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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. What you are seeing here is a hiatus between times when Colts are AFC South Champs.  I believe that this is what the op was trying to say.


    Texans are good, yes.  Schaub is aging and Luck will improve with time and an O-Line.  Running game is starting to come together.


    Defense is working and will improve wih new personnel and perhaps a coaching change at DB.


    It's fun for the Texans to pretend that they are elite.  That's ok.  In my humble opinion, I really don't see them as an NFL team yet.  I know that they are as they play in the NFL but when I think football, I don't think Houston Texans.  I think Colts, Pats, Packers, Giants.  Texans are like the Jags and Panthers to me.  Is that what you meant, OP?

  2. 1) Do you have any feelings towards the Baltimore Colts as far as the history, including Johnny Unitas or do you view the Baltimore Colts as a completely different team and share no connection?

    2) Is the rivalry with New England dead now that Manning is with the Broncos?

    3) Since the Baltimore Colts beat the Cowboys in a superbowl, do we have 2 superbowl wins or did that superbowl win not transfer over?

    4) How is the stadium experience, including the Colts store?

    Lots of good questions.

    1) I still tie the Colts with Baltimore, yes, but the name doesn't sound right anymore. That familiar feeling when you see them on the field in an NFL Films Production from way back. However, they are now the Indianapolis Colts and in a few years, they will have been in Indy for longer than they were in Baltimore. ALso, Baltimore has their Ravens now, a good franchise of its own right.

    2) Less of a rivalry; still there, but I think new ones will develop. I think Pats fans hate the Colts, but they hate Manning more. Also, I can't hate the Patriots anymore....I know, sorry. I'm a Giants fan also and after watching Patriots lose in the last two minutes of each Super Bowl...the disappointed looks on the fans' (and Brady's) faces, I just can't hate them as much.

    3) 2 SB's!!!!!! (same franchise=two wins). In fact, I heard (haven't been there) that they moved the Baltimore Colts display near the Baltimore Ravens displays. To do that would be factually incorrect.

    4) Stadium experience ROCKS!!!! The great thing about Indy is that it is, although a big city (around 2 mill), it seems like a big small town (why I moved here). People, although somewhat uptight (I'm a GA boy and we are more laid back in the South), are relatively down to earth. Plus, it's a small enough city that you can go to community functions and see players. I've seen Vinatieri in Carmel before. Also, they do community events like the Gary Brackett challenge etc. ANyway, the stadium is great, wide open, and a very nice facility. You can see downtown out the big window and you don't have to leave your seat.

    Edit: Also, if you're a fan of an opposing team, you'll get some comments but they are generally good natured and all in good fun. Never seen a fight there on that issue.

  3. Nicolas Jean-Baptiste DT (Baylor)

    Dominique Hamilton DT (Missouri)

    Ryan Steed CB (Furman)

    Micah Pellerin CB (Hampton)

    Chaz Powell CB (Penn State)

    Janzen Jackson S (Mc Neese St.)

    Kelcie McCray S (Arkansas Sate)

    Lucas Nix OG (Pittsburgh)

    Chase Ford TE (Miami)

    Derek Moye WR (Penn State)

    Dale Moss WR (South Dakota)

    Ich liebe. I like it.

  4. Coaches determine the scheme, not the GM

    If that would be the case then you would be correct in saying "coaches." Plural, which makes me think that Polian had more involvement than a lot of GM's, except for Jerry Jones. It's not an absolute that we are going to a 3-4, but recent signings say it's likely. New GM...new scheme...hmm.

  5. Albert Haynesworth! Big strong body who commands a double team, he'd be motivated knowing he'd be part of the rebuilding process here. His contract isn't bad either!

    Big guy who has had some good games but I think that he'd be a locker room problem. He'd cost us a lot in penalties because he cannot control his temper.

  6. I thought I would root for the Broncos....until I saw Manning hold up his Bronco jersey. He had the same look that Eli had when he was drafted by the Chargers. Same smile, etc. He didn't look particularly excited.

    I hope Manning does well with Denver, but not too well. Then, I hope he returns to the Colts organization in some capacity after he retires. He's a Colt, not a Bronco.

  7. I'd like to see better blocking from Brown. He does have speed and awareness. Perhaps with a better O-line, we'll see a significant difference.

    I hope to see a lot form Carter, too. Fewer fumbles. I love the way the guy keeps plowing. They have the potential to be a good 1-2 punch.

  8. Luck seems like a very boring person..at least Manning had some personality..

    He seemed very nervous but I can understand that. He seemed humble, as Peyton does. Good quality. I remember the Leaf/Manning thing. I think that Leaf would have been great but his attitude got in the way. His ego was the problem and he couldn't admit mistakes. I don't see that in Luck.

    No off the field problems with Luck. He'll be in bed by 9pm.

  9. I think Orlovsky signed with TB, but he would be adequate if not.

    Signing someone like Delhomme (if he had a short contract with Houston) to guide whoever we draft might not be a bad idea.

    What's Bruce Gradkowski doing?

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