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Everything posted by DougDew

  1. He also said that he will coach him if/when he shows up. The 190 page thread was all about us speculating as to the cause of the rift, major drivers and minor drivers.....Nobody except the 5 or 6 people involved knew the facts, and we all know that nobody here knew them, and we all know the basis upon which we all form opinions and write comments. Calling opinions right or wrong seems over the top to me, and deliberately argumentative. And apparently, minds have changed about the drivers since then because it seems that JT has now taken the first multi-year commitment the Colts even offered.
  2. But you were not wrong. We know that Ballard did not want to offer a committed long term contract....because he didn't. I would assume that Shane was not "pounding the table" for JTs return, based upon his previous comments. Now they changed their minds, and finally made him an offer. And Shane says nice things about JT, like a GM speaks nicely of their draft picks and says they are the guy. You were exactly right about not wanting JY (at the price.....nobody assumes were talking a free RB). Now they changed their mind.
  3. Yep. Nailed it. The situation is different than it was a month ago. Ballard said that we'll see. He has seen that AR is coming along and there is a chance to win a decent amount of games. If there were signs of needing a complete rebuild, you don't sign a start RB in that case.
  4. LOL. Watch him pull a hammy during warm ups after being activated for the game.
  5. I think if he suits up Sunday, he becomes a FA this spring. When is the game day roster official. I know the team sends a list showing who will be activated, but when is the activation roster official....when the ball is kicked.....10 minutes before kickoff? IMO, if JT is activated, his contract matures normally at that moment and wouldn't toll. Activated. Suiting up. We assume he'll get plays on the field.
  6. Yep. The NFL allows players to claim to have an injury, without doctors corroboration, AFAIK. Luck did the same thing. If its not written in the rules, NFL teams have set precedents by not requiring a doctor's note. What JT did with the ankle is within the rules. The Colts put him on PUP, and the rules require him to come off now. I assume that if he gets "injured" the first game he gets in, the team will abide by whatever processes there are. What we actually think might really be going on is just speculation
  7. I agree. Really, why would a player cannibalize his own agent's efforts or strategy by speaking about contracts and trades himself in that situation? He pays his agent to do the talking for him when it comes to that topic. He's there to speak as a football player returning to the team, and he speaks about eagerness, teammates, superbowls, fans, etc. Every other player would say the same thing, and we would accept it as being part of that time. They should let their agent do what the player is paying them to do, and stay out of the way of that process by not talking about the stuff you're paying the agent to talk about. Its not deflecting, its business...where each person has their roles.., and the SM hounds who want the drama around contracts and trades probably don't respect that. They may even be bitter at him for not helping them get their clicks. Oops. Quoted Supe. Meant to quote @Colt .45
  8. I largely agree with your opinion. A lot of comments seemed focused on his believability. Sure, think what you want about that, but JT got out there in front of a mic and said the things he was supposed to say. He showed other teams that he can handle himself in that situation, and won't embarrass a team. The idea that he was lying, or not sincere, isn't really the point. Its contract season, or IOW.....less-than-honest season...and I doubt that any team expects him to be totally honest and forthright about things like money and teams during the final year of a contract. JT helped himself today, but maybe not with Colts fans.
  9. I've been one of the few who have stuck up for Chloe, especially last year. The concept of putting people into two buckets (by making it about people), then putting down the other bucket is, in fact, a form of bullying. Not interested in going on with whatever you're planning on going on with all night. I simply observed and commented on the idea of looking at comments being driven by folks being either positive or negative people at their root. I don't agree with it.
  10. Its tough for me to relate to this comment, as you seem to throw all people into two possible buckets, either positive or negative...then take sides. I believe most folks simply have a positive or less than positive opinion that's based upon the situation at the time. Carry on. Go Colts.
  11. Bully cheerleading seems like an oxymoron to me, but oxymoron's exist in the world.
  12. I think he simply has to be activated for one game, not necessarily play in it, but you may be right. I think the PUP concept is created based upon gauging the health of the player...and coming off PUP healthy would allow him to practice well enough to be included in the game day roster. Whether the player actually sees game action would depend upon game situation coach's decision. That was how I read the material you posted here, but you my have a better understanding of it. With JT, activation for a game means he'll play, so its the same thing for him most likely
  13. I don't know how we all should be, but a lot of us like to have discussions based upon the facts or the reasonable interpretation of the facts we have, and that leads to nonpositive comments...because that's reality. Your comment is suggesting that we should come to the forum to be uplifted, as if it exists to function like a Sunday Church Choir.
