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Everything posted by DougDew

  1. Does the narrator say that MPJ was open when he needed to be open (when Minshew is supposed to look for him within a particular play design)...or does it just show MPJ running open in general? There is a difference that most fans and many internet analysts don't understand.
  2. A receiver has to be open at the right point in the route though. It doesn't do much good unless he's open at the point of the play where he is the read and the QB is looking at him. Is Pitt the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd read on that play? Being open before that point or after it doesn't do much good, and the fan has no idea when that point is, typically.
  3. This may be Pittman's first game of his NFL career where he played with another WR that is a legitimate target for the QB. He's seeing what it feels like to share the load, something that should be looked at compared to other high priced receivers. For example, Higgins has Chase to "compete" with for targets. Pitt has had nobody, so his production should be looked at with that lens. I can't comment if his statement was out of frustration from the loss, or a bit of concern about what his numbers will look like for the rest of the year if Downs continues to impress and even Pierce looking like he can be more consistent. Pitt could be seeing that landscape and is letting his true feelings come out under the stress of a bad loss. Its also kind of a bad look when these young players might possibly each have had the best games of their young careers, for Pitt to come out now and say that he wants more.
  4. It would seem that our LBers and DBs can't cover very well.
  5. I feel bad for you. I developed sciatica in the past few months. But mine happens only when standing. I can sit lay down and even walk for about a half mile until it builds up I Can’t imagine your situation where you get no relief at all. I also have better appreciation for why folks can get addicted to pain killers but I try to stay away from that stuff.
  6. That was later in his tenure. I was talking about early on when he signed the center and guard he was fighting the dead cap hits from some of the polian players. I want to say bracket and kelvin hayden among some others He won exec of the year but then the fans seemed to quickly sour and blamed the oline. He drafted a c and g and they didn’t work out either. And signed cherilous who got injured Other moves didn’t work out But I thought the criticisms were more of the typical whipping boy forum atmosphere that seems to alway pick out one person as the blame for everything. I guess the guy at the top is an easy target but there are more reasons for failures than that In addition to being called grigsons son, I’ve also been called a Frank apologist I guess I always say things that look like I’m defending actions when I’m really just pointing out the stupidity of some of the attacks.
  7. I’m not concerned about ars long term future (relative to this shoulder injury). It sounds like something that could heal back to normal function over time, so it’s not really a functionally limiting injury The surgery sounds like it’s being done to help the healing process and to secure the shoulder better to prevent future injury I think the chances of him not fully recovering is pretty low. I would not look to draft a top qb
  8. Seems like it. Pm runs around until Kelce finds an open space or tyreek breaks off and runs deep. I often wondered why ried/bienemy got credit for great coordination when out-of-structure play was a huge reason kc was who they were i think it’s more structured now. And kelce seems to be less dynamic by a swift-ish margin this year. and I think overall they are less explosive this year but still very good. Their defense has gotten better from the early mahomes years imo.
  9. If the goal is out of structure play. Then why not just throw the structure of the play book away if it’s about one read then “qb do something” and receiver “ find open space”. it doesn’t seem like better offensive coordination. It seems like it drifting towards the absence of offensive coordination
  10. I thought the tone of the criticisms of the satele and macglynn signings were mean spirited when the salary cap issue constrained how much grigson could spend on fas. Especially when these and similar moves were said to be responsible for getting luck killed to point out the facts about the salary cap constraints impacted signings and how lucks own on field play contributed to his issues was characterized as me looking for reasons to defend grigson. When the forum culture was to blame nearly everything on grigson. the summary of hookers analysis was that he was elite at centerfield play but needed development to be a more complete player. It was a free safety thing to a point. But it’s also the first example of Ballard overvaluing ceiling and perhaps ras-ish compared to complete football player. And also vontae was breaking down and I thought drafting a shut down corner like marlon Humphrey was a better use of pick 15. So the hooker pick failed about three different ways by my count Especially compared to the forum euphoria of thinking Ballard stole a player that other gms passed over, it set the stage for me to have always lagged support for Ballard compared to most. I engaged you because of an implication that I didn’t care for Ballard before he got here. Meaning I was going to be butt hurt over anybody who replaced grigson. No If the next gm made efforts to replace the aging left tackle, edge, wr, and corner that we had with grigsons teams, i would have supported him from the beginning. Its been 7 years and it looks like only one of those has been secured. I have hope for Pitt, ap, and paye, but each looks to be a clear notch below the players we had during the grigson era. That statement is neither a defense of grigson or an attack on Ballard. It’s just the facts.
