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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. Toler, DHB, and Satele have been busts. Trading for Sheppard was a bad trade. You cant call RJF, Walden, or even Landry a bust though. I know Landry missed some tackles (Maybe due to injury), but when we bring in a true FS who is good in coverage Landry will excel. JMO.


    I thought so, too, about Sheppard. He's been mediocre at best.  If I remember correctly, we traded Jerry Hughes for him.  I always thought that Hughes didn't fit in the 4-3 system as a DE but he would have been better at OLB in a 3-4, which we now run.  I think we should have given him time.  Of course, I wasn't considering his contract, salary, etc. 

  2. Satele-bust.  Looks confused.  Defenders go right around him and he stands there looking left and right.

    McGlynn-backup quality center. 

    Landry-hard hitter.  Decent on the run but not on the pass.

    Toler-injured too much like Bob Sanders.  Good when he's in, but...

    Walden was adequate.

    Richardson-jury is still out.  I'd like to see what happens with an improved o-line and experience in training camp. He was thrown to the wolves.  I realize that's part of the game but TC might help him. 

    DHB-I had high hopes (I hate that new Springsteen song) for DHB but it didn't work. I'd hoped he'd step up when Reggie got hurt.  He's made a few good plays but that's about it.  He's fast but no hands.  I liked him on special teams, though. 

  3. I would rather have Donald Butler because he's the only good young ILB in FA. Mack is the best player on the list but there's two other centers De La Puente and Smith, one of them we can get along with Butler.  


    I don't know how much he would set the Colts back but what would De La Puente's cap hit be?  I think it's less than Mack and as you pointed out, we could address other positions on D. 

  4. Yep. That's what I was just saying to a friend. Niners win the SB last year and probably this year is not far fetched. He's got at least one ring. Why did He have to join forces with Elways team?


    Though I'm a Manning fan, I'm not a big fan of Elway (prima donna).  I laughed when the announcer had to request the AFC trophy from Elway to John Fox to let him hold it a little while. 


    When asked about how an SB win would be, he called it a feather in his cap (as if he were the QB on the field).  I think Peyton looked at Denver and thought it was the team that had the most around him at the time he was looking for a team.  Tennessee was a joke.  I wonder if Peyton's reluctance to go to SF had to do with Harbaugh being there.  Not the he dislikes Harbaugh but there may tension between the two since Peyton cost Harbaugh his job in Indy.  Not sure.

  5. I think he stays Center at least for the remainder of his contract then Khaled Holmes takes over


    I agree that Satele will stay at Center.  More of the same.  We do what we do.  More Irsay tweets next season.


    Optimistically, Satele goes and they get Mack or de la Puente. 

  6. On my TV... Satele and McGlynn are both "B" team players. They're both decent backups and should only ever play in that capacity. Linkenbach is "C" team player. The Colts lack "A" team players at those positions, so they are forced to field the best they have.


    Add two "blue chip" players and cut 2 of those three. Done...


    Excellent way to put this.  I really wanted Satele, at some point this past season, to have a stellar, career changing game.   That, or they tried him out at guard in camp and he rocked it.  I like to believe in people-maybe that's the optimist in me. 


    I suppose with Satele, maybe he'd thrive under a different blocking scheme and another team.  I agree, he's a really solid backup but I don't see him (from what I've seen) as a starter for the Colts.

  7. I'm still holding out hope that Thornton will be a viable starter.  He's got a the physical tools to be very good guard.  I'd like us to get a big boy center, and have Holmes as our swingman G/C.  We should also retain Reitz and Nixon to be our G/T swingmen.  Then go after some more depth in FA, or a late round pick.


    I like it.  Reitz is adequate and Nixon played pretty well most of the time this year. 

    AC, Thomas, (Mack or de la Puente), Thornton, Cherilus would make a pretty good line.  Nixon and Reitz as backups...keep Link if we need him.    I have to say that Satele, although probably a pretty nice guy, hasn't done well in Indy most of the time.  McGlynn did better at Center than guard. 

  8. Of course on it's simplest terms in order for Peyton to win, so must the Broncos. But to label me a Bronco fan (with the implication that by definition I therefore am not a Colt fan) is really pretty insulting. I'm been rooting for the Colts since I was about six. It's not your place to say that.


    Players go into the hall as players. If they play for 50 teams each will be recognized. Insisting that success with the Broncos somehow negates his success with the Colts is a contrivance without merit - regardless of how many times you say it. You sound like you are worried about the opinion of ill-informed twelve year olds rooting for other teams. I'm not.


    I'm familiar with you as a poster and of course you are far from "cruel". Not coincidentally, I never said that you were. Sorry if you took exception, but acting as if I called YOU that (I criticized the comment, I didn't try to characterize your entire existence as such) is a similarly boiled down "black/white" take on my post as are your comments about my fan hood.


