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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. Or at least on this booard that would suggest what it has come to.

    I cannot believe some of the posts on this board pitting Peyton fans and Luck fans against each other. I cannot open one thread without at least finding something, with underlying sarcasms about it.

    Have we really gotten to the point where as fans we are that divided? Shouldn't we all be united as fans of a great "TEAM"?

    Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would. He seems I like a great guy and by far one of the best QB prospects since Manning himself. It is not personal, football is a business and just like any other business things tend to change.

    Just last year on my job a good friend and colleague of mine for many years was replaced. Well the new guy did not receive the best of welcomes, I was holding on to the past to tightly and felt bitter. " No way this guy could be better I told myself "

    However once I got to know him, and gave him a chance he turned out to be a great person. We are now very good friends. It was because of this change that I had the opportunity, for that is what change does it presents opportunities.

    All I am trying to say is change can be a very good thing. It does not have to be the "perrennial" end of the world.

    "Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it."

    "Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat."

    Sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening to an old fart. :)

    wow... an adult seeking adult ,mature Colt chat on a Colt message board?


    You are kidding right?

  2. It is inconceivable that the Colts and Manning would enter into a contract - with a special provision built in for the sole purpose of protecting the Colts in the event that Manning has a problem with his neck - in which that provision has to be exercised blind because the team isn't allowed to watch him.

    Common sense dictates that the purpose of the CBA in this case is to both prevent teams from forcing players to "work" during certain times of the year when the union has negotiated to allow them NOT to work, and equally to prevent a team from gaining an unfair advantage over other teams by performing football activities with their players at times of the year when other teams are not. Without these provisions teams would be forcing their players to work 24/7 year round.

    They can't force Peyton to work out, they can't institute a new play book in February, but the thought that they can't "observe" him throwing a football on the eve of committing to a cap crushing contract based largely on his being able to throw a football is just insane. How could that possibly be?

    What did Indy do Last Year.. er... Peyton's contract? LAST SEASON..... ?

  3. The day that Irsay or anybody else in the front office starts making decisions based on Internet fan polls is the day that I become extremely worried about the future of this team.

    You probably need to HOPE BB can hit on a few more draft picks...... than he has lately...

    Gronk, Hern, Mayo...... and ..... ???

  4. will the results be delivered to irsay on a purple velvet pillow? :)

    i don't care if you are jim irsay, bill polian, ryan grigson, mayor ballard, or some random homeless guy, i don't think anyone wants to see peyton gone.

    still i wouldn't sign on to any poll or petition, because it's up to irsay & manning

    This is the jist of the situation.... and it is not a common one. But in the end there really is only ONE alternative;

    Andrew Luck never stared Elway in the face, or Stauback, or Bradshaw, or ..........Montana already had Young on the roster...

    It's just a very unique situarion....

  5. That makes no sense.....If he's working out and rehabbing at the Colts facility, how can they not be allowed to watch him throw???

    That makes no sense.....If he's working out and rehabbing at the Colts facility, how can they not be allowed to watch him throw???

    the Colts know exactly where Manning stands "health" wise.

  6. I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of it, but my understanding:

    The city wanted to expand the convention center and that is why the new stadium. They wanted that space.

    Indianapolis is a fabulous place for conventions and had the opportunity to really shine in an international spotlight with the super bowl being such a resounding success.

    Whether or not you feel it is worth having an NFL franchise or the super bowl in Indianapolis........the city seems to feel it is beneficial

    Indy has "dominated" tge

    I do not hold a grudge towards Irsay, but anyone who had to sit through the Jeff George years is allowed to hold a grudge as long as they wish IMO. If you question that, then you obviously were not a fan then. imagine trading to draft a guy touted as the best thing ever and he ends up playing like Painter....for 4 years LOL.

    Hnmmmmm Who ran the team "then"?????

  7. It's my understanding, and I'm not going to provide a link (too lazy basically) just what I heard on the news, is that the city itself lost $800,000 hosting the Super Bowl. It cost the city almost $8million (half of that solely for security) to host and they received approx $7.2million in revenue. That figure doesn't include what the local businesses both in Indianapolis and surrounding counties made from hosting the event though. I have no reason to discredit the $150million influx that was stated. You also got to look at the building of the JW Marriott and all the other construction and money generated from hosting the SB also. In the short term it might have "technically" cost the city money, but in the long run it was an extremely profitable event for the city's businesses and I'm sure they will jump at the chance to host another.

    good grief....


