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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. so what do you guys think/ feel ?

    me I'm loosing Faith in Grigs... ..


    I know we have been in the playiffs  2 years in a row with 11 wins both years... but I can't seem to follow his picks....


    Melwort won't be a starter from day 1 and was overdrafted...IMO 

    there where starting Offensive players availanle at our pick that could have started Gabe Jackson, Marcus Martin, Trai Turner, Dakoda Dozier to name a few...


    I know I'm not a scout... but Luck has been Hit way Too much to continue to Draft potential starters ... instead of imediate starters


    Moncrief good receiver , but we have more viable needs !


    They must believe Delano Howell is are starter...  ???


    They must think we are OK @ NT to walk away from Nix... ???


    I could go on and on... just not happy with our first 2/3 "Limited" Picks ...


    my initial instant grade D+/C- ... let me sleep on it and come back this weekend..


    PS Pagano is  Defensive Coach and we drafted majority what in 3 years... and we were ranked what for our deefense last year ?


    I welcome your thoughts/replies

    My frustration as a fan is that we haven't adequately addressed the O-line in the draft (or in FA).  The Texans are building a monster Defensive line, in my opinion, as a response to Andrew Luck.  We do not seem to have as much of an interest in solidifying our O-line.  


    Mewhort, meh, maybe he'll be ok but he seems like a backup to me wherever they put him, guard or tackle.  What we have right now in the C and RG positions seem like backups or unknowns.  This would also assume that Donald Thomas is good to go on day one.


    I like the WR pick but I think our needs are more along the lines of Defense, especially safety, when we aren't addressing the O-line.

  2. I'll wait for rental.


    Try your nearest Blockbuster...lol.


    As I said, it was good (b/c I'm a football fan) but not great, so it should hit your local Redbox pretty soon.

  3. The movie is decent, pretty good if you're an NFL fan.  They show a lot of sports analysts and many players.  I think Alex Mack was an extra. 


    Of course, the movie centers around the Browns and contains fictional players.  I liked the fact that they used real teams, though.  I hated the teams in Any Given Sunday.  The Dallas Knights...really? 


    I won't give away too much but since you like football, you should go see it.  Not great, by any means but it sort of satisfied my NFL withdrawals in the offseason. 


    Lots of good shots of a few stadiums and an interesting take on draft-day trades. 

  4. Reggie has the best hands I've ever seen.


    I would see Andrew overthrow a pass or throw it out to the side.  I'm thinking, "Darn.  Incomplete."   Then Reggie comes up with the ball after contorting his body, catching a seemingly impossible pass, and getting two feet in bounds.  Amazing.


    I think Reggie may come back later in the season.  Hopefully Nicks can step up and fill in the gap along with Hilton and the others.

  5. Chris Clemons (Safety)

    Travelle Wharton (Guard)

    Brian De La Puente (Center)

    Any combination of these 3 guys.


    That's a good combination.  It addresses S and our interior line issues.  Granted, DeLa Puente is no Mack but he's much better than what we have and would be affordable. 

  6. I like Asamoah too for our RG position.  Wharton I would be a no and I think that Schwartz would be too much $$$.  Then if we could get EDS or De Le Puente it would be awesome.


    LT - Castonzo

    LG - Thomas/Thorton

    C - Dietrich-Smith or De Le Puente

    RG - Asamoah

    RT - Cherilus


    That's a o-line that could protect Luck for years and maybe even open enough room for Trich to get it going.


    I like that line.  Sounds pretty solid and would cause an instant improvement in the offense, both pass and run.

  7. They did..GC..


    But they also drafted Zac Dysert for the same reason...He's Denver's No, 3 and I;ve read they like him


    about 6-foot-3, 220..nowhere near as big as Osweiler but a more polished passer... threw for about 12,000 yards at Miami of Ohio..


    .....He's also tutoring under Manning.....and his credentials are impressive...


    ////They're well-stocked at QB

    Wise on their part to take Dysert, then. 

  8. This is like when the Rams went from the amazing royal blue and yellow to the dull navy blue and gold. Well not quite as bad. Those Rams outfits are my all time favorite.


    I hope the Rams go back to their old ones when they get back to LA next year.

  9. I see two sides to this issue:


    I look at players who can get millions for contracts.  He has a choice.  Sometimes he has to take a little less than he'd hoped for to be on a team with potential.  I realize that in the NFL one is paid for his talents, but I would also consider winning potential.  If you're only in it for the money, you take the biggest contract regardless of who it is from.  If you're in to win, you have to be more flexible with your numbers to remain (or get signed to) a winning team. 


    I would take a lesser amount if needed to be on a team like the Colts, Seahawks, 49ers than to sign with Oakland and go nowhere.  Yes, I'd have a pretty paycheck but my career would be forgotten rather quickly.


    Just my two cents. 


    That said, Davis and Indy need to work something out.  If he decides that he'd rather have an extra million or two elsewhere, he could go sign with Tampa Bay or Atlanta if he wanted.  A player gets his money but he may not ever achieve his dream.  (SB rings).  On the other side, (and I'm sure they're doing this) I would hope that Colts bean counters are doing everything (within reason) they can to keep Davis. 

  10. It's as stupid looking as the ferocious Cardinal logo and the equally terrifying Ravens widdle boidie.

    "I tought I taw a putty kat". Maybe the Colts will change and put a picture of Mr. Ed on their helmets.


    Mr. Ed is the GM of the Broncos.  It would be more appropriate there.

  11. Who exactly gets to offer feedback on helmet design upgrades? The owners I get obviously, but are Tampa Bay players asked for their input? Do they narrow it down to 3 altered versions & ask fans to vote for their favorite on their official website? 


    Before we even talk about final approval, what prompts an owner to say "Hey, our season record was hideous last year let's change our helmet logo that will change our franchise's fortunes & make us play better." Please tell me no NFL owner is foolish enough to believe that. 


    Does Roger Goodell have to sign off on any new design before it can be green lighted & placed into mass production? 


    If LA ever gets another NFL stadium & team again, can we call them the palm tree aliens or liposuction lizards? Just teasing. I just associate California with pampered celebrities I guess. 


    Yes, I know there are humble hardworking people who live & work there. I did not mean to pigeonhole the entire West Coast. My apologizes. 


    Liposuction Lizards...good alliteration right there & it rolls right of the tongue too. LOL! Also, to draw in the female demographic, you can give away free spa, facial, & makeover sessions during  family appreciation week & the kids get free hot dogs & waffle fries that look like lizards. 


    They should call themselves the Rams or the Jaguars, whichever comes first.  lol.

  12. It's amazing how admiting he's gay that all of a sudden this guy's stock has taken a huge jump. Before his admission, nobody knew who this kid was and those who did didn't think much of his ability at the next level. I had no idea that being gay made your football skills that much better.(sarcasm)


    Agreed.  If he isn't drafted, what will the response be now?  


    There are already gay players in the NFL.  No one really cares but it almost seems (the way ESPN has been talking about it) as if we are supposed to be applauding this.   I watch NFL football because I like football; this isn't a social experiment.

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