  14. IIRC, I don't think he has ever said anything directly to the media about contract. It all came from his agent who couched it like he was trying to get the best deal for JT...not being directed by JT. So when JT talks about the ankle, he's really talking about the only thing that can be corroborated by both sides. In that sense, yes, everything else has been speculation. Not that he hasn't wanted the message of the speculation, but I don't know if any of it can be traced back to him. He's talking about what we KNOW...the ankle... not what we have been inferring... contract or trade. I said about a month ago, JT has conducted his messaging in such a way that he leaves the door open to returning to the Colts with open arms like he was on another planet when all of this was going down. "What y'all talking about"? But I haven't followed every tweet or offhand statement he has made either.
  15. I think the rules for him to be a FA say that he has to be activated for a game, not necessarily play. So if he doesn't practice, the HC won't activate the player. And its no big deal at this point. I wouldn't expect any player to be activated for a game after starting the season on PUP. If he is not activated, I don't think it means anything at this point.
  16. IMO, he's simply saying what he can, given that his time here is legally set to end when his contract expires. He can't really say anything that gives the impression that he's going to be here beyond that. From a business sense and negotiating the best deal for himself, he has no idea where he'll be. I think even players like AC would say the generic nice things about the team and the city, but never give an indication that they are willing to commit to the Colts before contract talks start. Its the players version of Ballard saying, "we'll see how it goes", except JT throws a bone to his teammates and the fans.
  17. If JT actually makes runs of 40-ish yards in most of his games, one of them TDs each game, from say, November 1 to the end of the season, I might argue that he has more impact than either McCaffrey or Kamara. Would you increase your number?
  18. Lets say that JT, in a 10-game block of games makes two 40 yard runs per game, one of them for a TD, each game. Does your number go up?
  19. BTW, I don't have any secretly committed answers to these questions I'm asking. I'm just wondering what others think.
  20. I wouldn't after one game. You tell me how many games you need to see from him before you know that you want him for the next three years.
  21. How much? Do you pay him what he wants, or is there still a battle there?
  22. So, if JT plays and makes plays like he did during the middle part of 2021, do you commit to extending him ASAP, and if so, how much?
  23. Well, just notice how your comment was an unnecessary spark that's going unreported.....this time. I offer this well-reasoned and calm rebuttal. I value your opinion on the matter, since your are the self appointed forum expert on bad takes. Bennett was a Heisman Finalist, but the SM bias treated him like some kind of token that was propelled by the talent around him. Kind of like Brock Purdy...the SM experts didn't even know they existed....must be only focusing on how athletic QBs are, but somehow discarding them both out of hand for some reason..... As far as translating that to the NFL. Bennett then tested out to have NFL elite sized hands, elite ball velocity, and elite foot speed (4.6?) for the QB position, while Young has yet to be tested. Just because its acceptable for SM to treat Bennett like a token, doesn't mean his college resume isn't equal to Young's, and his test scores probably show he's a superior physical specimen. After all, find me another 5'10"" QB with 10 inch hands, 59mph ball speed, that runs a 4.6 40. Bennett might even be physically superior to Russell Wilson back in the day. I wouldn't go to the mat arguing that Bennett was better than Young, (for one, I don't care because they are both shrimpy) he seems to have some mental demons to extinguish...but its also not like Young is setting the NFL on fire with his mental grasp of the NFL game either. As far as my other "bad takes" over the years (meaning unpopular takes relative to parroting the popular) 1. Luck's tendency to lead the lead in holding the ball almost got himself killed....it was not his GM 2. Malik Hooker's draft position 3. Quenton Nelson's draft position 4. Flus 4-3 WILLs can come in and play well as rookies, because chasing and tackling the ball carrier is what a WILL does, and what college LBers do. A GM can draft one every 3 to 4 years. 5. The Oline sucks without AC, no matter who is playing LG. 6. Can't have a competent oline without a competent LT. 7. Skilled positions are more important than interior oline positions. 8. The Colts will advance deep into the playoffs when they have skill position talent that's good enough to advance deep into the playoffs (still waiting......yawn). 9. Jalen Hurts is a great game-manager type of QB...but physically stronger than Brock Purdy. 9. AR will become as good of an NFL QB as his passing game acumen will take him. The running part just isn't that important over the 9 year career we all hope he has. Many folks are coming to realize that each of these are true. Meanwhile, you still tell yourself that I have bad takes.
  24. I think BY is allowed to improvise if he quickly sees the called play isn't working. In fact, that was his main attributes qualifying him as an NFL QB. Maybe the author is complaining about scheme: That Frank doesn't have enough plays in his playbook that......by design, have only a 1.5 to 2 second structure after snap, and then its up to the QB to make something happen. That a modern day OC designs the structure of a play to simply get the play structure to end as soon as possible so the QB can improvise as soon as possible. Yeah, call more of those plays I guess. But, IMO, those "designed Improv plays".....the one-readers....., only work consistently when the QB has some sort of gifted athletic traits.
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