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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. the giants always have jpp osi and tuck on the line when their rushing the passer. why cant we do that with freeney, mathis, and hughes. seems like a waste to have the kid just play sparingly and we can include nevis on the line with those three since he can pass rush as well. just seems like an idea that could work on say third and long so we can get very quick pressure on the qb instead of always having to rely on freeney and mathis. i want us to start getting creative on defense.

    I think it is no dodging that to win BIG a strong OL and DL is needed. And a NYG man was on Irsay's hit list but I think he declined. Not sure. Ross maybe? Whatever...

    But I think RG brings the same attitude to Indy. He was an NFC EAST guy, and they won a lot in the NFC EAST.

    Indy will be fine after we get through the next 2 months and can finally plan a course of action. Because until a Manning decision is done... The franchise is in limbo.

    But I think these "BIG" decisions have already been made. Or they should have...

  2. Well it's an offical NFL off-season. Every year his name comes up for NFL openings. He's yet to take one or even be offered one as far as I know yet his name always comes up.

    yep, I know... he had a son at Iowa playing football... but I think he has graduated. I really like Kirk F, and if he was hired I would not be disappointed. He is a very "nuts and bolts" kinda guy. Strong OL and running game and strong up front on D..

    And he has won kinda BIG @ IOWA..... not an easy place to win at.

    OH, and he pumps his kids into the NFL yearly on the OL... I would not mind this at all.....

    Probobly wont happen though...

  3. Not going to be easy, or popular in some cases, but there are a lot of short goodbyes that need to be said.

    Well I agree, and in reality... It is just time to cut ties all together. I have a feeling Peyton and Irsay will sit down and come to the right decision. Which is that if Peyton does keep playing his best chance to win in the short term is NOT in INDY. UNLESS, Indy plans on trading the #1 pick. (Which is what I want to happen) But lets all face it.. for the long term best interest of the franchise picking Luck is what NEEDS to happen. And if it does Peyton will not want to be here.... Would YOU?

    I have a feeling Peyton will be in SF or NYJets next season and the Colts will be Manning, Mathis, Freeney, and Bracketless in 2012. It is probably the best thing to do but .... darn I would love to see Peyton in Colt geam for a bit longer.

    I just hope IF Manning is not going to be a Colt that they can get at least something for him..... But March the 8th is set in stone unless Manning changes it. Very savy negotiating by Manning and his agent. And kinda poor actually by the Colt organization to let themselves be put in such a SPOT.

    Oh well, at least we have the #1 pick...

  4. If we draft Luck, consider Peyton gone. Luck has already stated that he will not sit behind any one. If we draft Luck, the defense will have to wait for another year or two to get any help. If we draft Luck, the offense will get all the good draft choices. If we draft Luck, the Colts will be low man in the AFC South for a long time. For all of you talking up Luck, remember that Stanford did not win the PAC-12, Oregon did by kicking Stanford's butt. In Stanford's bowl game, they barely won. If Luck is so good, explain that to me.

    ahh , up past his bed time... .. don't forget his baba...


  5. If we draft Luck, consider Peyton gone. Luck has already stated that he will not sit behind any one. If we draft Luck, the defense will have to wait for another year or two to get any help. If we draft Luck, the offense will get all the good draft choices. If we draft Luck, the Colts will be low man in the AFC South for a long time. For all of you talking up Luck, remember that Stanford did not win the PAC-12, Oregon did by kicking Stanford's butt. In Stanford's bowl game, they barely won. If Luck is so good, explain that to me.

    Link please....

    Andrew's "post game comments" were of this nature...

    "such is life"... and "I will make the best of it" ,,, or ... "work hard"

    ??? where is the ultimatum?

  6. In order for it to be a deflection of resonsiblity some how means I am resonable for our woes back then which I wasn't. I was just one of those poor saps who had to watch Jeff George's career here and it was awful here. I've said he had plunty of help but he never came close to being what we thought we had when we drafted him which made him a bust. Yes he went on to hae a couple of nice years after he left here but those years are not enough to justifty him being a top overall draft pick.

    You are pretty much arguing to argue and I am done with it. Had Jeff George panned out the way the Colts had hoped when they drafted him they would have never been in poistion to draft Peyton Manning because they would have been winning. They weren't thanks in large part because they had taken Jeff George in the draft and he was a bust. Was he the only problem? No but he was one of the biggest. If you view history differently fine, you aren't going to find many who agree with you.

    Yes, JG was a bust.. and most depressing.... I really think George had the total package.... and along with it came the Godzilla EGO.

  7. I don’t get it, why all the controversy? We started a few years back asking the question about finding Manning’s replacement…well we now have the opportunity to grab it. I don’t understand all this talk of release Peyton, get picks for him or Luck. Why isn’t this just a talk about how we got a replacement for down the road? Would we still have all the debates if we were talking about something other than the #1 overall? Why is it such an issue to go with Peyton for the next 2 years with Luck as backup and revaluate again then?

