in place. That team seems to be a cesspool of talent though IMO. Don't see it.

    NFC West-I could see any one of these 4 teams bidding for his services but only Arizona and San Fran having PM taking a serious look. St. Louis is a mess and I wouldn't want to spend my last 3-4 years trying to resurrect a team in order to acheive the pinnacle of his sport, a SB win. I guess I could see Seattle putting a serious push for him. Owner has the money if he wants to pay it, the team overall seems workable and we have all seen what a healthy PM can do for a garbage team.

    So my overall thought is Tennessee would be the team, if offered, that Manning would choose to go to. 1) its his home away from home and look at his worship from his college days. He would own the town day 1. 2) That defense is solid 3) he has a good oline there 4) a top shelf (weird) RB 5) and just an organization that would bend over backwards for him. I cant believe talking heads have not even mentioned this stop as a posibility.

    1. Tennesee

    2. KC

    3 San Fran

    4. Arizona

    5. Seattle

    6. Tampa

    7. Minny

    8. Chicago

    9. Jets

    10. Miami

    Thats my list in order but I am hopeful the number one destination is either Indy or retired as a Colt!!



    San Fransisco


    In that order.

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