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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. Talking to me? I didn't see anyone quoted.

    Actually the only instrument that I have even a passing familiarity with is the piano, and they aren't very common in marching bands. No, you didn't "hurt my feelings", although I did consider your suggestion that "only real men can be sportswriters" to be funny in an extremely off-putting way. If that was your intention, than consider me to be laughing with you. On the other hand your above "apology" appears to be intentionally offensive. I'm starting to wonder exactly whose feelings it was that were hurt. If so, "Lighten up. I'm sorry."

    Yes, I was talking to you. You and Blazer and I didn't know how to quote two people at once. Whether it was the marching band comment or the La Confora comment, apparently I touched a nerve somewhere. Not my intention. Just voicing my opinion of LaConfora and making a funny comment; then I get responses of "what does that have to do with LaConfora?" Thus, it made me think that either the two of you either really liked LaConfora, marching bands, or both.

    Now with the "apology"-more a sarcastic intention than an offensive one. It was a commentary on this being a message board and that you and I will never meet, know each other's real names, nor have anything to do with each other-other than discussing the Colts and the pundits who talk about them. It's a message board, it's not that serious.

    Maybe I'd fit in better at Coltfreaks, I'm not sure.

    Regardless, not my intention to upset anyone in any sense.

  2. He's one I'd love to bring over because he helps in more than one area.

    He can not only help with safety but can play special teams and has some returner experience.

    ST needs serious help. Grigson doesn't seem to be a very passive GM-that's a good sign.

  3. Seeing all of these photoshopped Andrew Luck with #12 in a Colts jersey-not used to it.

    I keep thinking there a bunch of Jim Sorgi fans here.

    As for QB's, I'd agree that Griffin is more mobile. As far as Indy taking Griffin over Luck, I don't see it but it could happen. I know it was Polian, but Manning over Leaf, Edge over Ricky. Nothing surprises me-especially when Polian took Tight Ends when we had needs elsewhere.

  4. alright whose with me I say we storm west 56th street and make Peyton Manning and Jim Irsay sit down and talk to each other. If we need to find someone to be the mediate between the two I am sure we can find someone to do that but I do know this Bob Kravitz is NOT that guy!

    They're probably upset about talking to the media before each other. I wouldn't make too much of it though. They've known each other a long time and Irsay loves Manning like a son-money proves that.

    As far as the hype goes, it's nothing more than Housewives of Marion County. It's nothing more than a reality show to the press.

  5. I could see us target a NT early in this draft since we need our poor man's version of Haloti Ngata. I want Dontari Poe in the 2nd! He then could man the NT spot for us allowing others to be more freed up.

    I love the Ravens' DT philosophy, a 340 lbs. guy who would get double teamed while an LB comes around the end and nails the RB or QB.

  6. It could be that while he may be uncomfortable with the changes (who is?), that ESPN is blowing it way out of proportion. No one likes uncertainty. After Manning and Irsay talk, they will work out what's happening. It's like getting a new boss. No one likes it.

    In terms of the team, I'd like to see Manning stay for a year or two, mentor Luck, and retire as a Colt. Manning in another uniform would be an abomination.

  7. I see Caldwell staying. Maybe there's something there that we don't see. To me, I see Peyton giving Caldwell the "what are you doing?" looks. I see Caldwell standing there on the sidelines with blank looks on his face. He doesn't seem to inspire the players.

    I suppose Irsay and Grigson see qualities in Caldwell that we don't understand. Caldwell seems like a heck of a guy but I have doubts about his coaching abilities. Maybe he would be better suited as a coordinator.

  8. I don't think they're dysfunctional but there is a power void right now. There's no GM. When Irsay hires one, we'll know about Caldwell and what they're going to do. Then, there will be a direction to go. New defensive scheme or a hybrid scheme. Also, we don't know whether or not Manning will be healthy enough to play and if the Colts do or don't take Luck.

    Dysfunctional, no, but there is a period of being unsure about a few things. It will work itself out once the new GM is hired.

  9. I'd like to see an Eli win another ring at LOS vs. the Patriots. Again, in the last two minutes of the game. Seriously.

    If not the Giants, I'd want either the Falcons or 49ers to win. I find it hard to root for an AFC team. I like Baltimore's model but it's Baltimore. Steelers? Nah....too generic. Hmmm. To play in the AFC aside from the Patriots, I'd say the Broncos. As far as the Texans are concerned, nah. Indy doesn't have enough blowdryers for Kubiak's hair, so I wouldn't say Houston.

  10. It would be difficult to see Manning in any jersey except a Colts jersey. if they draft Luck, I'd like to see Manning stay for one or two years and then retire. Maybe that's a selfish fan's thinking.

    If he does go, I wish him the best and I'll always consider him a Colt. I hope that if he does leave, he goes to a classy organization. I really hope he's healthy enough to stay, however, and does so.

  11. It was a needed win. Tennessee was a good one but this one was better. TD in the last 19 seconds to seal the win.

    The spirit was one important thing missing this season. The team felt defeated.

    Agreed on the Ludacris comments. I hope we resign him and Sims and even get a little more into FA. Not all of them are like Corey Simon.

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