    You have no idea how powerful the EGO can be....

    On the young and old... This is a situation Irsay would love to "have" , but he best "avoid"...

    Peyton is in charge here.

  8. ...and before anyone jumps on me, i do not expect anything like that to happen...but at the same time, dont say that no one would give up a first rounder for Freeney...they did for Richard Seymour, and he was never as good as Freeney in my opinion

    Rich Sey was "looking to get paid"... Dwight "IS" getting paid... They are very different situations.

    And Seymour is the more productive.. comical aye...

    Polian certainly did ink some conracts that ... did not work out.

  9. I wouldn't freak out too much about Freeney's cap number. I am already hearing rumblings that the Colts are going to extend his contract to bring that cap number down to something like 13 mil. Still a lot but hey 6 mil can probably get us a player or two off that list.

    You are right something is going to have to give and that could be players like Brackett, Bullitt and maybe even Clark (although you have to bring Tamme back for that and probably Garcon or Wayne before you can release him).

    From a "strictly business" standpoint. Peyton will be cut.

    But from the team Owner's point of view... "Is PM healthy?" If so.... No brainer... He is a Colt...

    Or is he?

    This has been my stance all along... This is all "Peyton's call"... Not Irsay's, NOBODYS.

    Irsay has laid the groundwork here. Archie has laid the groundwork here. Peyton's contract dictats a "decision"...

    It i time.... as Jim Irsay stated........ "for CHANGE"

  10. especially when the score is the other team a lot and the Colts still trying to get a first down.

    Honestly we spent so much time behind this season that the other teams defense could just pin their ears back and come that's hard for pro-bowl tackles to stop let alone rookie OTs who are trying to learn.

    I remember watching Glenn almost get Jim Harbaugh killed his rookie year. He learned though and it sure paid off for Manning. I have faith the same will happen for Costanzo.

    Perfect example... Tarik Glenn... A Colt HOFer...

    He was certainly not a #1 NO BRAINER LT for ....

    ummmmmmm... help me... I'm a tad drunk.\




    Whatever.. ,, T Glenn retired a Colt HOFer,

  11. Not to mention Polian is gone now, the new GM might not give Hughes as long of a rope as the GM who drafted him. Hughes already cost us one good DE in Chick I'd hate to see him cost us another in Mathis.

    I want a coach to come in and .... "at least experiment" ...

    Put J Hughes @ LB and lets see....????

    this is my whole problem with this season... They just acted like :"same ole same ole".. @ 0-11

    darnit, try something off the beaten path.... Try a 3-4.. and ummmmmm maybe make an

    adjustment. :excited:


  12. To get everyones min off of Luck heres a difference. But here are the free agents we should keep.


    Pierre Garcon- He has proved to be a young threat.

    Jacob Tamme- The same as Garcon.

    Philip Wheeler- He has shown his skills and IMO deserves a roster spot next year.

    Jeff Saturday- Has been the staple of the OL for years

    Robert Mathis- He doesnt get injured and is a very consistant pass rusher

    If affordable then keep

    Jamaal Anderson- i like him as a good runstopper and a good inside pass rusher

    Reggie Wayne- have always loved him but with Garcon and his age its an issue

    Ernie Sims- he is a good LB and i think we can keep him for cheap


    Jacob Lacey- he is very inconsistant but can be a decent nickle when he plays good

    Jerome Felton- he helps brown but if he left then we have Mahaffey and vise-versa

    Ryan Mahaffey- same as Felton

    Tyler Brayton- he is very similar to Anderson but hes old and Andrrson is better

    Quinn Ojinnaka- he is a versatile player who isnt bad but is replaceable

    Dont waste money on

    Terrence Johnson- is just an atrocious player

    Anthony Gonzalaz- he isnt worth the money for how much hea on IR for

    Golly... I wonder how much Peyton's #, added to Luck's # will add up too? Just off the top of my untrained head...

    OH,,, and lets not forget to factor in DFree's 19m next season...


    If it all goes down... Indy is "IN CAP heck" ....

    Someting will have to give... This will be the most interesting Colts off season in many years.

    Go Colts.

  13. Not the best arm.....Not the deepest completions..

    ..but he completes passes.....Very competent...and calm...

    You have to see the comparisons to Manning..

    But I would not want him to start as a rookie...

    If he is drafted #1 he should be starting from day one....

    I will give a bit of my memory concerning the Manning vs Leaf debate...

    Don't let anyone tell you a lie... most evryone was 50/50 on who was better. I prefered Leaf simply on "physical ability" ... He blew Manning away. He won big games, and Ryan L "portrayed" a solid leader.

