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Everything posted by DougDew

  1. How many times in a season do you expect that difference to show up? I thought Moss broke a long run this year too?
  2. You take this football forum way too seriously then. I'm not going to seek out the "credentialed class" for links about football stuff...especially obscure stuff about when the Owner and Frank had a discussion about his play calling in Carolina. I've got naps to take. I based my opinion upon the information I read, I didn't make it up. I assure you that my opinion is correct about 90% of the time about everything in life if the information is sound to begin with. I only bother to be sure about it when it really matter to me. Goodness, what do you people spend your time doing?
  3. Honest question. In your observation, what is the incremental difference between JT and Moss?
  4. I agree. I thought signing JT when we had Moss made little sense to me as a football move. As star power, I understand. I don't know that his trade value would be any different. JT wasn't going to take the field unless he had a new contract...IMO....so any trade partner would have to incur some long term guaranteed commitment...devaluing his price to us.
  5. Great. Build the team with more Buckner transactions. We'll run out of cap space very quickly with that route. The value of the first and second round picks is that you might be able to get all-pro play in years 3 and 4 while still paying them rookie deals. Then you can buy a vet or two at the trade deadline to bump your talent during a window. We've never gotten to that point because our 1st and 2nd rounders have played like 3rd and 4ths, except for the few that have the injury bug coupled with high salaries.
  6. I have no idea how many games Ballard expected the Colts to win. He knew it was a nonplayoff year so he sold Gilmore.....like many are wanting him to do now with other players. You sell vets when you think the season is a wash...not because you think its a contender. Fans are now catching up to Ballard's position.
  7. I think Ballard probably did it to accommodate Irsay, who I think was getting pressure from the media about letting an NFL star languish on the sidelines. I don't think JTs salary is that big of a deal for the next three years. Ballard probably feels like its going to take at least two years before we are realistically going to compete in the AFC. I'm more concerned about what he does with Moss at the end of the season than JTs salary for the next 3 years. I could see Ballard letting moss walk over price, and I think that would be a mistake.
  8. Whatever level you expect them to achieve is not relevant. I threw out SB to make a point. Lets not turn the convo into that. Your assessment of the Colts chances to win a lot of games is/was higher than Ballard's. That's why you disagree with him trading Gilmore.
  9. But your prediction was probably made after Ballard traded Gilmore. Ballard traded Gilmore because he figured we would NOT be in AFC South Title contention even with him. You probably did think we would be with him, as indicated by your posts a few minutes ago.
  10. Reportedly, the Panthers strategy limited HOU to only 9 offensive possessions all game. Apparently , the new play caller is even less dynamic than Frank.
  11. But you often post like we are primed to go to the SB. Even Ballard doesn't think that, and he's built the team.
  12. Trading Gilmore was a sign that Ballard did not expect to contend for the AFC South Division title. Why do fans expect us to contend when the FO didn't even make the necessary investments this year? He's obviously invested for the future, not the present.
  13. Those players are not all-pros. They are exactly the mid-tier players Ballard drafts, no matter what round they are drafted in. I'm not getting excited about the Rodney Thomas's playing like how Malik Hooker or Anthony Walker play within a fully talented D. A team needs those mid-level players, a lot of them, but its the upper echelon guys in impact positions that drive teams deep into the playoffs. We haven't had any since Luck, TY, Mathis, Reggie, Vontae and maybe AC....the late Grigson years. Broken record. I'm still saying the same things after 6 years. Still waiting to be able to say something else.
  14. Luck would be 5 years older likely with multiple injuries by now. Lets not cry about him not being here in 2023.
  15. Agreed. Teams sell good players for mid to late round picks. 4th rounders or less. We already have enough of those kinds of players on the team. We need to hit on multiple first round picks. Not just 1 top 10 pick this year.
  16. That's Irsay's need for Star power. JT is the only thing that remotely keeps the Colts interesting in the eyes of the national media. AR was promising but it wasn't enough.
  17. If most the players listed were to find jobs on other teams, they would be signed for mid-level FA money. And we'd get a 4th to 6th round comp pick. I don't think the poster is talking about late round players playing like mid round players or mid round FAs. Nobody is an all pro outside of the easier positions to find...a G a ILB and a RB. IN 7 years, Ballard has drafted only mid level players, no matter what round they were drafted in.
  18. I would never say whether Steichen wanted JT or not, as a matter of absolutes. His words behind a mic isn't going to be revealing either, because if Irsay was driving the bus and wanted some kind...any kind...of star power on the Colts (and the media treats JT like a star) and caved and signed JT....SS is going to publicly support it. I would look to see how JT is used compared to Moss to gauge probably how SS feels about the price difference measuring talent difference. With Kamara and McCaffrey, we see them not come off the field much because they are a threat in both the running game and passing game. If SS switches out JT for Moss in certain situations (other than a breather), then bets are that SS thinks of JT the same as Frank did. Limitations in the talent. Which means limitations to the price. If you want to know how much SS "wanted" JT (at a price), I would watch how he uses him. IOW, maybe JT stays in the game more often and is used in the passing game (much) more often than Frank used him.
  19. A normal person would never have thought that Steichen wanted JT (at that price). But a normal person never would have thought that SS would be calling plays like Frank Reich. I guess now we know why SS wanted JT. LOL /s.
  20. Ok. That makes some sense. One of howies lieutenants could very well come over here as gm. It won’t be sold as ss picking him though. I see your point.
  21. I think he’s taking about Bradley and a dc. That’s what he’s been saying for weeks. I think he just got confused with the current convo.
  22. I get hope. But last I checked the offense is scoring points even with “bad” qb play I guess folks are saying that our record would be better now with ar because we would have scored 40 points each game or we would not have had the turnovers. sorry I don’t think he was at the point of his development where he would be the elixir for us losing games. 5 more games would not have changed that Jmo.
  23. Ar was better then than minshew is now. But minshew was better then then than minshew is now so why would you assume that ar would continue his level of play im not saying he wouldnt. But I can’t figure out why people think that ar would be playing better than minshew right now. We don’t know. But they seem to know.
  24. No he wasn’t much better I saw nothing to suggest that the offense would score more points with ar than with minshew. Back then or now.
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