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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. Michael Sam got released... that's sure to make headlines.


    Meaning wasn't good enough to make the 53. Hey, I'm sure he can still keep working and improve. I'm just sick and tired of hearing about this dude. Who cares if he's gay, either you can play or you can't. Can't watch anything without race, religion and sexual preference being talked about non stop.

    Hollywood (inclusive name for the entertainment industry-which the sports world is now part of) loves this stuff.  When interest wanes, they'll bring it back up.

  2. My issue in regards to the line is that they get FA's that haven't done much.  Donald Thomas is ok but a huge injury liability.

    I remember when they got McGlynn and Satele.  I thought, "who?"  Then hoped that they would do well.  Hopes didn't pan out.


    The seem to shop the bargain basement for FA players on the O-line and then pay way too much for them.

  3. I thought I read that Mewhort was billed as a Guard/Tackle.  I didn't follow him at Ohio State so I'm not sure.  

    I think if we signed an FA guard, we'd have Mewhort as backup Tackle. Also, an FA guard frees up Reitz to play tackle.  I think Reitz played a little during last year's preseason and could be better with some reps.  I know that he started in basketball and might have decent footwork, perhaps enough to be at least an adequate backup.

    Maybe if some FA's come available to look at, it might be worth it to do so.


    I do agree that we need more Tackles on the roster.


  4. You didn't hear it?

    Andrew Luck: "Peyton......."

    Peyton: "Andrew......."

    Andrew: "You know what this means now right?"

    Peyton: "It can't happen like this, that's not fair. Holiday got laid out by a Punter! A Punter Andrew!"

    Andrew: "Nope, none of that matters. *Reaches out to Peyton* There's a NEW sheriff in town"

    Peyton: *Sigh* "Okay, you're right"

    And that's what happened

    *sips apple juice*



    Peyton:  "The league better give me another chance to beat the Colts before I retire!!!!"


    Meanwhile, back at NFL "Headquarters,"  Goodell sits at his desk, thinking:    This didn't go as I expected.  Hmmmm.  Next year, it will be in Denver. It would be nice if Indy were missing a key player...say, a Linebacker.  Ye-es.  A linebacker....Muuuuuwahhahahahaha.

  5. We'll sign another veteran back-up whenever Hasselbeck is done.    I wouldn't look for Harnish to fill that role.


    I have no idea why, because it really isn't something I'd want, but I envisioned Kyle Orton on the sidelines.  He'd be better than Harnish, though.

  6. This is what Trent Richardson averaged Sat. night vs. the Giants. Eight of his carries went for 13 yards! I didn't see the game, but it doesn't matter. That performance or lack thereof is not going to get it done.


    Walter Payton wouldn't have been able to do much better than that. 


    I agree with Gavin about blocking schemes.  Denver's done it for years and it used to make Terrell Davis look great.  He was good, yes, but the blocking scheme got him more yards.  

  7. .

    Think theyre just saving Bradshaw for the regular season. But I get what you mean. He needs to make it through a season. I think both Herron and Tipton would make good back ups.

    I don't think Ridchardson will be an explosive back. I think he's more of a grinder who can pop out some decent runs. The type of running game that wears you down in the second half. Pound pound pound then try to cover our passing game. We will be very dynamic at full strength.


    I think so, too, about Richardson; I always thought he was more of a short yardage back anyway.  Herron, though, gets the ball and goes.  He gets low and moves.  I was pretty impressed with him at the game and at camp last week.

  8. No one is saying Donald Brown was a stud...just that he performed better than Trent did last year behind the same offensive line. So blaming all of Trent's woes on our offensive line is not an excuse.  Some of the problem is Trent.  Hopefully he can perform better this year. 


    I think Richardson will have a better year this year once Holmes and Mewhort return to the field.  


    Bradshaw is concerning me with the injuries.  Herron looked decent last night.  If need be, maybe he can fill the Donald Brown role.  

  9. Nicks looked great; I can't wait to see him, Reggie, and TY on the field at the same time. 


    3rd string D looks awful:  confused etc.  Nassib was good at exploiting that.


    Purifoy was impressive as was Herron.


    I think the O-line will be better than last year.  I think Mewhort was out and of course Holmes was.  Get those two back and I think we'll see better runs from Richardson.  Third string O-line could not hold.  


    It was a good game, especially if you count the first half.  Colts were, especially the D, very dominant.  Eli never got them into Colts' territory.   

  10. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2165083-jimmy-garoppolos-emergence-means-ryan-malletts-days-with-patriots-are-numbered


    Garoppolo was impressive yet again last night tossing two TDs in the Pats defeat of the Eagles. His poise, presence in the pocket and accuracy have been very good and at this point the Pats have to figure out what to do with Mallett. I am wondering if they keep him as third string. They have only carried two QBs in previous seasons so maybe they try for any trade they can just to unload him.

    That is a fantastic preseason effort.


    I think with Mallett, they should trade him.  If they can get one decent preseason game with him (like the Pack did with a season game and Matt Flynn), they might be able to trade him to Houston or Tampa-or someone of the like.

  11. is there really an added incentive or is it media hype


    I've wondered that, too.  Peyton's new team loses to Peyton's old team.  Let's give him another chance only at his new home field.  


    Since Eli's been in the league-It's been brother vs. brother-only that one died out.  


    The NFL is a soap opera.

  12. Dalton is adequate.  I think I could be good with various other teams although I'm not sure which ones.  I actually see him working out in Dallas for some reason; I'm not sure why.


    As for Indy, I'm happy the way things worked out.  I miss Peyton but I even think he understood the reasoning behind Indy letting him hit the FA market and taking Luck in the draft.  

  13. So sums up this NFL forum. Embrace the present. Embrace Luck. Makes me wonder if some here will be pulling for Peyton to win in week one ...


    Some people who said they were Colts fans wore Manning Bronco jerseys to the Indy-Denver game last year.  It's their right but they're more Manning fans than they are Colts fans.  But, hey, this is America.

  14. Mine was probably winning the AFCCG in 06 against the Pats, Ill never forget Lamey Screaming. 


    or throwing the Record breaker to stokely.


    I cant remember if it was the playoffs or not, but when Harrison caught that pass against the broncos and no one touched him, and he laid on the ground for like 5 seconds and got up and ran for a score. 


    All great ones.  I have to go with the Pats 06. 


    As for the Bronco game, that was classic.  The Colts had been (if memory serves me) beaten by the Broncos the week before in the regular season game.  My inlaws are Bronco fans so they were thinking that Jake Plummer was the second coming of John Elway and that the Colts had no chance.  I think the score ended up to to be 55-10, Colts.


    That said, I hate this little costume party that Peyton is attending in Denver.

  15. It's too early to tell.  We have to see what Harrison looks like after he's had some time to learn the system and get the snap count down.


    The others, although not stellar, were adequate but I do believe that the line was anchored well when Holmes was at Center.  Hopefully, the same will be true with Harrison.  


    I really wish there were FA's still out there; maybe some will be available later but it would be nice to get the line settled before the season starts.  

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