  11. Are you sure. I haven’t seen anybody saying that we should not have taken him. Or are you keeping score from what people said last spring and are now comparing that to what they are saying now? Honest question.
  12. I remember the time when qbs like joe Montana or Steve young could meet Dan fouts or Dan Marino in the sb. Not that it ever happened. Two different style of qbs and two different offenses both playing at a high level. now it seems every team needs qbs that are closer together in style with less variety
  13. I’m still interested in seeing what Sam can do with the full support of the fo and several games with which to make some mistakes and not get yanked. minsjew makes 4 tos and he starts the next week no slight to minshew. Just want to see everybody during this season.
  14. No. I would characterize that as a difference of opinion. But. It would depend upon how it was worded I’m saying that folks would go to the mat attacking Samson satele and mike magoo etc like it was some injustice rhay were here and ignored the talent at more important positions. Some of which grigsy inherited overall. I’d say that I like the gigsy teams better than ballards teams. Leaving the qb out of it because that skews the rest. Knowing full well that grigson inherited many players. liking the construction of grigsys team does not mean I am defending him as a gm. It has to do with what kind of teams I think succeed in the nfl. That has always been the basis of defending anything that grigs might have done and not supporting what Ballard has done. Not who the better gm is. I have not ever cared about that.
  15. I didn’t say that I thought mjh would be a typical nfl wr. I said that I think the difference between bowers and the typical nfl te will be greater than the difference between mjh and the typical nfl wr. but that’s just speculative opinion at this point. If the colts end up with mjh it will be a good thing.
  16. Dabears had Bobby Douglas. But he was white. todays qbs have to still be great passers. But maybe not every throw so between their wheels and their arms, the nfl is starting to look like a boxing match between two opposing superhero’s with a bunch of rotational role players filling in the other positions. if you don’t have the superhero. You’re not even in the ring it’s evolving away from being interesting Jmo
  17. Perhaps. I think his opinion is still looking after what’s best for the franchise. But I don’t think he would dictate to a player about what to do with his body then again. What was his vax position for wentz. Lol.
  18. Poor word choice on my part to say that irsay decided it. I think in the corporate world, words from the ceo carry weight anecdotally if you recall the convo polian and dungy had over the ultimate Dallas Clark pick. Irsay pops in and says I don’t know what you will do but i would take the tight end. Polian said that ended the discussion right there So when irsay is the spokesman for a decision. It makes me think he weighed in on it. And now the matter is settled.
