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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. The Colts will not win this game.  Just check the Bronco forums.  Indy doesn't stand a chance.  Denver is starting Peyton Manning as its offense and he will serve as DL, LB's and DB's on Defense.  Other players will rest when they go to NE and beat the Patriots 1,000 to 0. This time next week everyone will be saying, "Andrew Who?"  Bronco fans will be shouting "We Dey! We Dey!"  Pete Carroll will leave the country and illegally go into Canada in the middle of the night on the back of a moose as he fears a rematch with the Broncos.   The Lombardi will be sent via Fed Ex to Denver as there is no need to have the Super Bowl.    


    I suspect that Indy will fly home tomorrow and Chuck will say, "We've had a good flight.  We've got other flights and we'll have to take them flight by flight.  Lots of airports and layovers and that Boeing 717 is like a bowling ball with knives..or something."  


    Denver will sign Polian, Dungy, and Marvin Harrison to one day contracts and they will retire as Broncos.  Unitas will be posthumously signed and then retired.   


    Seriously, I suspect a tough game and that it is too early to tell.  It depends which Colts team shows up.  If they play like they did Sunday, especially in the second half (and in the second half of the Bronco game)...they can win.  If they play a Dallas/Pittsburgh/NE game, it's over after the first half.  

  2. If they can rattle Peyton, they can lower (not eliminate) his potential to move the ball.


    Offense needs to use the line they had yesterday since Cherilus is a no-go.  Use a Boom-Tipton tandem for the run game.


    If Indy can play the whole game, unlike their last game against Denver, they can win this one.   

  3. It was a nice win against a team we already dominated in the regular season with just a mediocre QB that missed his number 1 receiver and tight end. Not taking away anything but Colts looked good against average teams and now have to proof they can beat the big guys. Still chances are there and Peyton Manning always had his problems in the playoffs especially after a bye weak...


    Hopefully, "Playoff Peyton" will show up.  Interceptions, etc.  If the D can get something going and throw him off of his rhythm, they can win.  Of course, Colts' O has to produce.  

  4. From my reading of your post,  you happen to believe that all the hiring of white head coaches and coordinators was simply a matter of them being the most qualified.    And the fact that candidates of color are having difficulty just getting interviewed,  to say nothing of actually get the job,  had nothing to do with race.


    We disagree.


    I would be in agreement with you if we were having this discussion 20 years ago.  However, it could very well be that the coach in place today is the one that the GM thought would win games.  I see no evidence otherwise.

  5. I don't like labels but to pretend they don't exist because you don't like them isn't the answer. It has nothing to do with one's ability to get or do the job with or without assistance. Unfortunately, we don't live in a world where opportunities are equal so policies are needed.


    So you believe that due to one's "label," they won't be able to make it on their own so the government needs to make policies.  

  6. The NFL's record of minorities in positions of power and authority is without question completely embarrassing.....


    Your list -- while certainly not the complete list -- offers no comfort or political cover.


    Why is it embarrassing?  Did those coaches and coordinators (whoever they are) not deserve their positions or was it due to a policy put into place?  


    Shall we fire all white coaches and hire non-white coaches based only on the fact that they are non-whites?   Or shall we base hiring on whether or not a GM and owner believe that a particular candidate can get wins, regardless of the candidate's ethnic background?

  7. What do you propose be done so that the hiring process is fair?  You're saying it should be based on merit alone which in theory is true, however it's already been proven in this league and other arenas that people are rejected from positions due to their skin color or other bogus criterion.   Also what leads you to make a statement of finality about institutional racism no longer existing?  What proof do you have that it no longer exists?


    And I say this with a reminder to you that  out of 32 NFL teams in 2014 only 2 have Black head coaches(Steelers and Bucs) and one has a Hispanic coach(Ron Rivera/Carolina Panthers).  Despite the majority of all the players being non-white.


    The disparity exists all the way down to the coordinator positions as well.


    If you don't want to call it institutional racism that's fine, but we have to agree the numbers are very disproportionate.  And it's this way even after a policy has been put in place,  I wonder what the numbers would look like if no one had even addressed the subject previously?


    You forgot Marvin Lewis, Jim Caldwell.  In the past, we've had Hue Jackson, Dungy, Lovie Smith at Chicago to name a few.  In addition, disparity or not, there simply is not enough evidence that non-white coordinators or coaches candidates are passed over due solely to their "race."  


    GM's want coaches who have the potential to win.  Jim Caldwell did well in Indy as HC and as OC in Baltimore; ideally we can assume that it was his merits that he was hired.  Now, Detroit may have considered him a "Rooney Rule" candidate or perhaps they did not (we'll never know).  The fact that this rule exists to put into question his candidacy as HC is insulting to Caldwell's achievements.

  8. I think that's the smallest thumbnail jpeg image of a celebrity I have ever seen Vance. If you wanted me to go blind squinting at it just say so man. LOL! 


    Try this one instead. I like black & white pictures because it reminds me of vintage Hollywood...Your picture is fine BTW; I just don't carry around a magnifying glass on me 24/7. 




    I still think the marriage is a cover.  ;)

  9. Its only getting worse as of late


    Racism is a word that the media throws around without defining it or giving evidence of its existence in its claims.  The word means nothing anymore as it's used so flagrantly.  Ricker referred to the Civil Rights Act of 1964; at that time, this was a necessary piece of legislation to pass.  It is still effective but to indicate that more legislation is needed due to some unspecified claim is absurd.  If there is discrimination that is proven, there is enough legislation and policies to deal with it.  Claiming some "it happened or didn't happen due to racism" (whatever it may be) is a childish method of handling problems.  


    Racism definitely has been a part of the American culture.  Does it exist in some circles?  yes, within all each ethnicity.  It is no longer "institutional" as the media would love to have you believe.  


    To keep this discussion relating to the NFL, I'll refer back to the Rooney Rule.  Pep Hamilton, an offensive coordinator who may be interviewing for an HC job with the Bills.  Is he being interviewed because of his ethnicity or because what the GM perceives as his ability to coach a team?  Are they checking the Rooney box or do they have faith in Pep?  

  10. No it shouldn't go. Just like gender employment laws shouldn't go. Sure society progresses but white men run the show. There has to be safe guards against regression and to keep positive momentum.


    I see your point. You believe that any women or "minorities" cannot make it on their own achievements and potential.  


    Our president is mixed race, not fully white and not fully black-so much for white men running the show.


    Affirmative action (and policies like the Rooney Rule) is insulting.   Would Pep be interviewed because they think he's possibly good enough for the job or is it his ethnicity?  Due to the Rooney Rule, we'll never know.


    Like labels, do you?  Let's label everyone and not allow one to make it on their own accords, or would you rather judge someone by their performance?  Talk about regression.

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