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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. I find it ridiculous that any time a black person gets an interview for a HC gig so many people scream Rooney Rule.  

    I guess black people can't be legit head coaching candidates.

    The Bills are also interviewing Hue Jackson who would also fulfill their obligation. 


    Stop your nonsense.


    I agree with you.  


    People should be interviewed on the basis of their achievements, not their ethnicity-which is why the Rooney Rule needs to go.  There was a time for it in the past, perhaps, but not really anymore.  

  2. I'd love to have him here in Indy as DC.  


    This might not be a good fit as I don't believe they have the players for it.  Weren't they running a 4-3, while Phillips' standard defense is a 3-4?



    Yes, they are already in a 3-4.  Might be a good fit for Washington, then.

  3. Poor Oline is just an excuse?? Brady looked horrible early in the yr when his line was playing bad....watch Peyton when he is getting consistent pressure.....mediocre. Amazing how much better Romo is with a good offensive line and a run game, but I guess that's just coincidence.

    This team can't pass block, can't run block, can't stop the run, and has no pass rush, but you want Luck to take the next step....good luck with that.


    Wow, that was painful....but true.

  4. I didn't watch enough of Mewhort at tackle to make the call, but if he's slightly better than Nixon and Reitz I say the lineup should be Costanzo, Reitz, Holmes, Nixon, Mewhort.  I think Nixon and Mewhort would make a decent run blocking tandem on the right side if we need to run.


    Or I could deal with Costanzo, Nixon, Holmes, Reitz, Mewhort.


    With either combination we will have to provide some help to Mewhort on Dunlap.


    Yeah.  I'd forgotten about Shipley's injury.  I wonder if we should switch Nixon and Reitz-I only say this because Reitz and AC usually pair up well on the left side pretty well and you make a good point about Mewhort and Nixon and run blocking.  


    I'd most comfortable with this one than any other.

  5. What about this lineup?

    Castonzo, Reitz, Shipley, Holmes, Mewhort

    I'd feel reasonably comfortable with this.


    Looks like the optimum line for the staff we have.  Add Doyle and Allen as blocking TE's on some packages and that's about the best we can do.

  6. GC was pretty solid in his first season so I think we have to be hopeful here that he was dealt with a nagging injury most of the year and that its not the chronic knee condition keeping him from playing at his high watermark level. Having him back next year with his salary cap number and playing well only helps this team compete. If either his health fails or is cut, that hampers our fixing others areas of need.


    He was much better than his predecessor, Winston Justice, during his first season with Indy.  I think Cherilus has been playing hurt, causing his production to slip.

  7. I can see now Mewhort at RT with Reitz and Shipley/Harrison as guards. Another possibility I see Castonzo, Reitz, Holmes, Louis, Mewhort.


    I like it, for now.  You could put Shipley at C and Holmes at LG as well.  

  8. There are people blatantly saying this team is one and done or that we shouldn't be in the playoffs.

    At least we lost to good teams.


    4 of those 5 teams are in the playoffs with 3 out of those 4 in the AFC.  Dallas (playoff team) and Philly are the other two.  


    Playoffs will be tough.  Can we do it?  Sure, but it's going to take a lot of good coaching, tape viewing, and planning.  

  9. I think you aleady hit it




    You were the one who is "ashamed" to be on the same board as those who are critical of the Colts.  


    Would you rather read this?


    The Colts will destroy the Bengals next week without any issues.  Man, that O-line is stellar.  Any combination they try works and they can block and attack like they've constructed a reinforced block wall with landmines and wire around it..  And that Trent Richardson?  He's the second coming of Edgerrin James.  And the Defense?  Don't even get me started. They operate like a military machine. Landry is a great tackler, in fact, they all are.  That Manusky can dominate any offensive scheme out there and make it really difficult to score.  In no way does the team make any mistakes and they will dominate the playoffs without any problems.  Each game, including the Super Bowl, will be a blow out.  


    Now, back to reality:

    Do I believe that the Colts CAN win?  Of course, but I'm concerned about the quality of playing that I've seen on both sides of the ball since the Steelers game. NE and Dallas games obviously concerned me, too.  If they play like they've played in recent weeks, they will lose, even though none of us want them to.  It's just that simple.  

  10. It certainly doesn't help with the coaching staff playing musical chairs with the linemen we do have as well as benching Shipley who was playing well at the start of the year for a completely unproven rookie. Impossible for any type of chemistry to develop.

    Very well put.  The line gets no chance to gel.  Shipley should have been the center at least for this year.  Thornton, Holmes, and Reitz had to be rotated in due to injury.


    Another frustrating factor is Donald Thomas.  I remember how excited I was when Trent was moving the ball behind Holmes, Thornton, and Thomas only to have HOlmes injured on the second (or maybe later in the first) drive and later came Thomas' injury.  

  11. 1. Coaching - The coaches continue to run the same defense even when a team is consistently moving the ball. We're too easy to prepare for, teams know that we play man coverage all game. Crossing routes beats man coverage every time.


    2. Pass Rush - Werner and Walden have been non existent all year, neither player is getting any pass rush. It's hurting the secondary because they have to cover for so long. 


    3. Richardson - The coaching staff keeps trying to get him involved early so the trade won't look as bad but he's hurting the team. He never gains anything more then 3 yards on 1st down, a big reason for the slow starts. Richardson shouldn't be on the team next year, he's not good. 


    4. ILBs - The fans who voted Jackson as a pro bowl alternate obviously don't watch Colts games and are just going by stats. He's been awful this year especially in coverage, I have no Idea why Grigson signed this guy when he doesn't fit the scheme. Freeman has underperformed as well, not good in run defense. 


    Awesome post, except I'd include Offensive line.  I think the run game will get better when that is solidified-Trent or no Trent.  

  12. I guess this means the Charges will be getting that other Wildcard spot.

    These dudes always have something happen that allows them to sneak

    into the playoffs at the last minute all the time.



    Last year, it was a blown call, right?  The Steelers were put out of the playoffs and the Chargers went to Denver.  

  13. We haven't been the same since the Pit loss

    Team is truly trending downward. I don't think backpedaling into the playoffs is good at all

    Well said.  Since then, it's gone downhill....Pittsburgh, NE, and then Dallas.  

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