  19. You’re spending a lot of bandwidth describing what I thought back then. Satele/Shipley. Werner. Toler. Walden. Filling the oline with vet free agents the salary cap allowed us to afford. Who got luck killed lol. Trying to give luck weapons instead of rookie blockers. Many attacks on specific rg decisions were way off base and were kind of nitpicky, IMO . And because I mentioned how baseless they were while not joining in on those attacks gets read as a defense of everything the man did. It did then and it still does to this day i knew nothing of Ballard. The hooker and Nelson valuations and picks dissipated any potential love for the guy then. I’m not biased. I’ve never called for moving on like some others I’m just still waiting after 7 years to find something to love about him. except finally addressing the lt position
  20. I may be included in this group, or some may think you are including me in this group. So to set the record straight about what when on before Ballard got here as it pertains to me. I have been accused of being RGs son, because I basically defended him over what I thought were attacks about stuff that didn't matter. He got beat up for the performance of our #2 corner (when we had a shutdown guy on the other side) and a couple of interior lineman (when we had an excellent LT). RG took a lot of attacks over having average players in positions that didn't matter, meanwhile, having a QB, LT, #1 and #2 WRs, an EDGE, and a shutdown corner. Yes, he inherited some of those, and all GMs have legitimate bad decisions, but attacking him over Samson Satele, Mike Magoo, Greg Toler, and Erik Walden seemed like unjustified attacks to me. Compare that roster to the Corners, Edges, and WRs we have now and the attacks seem even more petty. And look at how much investing money into the interior oline, (what Grigs was mainly criticized for not doing), has gotten us closer to the SB. Its been 7 years, and I'm still waiting to see proper talent at the positions that matter. Yawning as I turn the channel to another game. Jax turned it around quickly when they got a franchise QB, two Wrs, and an edge. How fun. This is the way I would say what you said. (not including you in the group) I think some people have an agenda to praise Ballard, and it goes back to before he ever even showed up.
  21. It wasn't a pull for a confrontation. I wanted you to read the stuff about Ron Meyer and how he never warmed up to Tony Eason because he thought he wasn't "a strong guy" and would have a problem absorbing NFL punishment. You reacted to my previous post so I just wanted to fill you in. I'm sure you have seen the ESPN 30/30 show about the 1983 QB draft. I should have said why I included you, but my posts tend to be long as it is. I know nothing about AR in this regard. I'm simply saying that stuff like that is typically considered by NFLs FO....if they don't just go off the stat sheet and RASs. And the only possible connection to this topic and AR is that AR has gotten hurt enough to miss multiple games by what look like fairly non-extreme hits. Does his college experience suggest that he has the body to withstand NFL punishment...which could be the difference in drafting him pick 4 and starting him right away or drafting him in the second round and sitting him a year to get stronger...or did he play so little as to not have a decent data set on the matter? So a part of ARs injury situation could track back to Ballard and the decisions to make AR the starter, IMO. Questions that we'll have to wait until next year to answer. I hope he recovers quickly and hits the weight room to the extent necessary, and comes back better next year. I like him as our QB aside from the injury bug.
  22. It helps to have experience in following NFL players, GM and coaches comments, and how they look at players. I understand if you don't have much. @NewColtsFan Anecdotal: Ron Meyer, HC of the NE Patriots at the time, was disappointed when he was shut out of the Pats 1st round QB selection process in 1983 when they picked Tony Eason, QB, Illinois. Its on the ESPN 30/30 show about the Elway/Marino draft. Meyer said" I didn't want Eason because he wasn't a very strong guy, and I questioned if he would be able to stand up to NFL punishment". Eason was 6'4" and 212 lbs...very good sized for a QB in 1983. But not very tough-bodied. And Eason pretty much got beaten up out of the NFL. So see, NFL personnel guys do think about stuff like that. If....IF...it turns out that AR is simply..."not a very strong guy that can't stand up to NFL punishment" ....then I'd wonder if Ballard thought about AR the way Meyer thought about Eason.
  23. Not his fault for what? I don't think you are understanding what is being suggested.
  24. I said this earlier. Most college QBs that are picked #4 have a demonstrated history of playing time in high school and college to show their bodies can handle punishment. The players who have bodies that can't hold up are usually weeded out as NFL prospects because they can't play enough college ball. They play ball, and they build up an injury history. Its tough for one of those players to build up an injury history if they don't play much college ball. Not saying that AR isn't built good enough, but there seems to be an oddity of how often he can get hurt by routine plays that you wonder if Ballard did full due diligence in that aspect of AR. If he didn't, then drafting AR #4 is certainly his fault. At this point, we don't know that the Colts dealing with a pick 4 QB on IR is Ballard's fault. But it could be.
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