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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. I would trade a 3rd for Boone and cut Thomas after this year.


    Casonzo, Mewhort, Holmes/Harrison, Boone, and Cherilus.


    Thornton, Reitz, Louis, and/or Nixon as backups.


    Looks pretty darn sweet to me.


    We would have the center position covered because Louis could start at guard and Mewhort move to center if needed.


    The move would also help us out at tackle because Boone can play very well at left tackle, so much that he filled in last year and shut down Quinn.


    This move would be a no-brainer if the 49ers are serious about wanting to part with Boone. And it really opens up our options in next years draft too.


    Boone has clearly out-played his contract, and the 49ers should have recognized this before it got this bad.

    Agreed.  I wish that Thomas would have worked out but it didn't and I'm not sure how much more time the Colts can spend on him.


    I like your suggestion of Castonzo, Mewhort, Harrison/Holmes, Boone, Cherilus.  It offers a very versatile collection of OL players.


    Trading for a third would be smart (I wish Richardson-although I think he'll have a better year this year) would have been traded for a later pick.  My point is a third round isn't that much of a gamble.  

  2. a lot of people were because they were the popular names that people knew. I'll admit I was keeping my eye on them too during FA and I was a bit disappointed when EDS signed.  I knew Mack was never a realistic option though and with it taking so long for de la Puenta to sign that told me he wasn't as good as a lot of people thought.  


    Personally I don't know if EDS would have been an upgrade over Holmes.  Grigson said he wasn't impressed with any of the FA C's.  Sure that could be gm speak but at the same time, I never heard anything, any kind of rumor that the Colts showed any kind of interest in any C other than Mack.  And we have no idea how serious the interest the Colts showed in Mack actually was.  

    For the plays that I saw Holmes in last night, I liked what I saw.  I hope his hiatus is a short one.

  3. we obviously should have also signed Evan Dietrich-Smith and Brian de la Puenta too.  And why didn't we get Mack again?  Grigson really dropped the ball.  We could have had the best group of centers in the league

    I was disappointed when I saw these guys sign with other teams.

  4. They do exist in a historical perspective. I have faced reality and am more than happy with the current Ravens chapter , as you guys are with the Colts. With Luck, you guys could be adding another excellent chapter.


    If they can address the defense, I think we'll see more successful seasons with Luck.  It was unfortunate that Peyton sat here so many years while the D rotated players and coordinators with few positive results.  Hopefully, Luck will have a career more like (hides under a table) Tom Brady....(I can't believe I typed that).

  5. The Baltimore Colts name means everything to NFL history. Start with the greatest game ever played, to the historic loss in Super Bowl 3. The current incarnation , despite some great Manning years, still doesn't quite hold up to the earlier era.


    I get sentimental about some things, too, so I understand what you mean.  


    But you have to face the reality that the Baltimore Colts don't exist anymore.  They live in Indianapolis now.  I used to live in Nashville; Richmond, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia (still haven't updated my profile); San Antonio, Texas; and Kuwait.  I don't live there anymore.  Although I look back and think, "those years were great," they are in my memory...a metaphorical museum in my mind.  

  6. They're the Colts.   It's a team, not a city.  I didn't really pay much attention to the Colts when they were in Baltimore as I was a Steelers fan in the 70's (yeah, I know).   I started to like the Bears when I moved to Indy the first time.  I was in the 6th grade when they moved to Indy ( I ignored football for several years) but I really didn't root for the Colts until they got Peyton Manning. The name "Baltimore Colts" means no more to me than the "St. Louis Cardinals."  The latter is now in Arizona and the former is in Indianapolis.  


    I do believe that the Baltimore Colts should be with the Indianapolis Colts' exhibit in Canton as it is the same team.  (Haven't been but planning a trip soon).  

  7. If the "PC" world makes D Snyder change the name of the WASHINGTON REDSKINS ... I am done with the NFL.      This is just out of hand. 