  8. Yes..he acts rich....and he's Mr. big boss...a fancy suit wearing big shot who tweets too much

    ....but he's got a way about him that makes him seem like a good guy.

    You never doubt he wants what's best for the team and he seems to enjoy hinting with the people about what's going on.

    He clearly likes to be quoted and he's got a crazy charisma that Mitt Romney would kill for...

    Plus.he's going to leave the Colts to his daughters......

    How crazy is that.?

    Sure dude would be "cool to dunk a few with"...

    But.. do "you" want him running "our" team?

    He had a shot early in his "career" ....

    Just sayin.

  9. The Colts are the front runner to get Peyton Manning. Period.

    Peyton has made it clear he wants to play... yet almost nobody has got a good look at him "in action" .. Isn't this a red flag? Manning is obviously not right... RIGHT NOW. Indy simply cannot wait to see how he is in August. Too much at stake with the first overall pick.

    If Indy were picking anywhere other than 1 or 2 I think the Colts would most likely take the chance and roll with Maanning. But the risk is far too great with a Andrew Luck or RG3 staring the team in the face.

    A very unique situation.... But the smart move is to move on...

  10. http://walterfootbal...m/draft2012.php

    I love the selections for the Colts in this draft! Getting Poe in the 2nd and Hosley in the 4th are steals!!! The only thing I might change is the 3rd round pick of Joe Adams to Jared Crick.

    I follow Nebraska football and Crick is not a player we want... Since Suh left he has been a huge disappointment. Actually Dennard CB or David LB/SS are the best Husker defenders and they would step right in and start.

    I really love Lavonte David he is a straight up monster! He is undersized but he is a playmaker. Also if Indy starts using a FB Rex Burkhead would be a great get also off the Husker roster.

    I would love the Colts to address NT and DB in rounds 2-4, Poe and 2 CB's or S's who can play would be lovely and fill glaring needs.

  11. Here was Mayocks top 5 last year

    1. Blaine Gabbert, Missouri

    2. Jake Locker, Washington

    3. Cam Newton, Auburn

    4. Ryan Mallett, Arkansas

    T-5. Andy Dalton, T.C.U.

    T-5. Ricky Stanzi, Iowa

    T-5. Colin Kaepernick, Nevada

    T-5. Pat Devlin, Delaware

    dont put too much into it

    Yep... Todd McKiper had Gabbert #1 also last season.

    2 years ago Kiper LOVED Clausen over Bradford...

    Nobody know... nobody can grade a persons heart and work ethic.

    Jim Harbaugh on Luck 15 months ago...


    I am sick of hearing clowns like Herm and Kordell constantly saying "the QB position is changing in todays NFL" "to a mobile QB" Really? Mobile QB have always been the "shinny new thing" in the NFL... Young, Stabler, Staubauch, Bradshaw, Montana all QB's who could run... but were better passers. And the "great" passers get the rings....

    Rodgers, Brady, Eli, Peyton (if healthy), Rothelisberger, Rivers, Ryan, Brees ya .. the game is moving to a running QB. NOT.

    The game is moving to a Passing league and QB's who can "move in the pocket" a QB like Rodgers and Brees who can get the cheap first downs is just icing on the cake.

    QB's have got to be able to stand in the pocket and throw downfield.... PERIOD.

  12. March 8th is his due date, but it seems he would prefer to know sooner rather than later. I think he knows what is going to happen and would just prefer the process to be quicker than dragging it out.

    some season ticket holders want to know before the deadline to renew is up... March 3rd or 4th or something like that...

    Some think if Manning is released there will be a mass exodus of season ticket re ups.... I don't think so howerver..

  13. Either way, if you cut him or trade him, you will still have a remnant of $5MM cap hit because of the bonuses he received back in 2007 and 2008.

    Superman will have to address that in his mock roster.

    Are you interested in doing a mock cap?

    Mock cap ... eeehhh no way.. it makes my head hurt to crunch that many #'s . hhehee

    But something has to give.. can't keep Manning, DF, Mathis, Wayne, Brackett, Clark.. Of all those names I think only 3 max and possibly only 1 will be back.

    I think Mathis will be resigned, Clark... from what I read there is no cap relief cutting him so I think he stays. And I think Brackett will get reworked.

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