    Newsflash, there's also shades of gray. I can root for Peyton AND the Colts. So could you if you opened your mind a little. Peyton's success with the Broncos will only add to his legacy - to the point that the Colts amazing history with QBs will be looked at with far more awe than it would be if Peyton left the team and fell off the table. His forced departure is an unfortunate side-story that makes the whole even more impressive. As I've said to others, Irsay will probably be the first on line to congratulate Peyton - crying like a baby. This is the opportunity he HOPED he was freeing him up to reach while the Colts went back to square one. For the life of me I can't fathom why any Colts fan would feel any differently.


    Honestly, there's no need for apologies as I didn't take exception.  I was more joking in regards to the "cruel" comment than anything else.  We disagree on something sports related and I don't think either of us meant anything personal by it.   As far as being a fan.  I don't doubt you're a Colts fan. I'm one, too, but I'm also a Giants fan....and a Falcons fan.  




    No hard feelings. 

  9. Inaccurate oversimplification - why do so many on here insist on black/white labeling regarding "fanhood"?


    More to the point, it has nothing to do with my post to you. a Cowboys or Dolphins fan could have made the same point - that your theories about who Peyton "belongs" to are simply wrong. He is an all time great Colt who deserves a statue in front of the stadium. Nothing is going to change that.


    For a Colts fan to actively root against him is in my opinion counterproductive and cruel. He deserves better than that. Maybe you don't appreciate what he did for the Colts quite enough.


    There's nothing inaccurate about it despite your claim.  If you root for Peyton, you root for the Broncos.  That's ok, if that's the team you hope wins.  As for Peyton winning a ring, he probably will win in a couple of weeks.  By most fans across the country, his time in Indy will be forgotten.  He'll be placed in the HOF as a Bronco. You can be a Peyton Manning fan and you can be a Colts fan. As we saw last fall, sooner or later you have to make that "black and white" choice as cruel as it may be.   lol.  Cruel.  I've never been called that before, even when I was a 60 gunner.

  10. Although Schaub and Dalton are both pretty fine QB's in there own right in my opinion, I just think they have the mental toughness to reained poised under pressure(At least Schaub does), Schaub Im sure dont, you could see it all over his face when he threw a pick. Jury is still out on Dalton but I think he lets bad plays or throws get to him as well and it has a negative affect and snowballs


    I agree about the jury being out of Dalton. My original point had to do with the idea that if we didn't take Luck when we did, we could be stuck with mediocre (or seemingly mediocre) prospects at QB for a long time.  Dalton will get better; Schaub can retire.

  11. All I hear is, "that's what happens when you let Peyton go... He takes his team to the SB. Karma had it coming"

    I'm like, um Peyton has a better overall team now. If we kept him our cap space would be one of the lowest in the league and we would have not been able to get a good defense. We probably wouldn't have been able to resign our players. Just like the Saints are losing Jimmy Graham.

    I am so hyped for our team now. We have amazing young players with TY Hilton, Andrew Luck, Vontae, Freeman. A very promising team for a decade to come.

    But glad Peyton has another chance at the bowl.

    What do I say about this (letting Peyton go) to shut the other fans up. So irritating!!!!


    It was a business decision.  People can like it or not like it, but the NFL teams are businesses.  We could have kept Peyton, who I loved having here, for  two or three more years and chanced a QB (we would have the Andy Dalton or Matt Schaub types) for several years until we had our franchise QB or we could have let Peyton go and take Luck and have him (hopefully) for the next ten to fifteen years.  Smart business decision.

  12. By who? Not me. Not you.


    The only one who will "own" Peyton's legacy is Peyton, and after rooting for him for so many years I'm not about to stop now out of some miss-guided fantasy that it will reflect poorly on the Colts. How about just being happy for the guy? Arguably the best QB in the history of the sport just based on his time with the Colts, this amazing second act is only clinching the argument. How exactly would it be in the Colts best interests for him to fail miserably, and how would said misery increase his "allegiance" to the Colts.


    If he is actually bitter at the Colts (which I doubt), no amount of losing in Denver is going to make it all better. When all is said and done he will be in the hall of fame with two teams listed on his bust. The only way to avoid that would have been for the Colts to keep him, which virtually all Colts fans realized was not a good idea. You can't have it both ways.


    I get the feeling that you disagree with me.   You can root for Peyton all you like but if you at this point, you're a Bronco fan and that's ok if you choose to do that.  I like Peyton Manning and I appreciate what he's done for the Colts. 

  13. Don't forget that they owed him a LOT of money if they kept him, before knowing if he would ever play again.

    That was a move for the long term health of the team. We are good at QB for a long time while retirement is being tossed around with Peyton.


    Agreed.  I laugh when people talk about letting Luck go through the draft and get picked by another team and we keep Peyton.  He'll play one or two more years and retire.  We'd be stuck with QB's like Blaine Gabbert/Sam Bradford types for several years until we happened to have a really bad year when the next year a stellar QB comes out and we take him.  We would have had several years of 7-9 and 8-8 seasons. 


    Luck was there at the beginning of his career and Peyton left towards the end of his.  It was a solid business decision for the franchise and I believe that Peyton understands that. 

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