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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. The other game I noticed luck getting hit and the congratulating the other teams players who hit him haha. I saw him do it 3 or 4 times just Sunday. I have never seen a guy act that way to an opponent. I dunno it's just funny to me. Another thing speaking of luck getting hit... How many opponents has he kinda hurt when they try and tackle him when he is running. I swear I have seen 2 or 3 guys hit luck while he is running and then I'm like oh no!!! Then luck pops right up and be other guy is laid out hahaha. Dude is a nerd but a freaking beast. Would I change anything about him? Heck no.


    He's showing them that he's not intimidated by them. 

  2. @KBowenColts: Chuck Pagano says Hugh Thornton has an MCL sprain. He will be week-to-week.

    Perfect time to shuffle the line. Move Reitz to G & Nixon to T if Cherilus still can't go


    Other news:

    @KBowenColts: Pagano says Loucheiz Purifoy is undergoing concussion protocol after being re-evaluated today.

    Another update:

    @KBowenColts: With Gosder Cherilus looking to return Sunday, Pagano mentions Nixon/Shipley/Reitz as possibilities at right guard with Thornton’s injury.


    I like moving Reitz in THornton's spot and Nixon into Cherlius' place.  Then put in Shipley at Center.  

  3. Falcons fans are an interesting group.  The truth is that there are very few die-hard Falcons fans in Atlanta; you'll always have those but many are fair-weather fans.  Many fans like the team but don't expect much-just like our Colts in the pre-Manning/Harbaugh and post-Unitas era.  


    The team in Georgia is the Dawgs or even Alabama or Auburn for some.  College ball is more important to fans in Atlanta.  


    I used to go to Falcons games when I lived there but I couldn't get into them that much. 1) I'm a Colts fan  2) There wasn't much to cheer about---I was there for Vick's first start, though.  

  4. I feel like there are a lot of times we are outcoached, if I am being honest. I like they guy, but... I just can't even imagine the success we would have if we had Bill Belichick coaching this team. 

    I've often wondered if there's a Bill Belichick "Lite" out there somewhere who is presently a coordinator on some team.  


    I think we get out-coached a lot....maybe in the Philly game or more illustrative in the last two (horrible) losses.  


    On another note, I think we need an O-line specialist here.  Teams do it with scrubs and do better than we do.  

  5. I have not gotten a great look at Muamba other than preseason.  I like his coverage ability if he is up with the game speed.  I am not against Andy Studebaker in the middle either.



    Ooh, nice.

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