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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. It seemed like the problems were at RG and Center.  Satele and McGlynn (at first).  Thornton seemed to improve the position and hopefully, Holmes will do the same.  THe problem is that they're both rookies and lack NFL experience.  Also, the front office seems married to the idea of Satele and McGlynn.   I was surprised at Reitz' performance at LT; he was much better than I expected. 


    Cherilus was adequate as was Thomas.   As we've said for years, running game will improve with an improved O-line.  The O-line seems much better than last year's but I think it still has a long way to go.

  2. I would have thought they'd have replaced him by now, also.  Can Reitz play on the other side?  He wouldn't be worse.


    I'm worried about Center (Satele) also.  They should have kept Shipley.


    I think the Tackles are adequate and D. Thomas has done ok.  The weakest part of the line is in the middle/right

  3. I like the logo. Los Angeles Jaguars has a good ring to it.


    Dang!  You beat me to the LA comment.  


    Wouldn't surprise me in a year or two.  I'm surprised they put a team there in the first place.  Many people there are Dolphins or Bucs fans.

  4. I agree with a previous post:

    If we fix the O-line during the offseason (and tweak the D), we'll take the AFC South.


    I sort of (well, not really) feel sorry for Houston because many of their fans actually thought that some sort of "tide" was turning and it was their turn to rule it for a while.


    They're a one trick pony on defense.  That pony is Watt.


    For offense, yes, Schaub is good but his release isn't as fast as it used to be.  In addition, contain Foster and cover Johnson and that about does it.


    Tennessee is on a treadmill.  Jacksonville is the Colts in the early 90's. 

  5. I like him, but he was mediocre today.


    He's already been the OC and didn't do that well.


    Having said that, dropped passes and the horrible O-line weren't his fault, but he didn't make adjustments.


    For exampe, Christensen left Satele in when Shipley was available and who is a better Center.





  6. Pagano knows Baltimore's defense.


    Cory Redding has practiced against Baltimore's offense. 


    Caldwell wouldn't recognize Indy's offense or their defense, although he has played against similar types. 


    Other advantages/disadvantages:


    Baltimore:  home game, Ray Lewis' last season,


    Indy:  playing high, Defense has done well lately (at least in the second half).

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