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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. You got that last sentence right.


    Also, for our Center position, I don't even think it's coming down to who's injured. As far as I know Shipley, Harrison, and K. Holmes were all healthy to play Center. But yet we can't stick to one that plays the best? Between those 3 Centers, it's definitely not saying much since none of them are talented enough to protect Andrew Luck, at this time. But we need to show some consistency and stick with the guy who plays games the best.


    Shipley at Center and Holmes at RG looked decent in the Cleveland game-at least better than we have now.

  2. At best they will lose to the Denver Broncos or the New England Patriots in the divisional round.

    They can't run the ball which is very important for you to win and it puts pressure on your passing game which also makes you one dimensional.


    I don't think we'll get past the first round.  

  3. 1 & Done good

    Been saying it for the whole season, this team is being lead by the wrong people. Expect the same in January. Nothing more than an above average team (barely) in a sorry division

    Texans will be division champs next year

    Coaches don't change anything so oh well. We'll continue to lose

    But can't speak the truth on this forum cause people call you a closet :flyingelvis: fan but hey, truth hurts


    You're right.  They don't change anything.  D still looks confused, O can't block.  Same old each year.  They'll pick up an O lineman or two in the draft, sign a couple of FA third stringers and tell everyone they've improved.

  4. Let me ask you which is the best team we have beat all year? Okay which elite team have we been competitive against? Another one and done season. Book it.

    Get rid of Pagano, this team is winning not because, but in spite of coaching staff. Would love someone like Harbaugh but that isn't happening. I hope local media can ask tough questions, we have been unprepared too many games this season.

    Also what is the logic of 3 straight runs(run on 3rd and long) and asking your punter to throw? I know it was dropped, but just looking at logic behind that


    I cannot argue with this.  I don't know that Harbaugh is the answer but I don't think anymore that it is Chuck-Our coordinators need to go also.

  5. Exactly. Is our offensive line great? No, but it isn't terrible or near as bad as some make it out to be. Every running back we've played this season besides Richardson has had a pretty good YPC average, and even Richardson's YPC is 3.4 which is higher than last seasons. They struggle in pass protection at times, but still much better than in past years. 


    I've always thought that Trent was more of a short yardage back anyway where as Bradshaw and Herron can usually get more YPC.  Trent's a pretty good blocker also.  

  6. I swear with each passing week this forum gets more and more negative.


    WE HAVE THE #2 Offense




    Some of you are asking for the coaches head, dissing everything they have accomplished. Jeez some of you guys are acting like were fans of the raiders or jags. Were a winning team and all some of you can do is complain.

    All nice things.  However, Look at the teams we've beaten and the teams that we've lost to-(not going to mention the rest of AFC South).



    Houston-can be tough, but marginally.







    Lost to:






    Notice that there is a difference to the quality of teams that we've beaten vs the quality of teams that we've lost to. Two of the  losses were significant losses, while the two against Philly and Denver were very winnable games had a factor or two been adjusted.  The "complainers" are pointing out ways that they think (as none of us are coaches or experts) may improve the teams consistency and thus, the team's record and chances of raising the Lombardi this year.  


    While it is nice to be a fan of a team who is consistent in making the playoffs, it's also nice when that team eventually wins the SB.  

  7. Not likely Mathis would have had quite the impact on the game for us as Green does for them even if you added in the pressures he gets, Without Mathis we are still top 10 in sacks even if its by committee...yes I know we have went stretches without getting pressure on the QB and we do need Mathis or another good pass rusher in general, Green not available means your taking an average 8.7 td's (his career average a season) off the board a season......That comes to 63 points over the course of an average season off the board...He has missed 4 games...only 6 td's for him this year (Yes I know that would be a lot for most wr's but were talking a star wr here)

    We won't know until we see all of the players that we've discussed on the field during the same game but Mathis makes a difference on our defense.  Granted, it wouldn't have been a blow-out like it was but I believe that Indy would have still won even if Green would have been on the field.  

  8. The pre-Pittsburg game team could win the Superbowl. The one we are seeing currently can not. It has all been downhill from then. The defense is overall better, but this offense just doesn't do things conducive to a Super Bowl winning team, regardless of their supposed top ranking. 

    Agreed. The Colts vs. Cincy would win the Lombardi.  The Colts vs. Pittsburgh or NE would lose in a blowout.  


    Inconsistency is frustrating with this team.  

  9. Offense finally was able to move the ball when the refs finally started calling penalties on the rowns db's.

    Their DBs were all over our WR's during most of the plays.  Lack of calls was frequent but I'm used to it with what I've seen over the past couple of years.  

  10. Holmes looked good. Almost looked like he helped Shipley make some calls at the line. I want Holmes to start somewhere on the interior of the offensive line

    It was good to see Holmes out there.  Played well at guard and probably pretty good at Center.  


    He could be in Buffalo, NYJ, Philly, or Chicago next year.  Possibly St. Louis (that would be ironic).


    absolutely no chance of RG3 playing for the Bears...

    They are committed to Jay Cutler.....and why would Buffalo try another project...

    Robert needs to ride the bench for a while behind a good QB and try to learn


    So I take it that you disagree?  

  12. I think he could have been a great quarterback.  I think he needed a veteran QB to mentor him, not just in the ways of reading defenses and managing the game.  He had a tough time with the press also.  I remember Junior Seau walking him away from the reporter that he was yelling at.  I think the substances were a result of an injury leading to an addiction.  


    It would have been nice if he would have gone to a coach like Dungy or someone of that nature. Things might have been different.  


    I wish him the best and hope that he is successful at what he tries next. 

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