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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. I would question starting an injured Cherilus....although Luck did have lots of time to pass.  Run blocking was sub-par.


    On D, penetration started to happen but we were very weak in the middle.  Pats crammed the ball down our throats and D couldn't tackle.  If they would have made tackles where they made contact, Colts would have won.  

  2. Then he's a Peyton Manning fan, not a Colts fan.  It's ok, though.  This is America.  You like who you like. 


    Let me add that I'll be a Peyton Manning fan once again after he retires, but I'm no longer one right now as he plays for a team that I do not support.  

  3. With a few more minutes on the clock, we could have beaten Denver.  Philly was a winnable game as well.


    This was the worst game yet.  


    No pressure from our D.  Too much pressure from theirs with few adjustments in time to keep up with the score.  


    Our D was disorganized and allowed the Steelers to have the best game they'll have for years.  This is it.  This is the same team that lost to the Browns.  They caught the Colts on a bad day.  


    Not an issue for me.  

  4. Yes.  I think that was the best game he'll ever have.  I just hate it when people or teams always seem to have record-breaking days against us.


    D needs to make adjustments with creative blitzes etc.  The zone D wasn't working either.  In addition, Toler was getting outplayed.  

  5. I can't watch Colt's games without losing my temper(like I'll hit my leg or inanimate objects around me) and apart from that my anxiety eats me up alive. I can't eat during games and I'm just a complete nervous wreck before and during. It's gotten so bad that for the last 5 weeks I haven't watched a single game on TV - I just record them for later, but only after I see the "what's worse than being blank and blank?" thread to confirm that we won - HOWEVER I did attend the Baltimore game, and now I think my girlfriend never wants to attend a sporting event with me again.


    Does anyone have any tips or advice for handling my neurosis?

    The problem may not just lie with Colts games.  Maybe it has to do things that you are emotionally attached to but cannot control.  Maybe it's something that you've struggled with for quite some time.  As far as football goes, I sometimes think if my team wins then my way of life is better than the way of life of a fan of the other team (and the other way around)....although this mindset isn't intentional.  


    It's normal to get nervous before/during or upset when things don't go as you want them to.  Sometimes you have to step away and take some deep, long breaths.    I get on the chat room because I can vent on there along with others and my wife doesn't have to hear anything.    She's even commented on me not yelling at the television anymore.  


    Sometimes, I just laugh.  I'll give you an example, I went to the Colts-Giants, preseason game.  I watched Indy blow a huge lead and then Ryan Nassib (third stringer) lead the Giants down the field to win.  I watched Chandler Harnish....well, I don't exactly know what he did.   And if I remember correctly, Curtis Painter threw a touchdown pass....his first one at Lucas Oil Stadium.  ha ha.   THe point is that my 10 year old son and I sat and laughed.  Watching my son laugh at my commentary during the fourth quarter reminded me that it's just a game.  


    Try going into the game with the mindset that Indy can lose and possibly lose big or they can win big.   Try watching a series at a time and see how you do.  If it's too much, turn it off.  


    Take care of yourself, man.

  6. Boom hasn't had enough time on the field to be called a bust.  It was a low risk draft pick.  Besides, he's done ok when he gets the ball. Haven't looked up stats and do not care to as I've had a long day.

  7. First of all, good on you my man. You had one hell of a game yesterday. 


    But there in lies the dilemma. What if he continues to play at that rate? Or what if he continues to out-produce Landry?


    I mean, I don't know if the coaches would continue to start him over Landry or not. We're financially committed to Landry. 


    But Brown had a better game in one start then Landry has since he got here. (I cannot recall a game in Landry's time here where he was as effective as Brown was yesterday.)


    It's a good problem to have, no doubt, but many are already having buyers remorse over Landry and this surely will fuel it.


    I'm excited to see what Brown can do on Thursday night.

    I agree with anything you said.


    However, if the current pattern follows, Landry will be back.  Ask AQ Shipley about that policy.

  8. Personally I'd like to see Carter get some pass rush snaps because that kid has quite a bit of natural physical talent, Very quick first step

    Yes.  I was hoping that they'd try him out at pass rush (which I'm sure they did at practice).  


    I've heard he's quick.

  9. What an Experience! Drove from NY (12 Hours) as attended 1st NFL game ever as Colt fan since the early 70's. Nice to see the Colts crush Titans on 9/28.The fans were GREAT! and welcoming as mentioned from NY and 1st game. Touchdown Town was cool as meet Jeff Herrod/Cheerleaders. Lucas Oil Stadium is AWESOME as was in Sec 117 Row 11. Nice talking to Colt fans and spend, spend, spend at Colts Pro Shop. Now to plan another game.


    Glad you enjoyed it.  Come back again when you get the chance.

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