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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. I like Tebow and I think he has a great attitude. He wouldn't have off the field issues in any way. I think he's overrated as a QB, though. With all due respect, I don't think that bringing him in will magically solve our problems. Our O-line issues will still exist and the defense has trouble tackling and cannot seem to get off the field.

    As much as I like him, I don't think he's the answer.

  2. Zone coverage isn't a problem but 10 yard cushions are. Are the Colts really going to stick with a scheme that's best suited when they have a lead?

    Drives me crazy. I think they're expecting long routes but in many cases against Indy, WR's make 10-15 yards at a time to head down the field while eating up the clock. Couple that with not stopping the run and teams can dominate the clock and move the ball all quarter.

    The D cannot get off the field and becomes less effective by the minute. If they can play at the line and stay with their man, they'll cover better.

  3. I like Caldwell but he seems confused and sometimes afraid to make a decision. A decisive coach would speak with the DC about the tackling issue and coverage ten yards back, and fix the problem. On the O, Dallas would have been lined up instead of blocking. That's what we have Eldridge for.

    For COllins, I don't blame Collins. He's been there three weeks and expected to learn the O that fast. If Garrard would have been available at that time, he may have been a possibility but he wasn't cut from Jacksonville at that point.

    Give it time. I don't see the playoffs anyway. If Indy doesn't make it, let Houston flex for a minute, and then we'll retake the lead after that.

  4. I think the problem is, the Colts never prepared themselves of the possibility that they may not have Peyton for any given time during the season. My view on not only a back up QB, but the entire team is you have to be ready at any time to play without your star QB.

    I agree. That and the idea that they haven't had a decent OLine since Tarik retired and Jake Scott left. With the defense, they've never been able to tackle or stop the run in most games. There's talent there but as we saw Sunday, it's not a team-oriented defense lately. They've put the weight on Peyton's shoulders. The Steelers did ok without Roethlisberger the first few games because they have a tough defense. A mediocre offense can put points on the board.

    We can recover this season. Tweak the O-line. Defense does their job, things will be ok. Probably not playoff bound, however, which is a whole different story in relation to next year's draft.

  5. My expectations for the Colts are very low. I'll still root for them but it takes a lot of frustration and pressure off.

    What I'd like to see in the Browns game is some improvement on the O-line and have the defense make some tackles instead of having the RB bounce off three defenders before going down.

    New O-Line should be:

    LT-Castonzo (I would rather have Johnson here and put AC at RT until next season.



    RG-Olsen (if he pans out)

    RT-Diem (ugh)

  6. i cant recall the last time colts were on the verge of trading their players but if it does come down to this, who would you say are our most expendable players? i see people mentioning names like freeney,wayne,saturday and mathis ....are you kidding me? trading isnt the colts way of improving but you gotta try new things.

    What about Donald Brown for a run-stopping defensive tackle? (assuming someone would take the trade).

  7. As a Texans fan I look at it a little different .......two out of the last three. I think the tide is turning,PM or no PM.

    Nope. You do realize that you have to play other teams than Indy. It's normal for Houston to flex right now. They beat Indy (without Peyton Manning) yesterday. Indy's O-line fell apart and the D didn't get it together until the second half.

    Although Houston may take the AFC South this year, I don't see them doing much more than going one and done. The Texans are in the phase of what my dad used to call "getting too big for their britches." The Jets will beat you, the Chargers will beat you, and the Patriots will beat you.

    Congratulations on beating the hobbled Colts.

  8. I really want to like Caldwell b/c he came from the Dungy era. Not feeling it today. On the sidelines, he stands there with a deer in the headlights look.

    Manning's absence shows how terrible the D is. The CB's play ten yards back and no one can tackle. I don't see the hard hits that you see on other teams. RB's and wR's bounce off Colts and get first downs. The bend but not break has failed.

    A good coach would make changes in the D, yet year after year we've seen the same schemes....same results.

  9. I blame the Colts FO in a lot of ways for never preparing for the possibility they would need to replace Peyton during the season at some point. Brady proved that even one of the best could go down at any given time and be out for the season. Instead of working to get a decent back up QB, they were left scrambling to find one this year.

    Agreed. Not only does this game show how much Indy needs Peyton but it shows how bad the D is.

    Plans should have been put into place for both needs.

  10. I support Collins as he is Indy's QB. He's still got the arm and knowledge of the game. No, he isn't Peyton Manning but he's been to a SB. It seems as if Indy's making changes to adapt to not having PM behind center. I look forward to see how it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't affect me.

  11. Irsay has a quirky sense of humor. I think he's toying with the media and possibly, this could be a smokescreen. Colts usually dismiss all of the talk and then sign someone ala Tommie Harris et. al.

    Not sure I'd like Favre b/c I don't think his pride would let him back up Peyton Manning. I'd see K. Collins, if he's willing, being an option for a one year contract.

  12. Hey they wouldn't build him a stadium and instead were going to communize his team with a public takeover. He would have lost hundreds of millions if not billions considering future value. I am always against teams moving, but I feel this is the one time it was justified. The Colts FRANCHISE will reside here in Indy hopefully forever, and that includes all of it's history. Haven't we been the Indianapolis Colts of the NFL longer than the Baltimore Colts were an NFL team in Baltimore already?

    Awesome points you make. Irsay owns the team; I would have moved them too. A team is a business.

    As far as the Hall of Fame is concerned, I understand that they have moved the Baltimore Colts displays near the Baltimore Ravens. Wrong move. Unitas and Smith were Colts, not Ravens.

    Also, if the announcers at Baltimore refuse to announce the Indianapolis Colts, the Colts should respond in kind when the NFL team from Baltimore comes to Indy for games.

  13. I did not know this guy was still in the league, but I remember him being a pretty decent backup.

    Billy Volek (UFA) San Diego

    He's a very good backup. He carried the rest of the game in the playoffs and led SD to a victory.

    It would be a good move.

  14. I'm not a fan of Culpepper but I'd feel better with him behind center than I would with Curtis Painter there.

    A few have mentioned Kerry Collins. Definitely not a long term solution but could help us this season. Sign him for a one year deal. He is fairly accurate, can learn the offense quickly, and can manage the game.

    I like the idea of a Charlie Whitehurst or AJ Feeley but I'm not sure of their contracts with their respective teams.

    I wanted Painter to work out when they drafted him but after two preseasons, I'm not convinced he's the answer. Granted that the Colts always lose preseason games and I'm not bothered by that but by his performance behind center. Not sure if it's a confidence thing or ability issue.

  15. I want to like Curtis Painter; I really do. I saw him throw two interceptions at a flag football charity game-no joke.

    As far as a backup, we'll do what we've always done. Keep Painter (Sorgi) and put the rest of the QB's on the practice squad even though they played better in the preseason.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Indy look at Culpepper; I'm not a fan but he is a veteran and could at least help us for a game or two if needed. (awaiting angry responses)...

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