    Cut the ones who are "native" and "offended" a check and it is all over.....   oh, wait...    the white guys are the ones who are loudest on this issue....   banging a drum for a useless cause when our brothers and sisters have been dying overseas for.....  


    WHAT?     freedom?     OK..     


    I can name 20 nicknames that ref native Indians...   and NOT one is an issue....   BUT the NFL REDSKINS are,.,


    hmmmm ?      Why I wonder?     News for some dead beat politician?    Oh no ....    never... 


    My favorite nickname of all is the N  Dakota St  Sioux...        OMFG///         North Dakota folk are SO insensitive...  That fanbase embraces it...     Florida St Seminoles.         BLACKHAWKS?        INDIANS?          But Redskin is the BIGGEST.. 



    LOL....     comicallll....  Truly comical.     


    Go Danial Snyder...   stick to your guns.

    I think a deeper issue is that the NFL has become a social experiment for pundits on television.  Another case in point is Michael Sam.   The Rams were lauded for picking him, not for any ability as a football player, though.  

    Personally, I don't care who Sam dates but I don't need it thrown in front of my face as they did on ESPN for weeks.  The same is true with the Redskins, if the owner, who OWNS the team name, contract rights to players, and equipment chooses to change it then, kudos.  If not, ok.  If it was that big of an issue, the players should quit the team if it means anything to them.  Chances are, however, they won't as their contracts and salary will mean more to them than the team name.   

  8. Um, Actually they do. America has killed way more Natives than any country combined when you want to go into specifics of genocide.


    No one likes to bring it up cause they'll say "but it happened a long time ago" but it did happen. All that flag waving nationalism don't erase the blood stains that birthed this nation. This country was founded on the blood shed of mass genocide to the original occupiers to the land. America killed way, way more Natives and Africans (slave trade) than the Nazi's killed of the Jews, and even if you combine all the deaths of the communists in the Eastern Bloc that the Nazi's murdered (they killed plenty of Eastern people too, the first people the Nazi's murdered were the communists, if you want to be accurate) it still don't come close to the numbers of America the great's death toll to what they did to the Natives. In fact the Nazi's even praised the founding fathers for their extermination of the Natives. Hitler wrote nice things about them and praised them for it.

    Besides this, I always find it ironic and sometimes hilarious that America is the one country likes to remind everyone in the world about who kills people, but no one can ever bring up the bloody history that founded this very own country where we still are one of the most racist and sexist countries in the world, and it's all in the name of profit. Thank you capitalism!


    America has a very long history of being cruel to anything that's not white, (and women too, seeing we still treat them like second class citizens) if you want to go into this, when the Irish and Italians first came to America, they too had to face racial discrimination from the white Christians, cause according to them, the Irish weren't white enough for them. There is books and historical documentation written about this. Same goes for the Jewish people too, America was pretty mean to them too before the Third Reich even existed, and still to this day, we have stereotypical imagery of Jewish people and even Italians, though it's no where near as bad as all the sexist objectification of women that we see everyday in advertising and entertainment. 

    It all goes back to capitalism and the exploitation of race, religion, and gender.


    If they changed the name, it would make a lot of people happy. As the only ones unhappy would be the typical "this is muh Murica!" group of people who's opinion mean absolutely nothing to me.


    If you can find a better country to live in, Delta Airlines is ready when you are.

  9. I'm not sure how these count as "rumours"? I'm not sure how this 2nd tier thing works as they seems to be saying there is only the Broncos and Patriots in tier 1 in the AFC, that and saying we're still likely to win the AFC South, hardly a "doomed" season.


    Trash article with zero depth, nothing to see here, move along people. 


    I don't even think the Colts will win the AFC South.  It will be either the Broncos, Patriots, or Jaguars (since they've done so much in the offseason).  It could be the Seahawks or the Niners.  They may win the AFC South.  (Please note sarcasm).


    Like you, I don't pay much attention this type of thing either.  

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