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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. Okay I have a question for you guys. Says manning wins the Super Bowl and retires go off into the sunset gets hired by the colts as a QB coach. How big of a drop off will the broncos go through? 4 win team or less next year?


    If he wins this year, he'll be remembered as a Denver Bronco, not a Colt.  The Broncos would own his legacy, not Indy, if he wins one more after that and he won't feel any allegiance to the Colts; he will toward the Broncos at that point. 

  2. Yes, you had a chance. The turnovers and non-calls in New England kept it from being in a close game. Denver's offense isn't as potent as early in the season. Losing Von Miller and Chris Harris really hurts their defense that was playing well of late. Seattle and SF are tough but they are beatable as you know firsthand.


    That and Indy got outcoached by Belichick.  I think once the Havili interception and when the Pats scored off of that turnover, the game was over. 

  3. Rivers is a good QB.  That said, he's hilarious to watch, the facial expressions, the waving of arms, the stomping; good comedy.  I do use him as an example of bad sportsmanship when I point these things out to my son while games are on. 


    Rivers would have had a better career on another team.   At this point, he has to hope for a ticket out of SD.   If he went to Arizona or even Houston, they'd probably be Super Bowl bound in very little time. 

  4. I can't say that I'm in shock b/c in a lot of games, we won in the second half and didn't dominate the game.  You can't do that (very often) and still win in the playoffs.  It's a gamble if you try to.


    They would not have won playing the way they played.  The picks on O and the lack of tackling and bad coverage on D.

  5. To many people, this is the most important thing in their lives; it's all they have. 


    I took my sons to the Colts-Chiefs game.  Many, not all, Chiefs fans were completely obnoxious-interrupting the national anthem.  Shouting all the way around the stadium.  My son looked uncomfortable as he heard obscenities being shouted from behind him.


    "They're going to have to win this game, son. You realize that, right?  As loud as the fans are, the Chiefs have to win now." 


    They didn't and my son got the pleasure of "listening to" silence from all in red by the time there was four minutes left in the fourth quarter. 


    We didn't say a word to the fan taking off his jersey.  We walked to the car and discussed what it meant to have and show class. 

  6. I'm going for NFC as Peyton is a Bronco now and seems to be John Elway II in regards to his love for Denver, Rivers is Rivers, and couldn't bring myself to root for Brady even if I'd been raised in Southie.


    Would like to see a Patriots-Seahawks rematch or even a Patriots-Panthers rematch, with either QB (either Newton or Wilson) throwing the game winning touchdown during the last two minutes of the game. 

  7. what does our defense need, wade Phillips, a great 3-4 coach, or keep the same coach and upgrade the talent? or both?




    Landry didn't work.  Toler gets injured as much as Bob Sanders.  Davis is good.  I even like Butler, who can improve with more time on the field.    Freeman is great. 


    I think it's a combination of personnel and coaching. 

  8. The Patriots will win by 77 points.  By the end of the first quarter, every Colt on the roster will be injured and the team will be forced to put the coaches and trainers on the field.  Andrew will retire from football and will begin a tennis career, never uttering the words "Colts" or "football."  McAfee will start a standup career in Hollywood (that, or photography).  The Colts will leave Indianapolis after this game to make their home in uh....Boise, Idaho (they want to play on the blue field) and the NFL will never return to Indianapolis.  The NFL Combine will take place in Calgary.  The closest thing that Indy will have to an NFL team is when Arena Football makes a huge comeback and the Indianapolis Strip Malls play at Banker's Life....nah, they play at Ben Davis High School on Tuesday nights. 


    Beginning next season, the Patriots will have a 16-0 record and win every Super Bowl until Tom Brady retires in 2045 but only out of boredom.  Belichick will retire in 2024 (Tom Brady will coach and play QB at the same time) and begin teaching classes in Interpersonal Relationships and Public Speaking. 


    This game will have absolutely tragic effects on the people of Indy. 

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