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Cosell Sees Rg3 As Better Prospect

Ohio Colt

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Cosell's opinion is absolutely ridiculous, but he is entitled to it. I can see why teenagers would fall in love with Griffin's style of play and his flashyness, but any real football intelligent person should know pretty easily that Luck is without doubt the better player. Most of the so called "experts" that are hyping RG3 over Luck are doing it for no other reason, than it is their job to create controversy and excitement as the draft nears. I don't think any of them actually believe what they are trying to get others to believe. RG3 may very well have a very good career in the NFL, but I don't think it will come even close to what Luck will do in his career. Of course, nobody knows for sure, but given the only information that we have and the film they can watch, then any football guy worth his salt would pick Luck over Griffin.

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