    Manning in college had "superior" talent around him. PM threw the ball 10 yards and Pearless Price or "whoever" would take it the distance. Or maybe Peyton handed it off to Jamal Lewis.. to "loosen the D up" ...

    Draft day I was a bit disappointed, BUT once Manning spoke... Indianapois was "won over" ...

    And I remember vividly.. Mannings FIRST several games as a rookie....


    Fast forward one year. Manning was a different player. (actually the second half of his rookie year) I remember an interview with Manning and he said ... "in the NFL you have to deliver the ball with "PACE"....." Meaning zing it in there.

    AND the rest is history.... Peyton was by NO MEANS ... A NO BRAINER.

    Neither is Luck, but he "looks pretty darn good" .. :coltslogo::lombardi:

    And I think it is safe to say.... that with "Luck he is no Leaf"..


    Rock on Colts ... It will all work out.

  14. I personally think he would be better suited for Right Tackle after watching him play this year. He could grow but we need to solidify our line.

    Golly... I wonder what Manning's "lightning quick release and laser rocket arm may do for the OL?" .... Anthony Munoz would have had trouble protecting C Painter and DO....

  15. He played pretty well...I don't see any All Pro's, or even Pro Bowls in his future, but he looks to be a starter for the next 10 years.

    As for sacks. Just going off the sheet.

    2 to Mario, 1 to James Harrison, 1 adrian clayborn (rookie), 1 Micheal Johnson, 3 Chick/Mincey, .5 Johnson, 1 ninkovich, 3 Suggs, 2.5 Mincey.....

    So he allowed about 15 sacks this year. In 12 games. The 4 games he missed, our LT gave up about 1.5 sacks to KC/Cin/NO/Tenn in that time..

    So after looking at this, I think he still has a lot of growing to do.

    How can you make a statement like that about a "rookie" who played hurt, while blocking for C Painter and D Orlovsky?

    Peyton Manning made this whole team look like "All Pros" and look at them "now" ... I think if Manning is under center behind this line Indy is in "very" good shape looking forward.

    AC is one of the "bright" spots on this team .....

  16. With a new GM and possibly a new head coach how many of you think that our philosophy of not signing big name free agents will change? I personally hope it does to an extent but nothing like the Eagles or Redskins are akin to doing.

    If the Colts keep Manning, and draft Luck... there is no way Indy signs any "name" FA's. Only the "undrafted" type.

    Mike Chappel discusses here on 1070.... fourth podcast down on the Grady and Big Joe Show.


    It is just unrealistic for Indy to keep Manning and draft Luck and "expect" to be competitive.

  17. If it was to happen like this, I believe it would hurt us than doing good. By "someone" coming out and telling us to trade the pick, teams will know that we are desperate to get some value for the pick and will try to lowball us. If we will/have to trade the pick, I hope it doesn't go down like this.

    Wrong, multiple "teams" would want the pick... thus a bidding war... The Lucks telling indy not to draft him would have no impact on other teams desire to get the pick.

  18. Here is a scenario I been thinking about...

    Trade #1 to the Browns (assuming they are in love with Luck) and recieve the 4th and 20 whatever and perhaps their second rounder also.....

    The Colts would take Luck first, trade him to Cleveland (if RG3 lasts to #4) .. then do the trade....

    I doubt Cleveland would do it, but this would be a lovely thing for the Colts, keeping Manning and letting RG3 get seasoning backing up the GOAT.

  19. If Irsay pays Manning the 28m bonus, then I totally see Oliver Luck telling the Colts to trade the pick or he will not sign. Andrew Luck will NOT sit for 3 or 4 years. The great thing about that potentially happnin is it takes the Colts off the hook for not drafting him and trading the pick.

    And I expect, if Manning is healthy, the Colts to trade the pick. If there is doubt about his health the Colts will release him.

    It's simply... :)

    And I just can't get past Irsay's press conf.... Talking about change, fresh start, rebuild.... I think he is preparing us for life without Manning.

  20. Manning walks healthy, watch a hefty portion of the fan base walk. If he is healthy and Irsay pulls a stunt like ditching the man that built this team up, I will walk and follow Manning because its idiocracy to let a player like Manning walk away to another team.

    Mr. Irsay, you will loose my respect.

    The NFL is a business. And successful businesses make very "tough" and "unpopular" decisions all the time.

    And how do YOU know that Peyton is NOT the one who would saying ... "release me" ??????

    QBing San Fran or the NY Jets looks a lot better right now than Indy.

    And like the aricle stated... Manning and Luck have the same agent. Archie has thrown out the "Manning" stance. Add it up. These two are not going to be on the same team. ANd Manning on the open market will break the bank.

    It will be one or the other. And I would bet it is Luck. Simply because of the uncertainty surrounding Manning and his neck

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