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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. That’s the advantage you have living on the east coast where most games are roughly 1p and 4p. Out West, most games are 10a and 1p. Most of my relatives who have moved from the east coast to the west say they I refer 1 and 4. Feels more normal to them. 10a and 1p feels strange to them. Go figure…..
  2. Sunday…. I’ll be up at 6a for the pregame and then a 630a kickoff. People who know me well will tell you it’s incredibly rare for me to be up at that hour!
  3. Carolina has said Burns is NOT available. They’re keeping him. He’s a building block for them.
  4. My hunch is the team and Shaq will have to come to financial terms by mid-March when the new NFL yearly calendar starts. The guy makes $20 mill a year, but he doesn’t play like it anymore. So…. If Shaq wants to stay then there needs to be a contract restructure. And the problem with that is he currently sounds pretty angry with the team, and may not want to do a deal with them. Put another way, Shaq may try to force his way out of Indy. So…. If Ballard wants to try and keep him, then CB will have to work his magic with Shaq as he did with JT. Putting toothpaste back in the tube is hard. Can Ballard and Irsay smooth things over by mid-March? Maybe. But I think they’ll only have two months to do it. You have to do it by then because you don’t want Leonard’s $20 mil on the books when the team is trying to sign free agents in March. Lots of moving parts.
  5. Congrats! This is flat out one of your bests posts — ever! You should book mark it, because you may want to reference it many times in the future! Great post!! Bravo!!
  6. Because you’re changing the subject. I’ve stated the same thing over and over and you won’t address it. You change the subject to what you want to talk about. At this point, I’m done.
  7. Again…. When the Colts eventually lost in the playoffs, they typically lost because Peyton played badly, not because the defense played badly. Not sure why we’re having such a miscommunication, but we are.
  8. You think Ballard doesn’t know how important it is to get the quarterback right? Luck retired mid-August of 2019, too late to do anything. The decisions to go with Rivers in 20, Wentz in 21, Ryan in 22 were made NOT by Ballard alone, but also by Irsay. And they were made because their view was the team was ready to win each year, if they could just get the quarterback right. So they went with a short term quick fix. I have to stress, a decision like this is not made by Ballard alone, it’s done with Irsay as well. The disastrous 22 season gave the Colts a chance to do a re-set. I think after this season Ballard has no more than two years to save his job. I think Ballard and AR are linked. If they do, great, but if not, Ballard will get fired. And I wouldn’t rule out Ballard getting fired even sooner if Irsay has one of his temperamental moments. I think anything is possible.
  9. Read my post again. In the game that ended the season in the playoffs, the reason the Colts lost wasn’t on the defense, it was because Peyton Manning wasn’t good enough in the playoff game. Im not talking seasonal. I’m talking about the playoff losses that ended the Colts season. Manning wasn’t good enough, that’s why.
  10. Jared…. All those great years with Manning, when the team eventually lost in the playoffs, it wasn’t because the defense wasn’t good enough. It was because Manning himself wasn’t good enough in the biggest game of the year. Polian built an amazing offense and he wasn’t even afraid to trade Marshall Faulk and draft Edgerin James. That’s how great Polian was. If Polian wasn’t great, then there’s never been a great GM in the NFL. He’s as good as it gets, flaws and all.
  11. Dear God, Jared! You certainly aren’t afraid to humiliate yourself. Bill Polian was a UNANIMOUS FIRST BALLOT Hall of Fame GM. He was great in Buffalo, great in Carolina, and great in Indianapolis until the last few years. Whenever you write these long rambling posts you get yourself into trouble. I’m sorry, but this is another bad take.
  12. The teams you mentioned…. are led by Mahomes, Allen, Jackson, Burrow and Lawrence. When you have a top quarterback, you can have more success. The Colts haven’t gotten the quarterback right since Luck. Hopefully that changes with AR.
  13. Can I introduce you to Julius Brent’s. Once healthy, he’s the Colts CB1. He went in the 2nd round. As did Rock. How quickly they forget.
  14. I’m a Hasselback guy. I thought he was the perfect backup to Luck. Very smart, very wise, could deal with Luck on an intellectual level and had the game to back it up.
  15. Welcome to the world where the Colts are a small market team and the Eagles are a big market team and can do things the Colts don’t want to. And Ballard’s approach is pretty close to Polian’s approach as well.
  16. I think this confirms what I’ve been saying almost all year. That this would be a semi-tank job. The roster is young and inexperienced by design. Other than the normal Ballard approach at free agency the team has done nothing to improve. The team is fine letting the kids play and learning on the job. You wanted me to see this as a negative against Ballard. Except I think it’s the opposite. It proves that Ballard/Irsay are fine if the team finishes under 500. This was the plan all along. As it was in 2017. I appreciate you pointing this out to me. I might’ve missed it. Thnx.
  17. Why do you feel the need to ever talk to me? It’s a waste of both our time. If you want to support a poster who makes a bad argument, be my guest. We both know the main reason to defend that post is so you can try to annoy me. Nice try. You don’t like me or respect me. Believe me when I say the feeling is mutual. Go shop elsewhere.
  18. Sorry, but it has complete relevance. Not during the season, but in the off-season when a team decides the moves it wants to make. A team like Philly makes more money than the Colts in every area imaginable. More in tickets, parking, food, merch, media rights, on and on. The Colts have to be smart with every dollar they spend. Irsay doesn’t want to be signing expensive free agents every year. He’s done it once in the 12 years I’ve been here — 2013 — and I don’t think it’s a surprise he’s never done it again. It didn’t go that well.
  19. Because Moose NEVER liked the pick. He’s never made the fair and reasonable argument that YOU just did. Even when Nelson was healthy and on a Hall of Fame track, Moose would make anti-Nelson arguments. I think he makes nonsensical arguments. I think making an argument like Moose did tonight that the Colts had leverage against Nelson and the Colts should have used it is a humiliating argument. It’s as if Moose has not paid attention to the Colts since the day he arrived.
  20. Irsay called him that. Because he was THAT good. And during all that time in his glory years, you hated that the Colts took Nelson, even when he was on a Hall of Fame track. Your post was as silly as the one you recently made when you said Cooper Kupp isn’t that good, he’s a product of the McVey system. It didn’t occur to you that the Rams clearly disagree with you because they made Kupp one of the top-10 highest paid WRs in the league. Ooops!
  21. “Dicey”?!? You’re way WAY too kind. It’s bogus at best done by the Ballard haters trying to make their case.
  22. What a surprise! Moose tells half the story, but it’s the half he doesn’t tell that will explain things. First, you never liked the Nelson pick. Not ever. He was a guard and you hated that, even when he was on a Hall of Fame track. Second, Your new argument is now that in 2021 when Nelson broke his foot in training camp and came back in 30 days, then suffered a high ankle sprain, the Colts should have used that against him by waiting him out. That way the Colts might have signed him for half the price. That would’ve been poison for the locker room. The Colts message to our players under Ballard is we will either pay you the most or the Colts will encourage you to take a better offer. To use Nelson’s injuries against him would’ve been the worst possible message to the team. It would poison the locker room. You’ve yet to figure out the team you choose to root for is a Small Market team. Philly is a big market team. And Kansas City is an original AFC franchise that’s been in existence for 25 years before the Colts even came to Indy. They don’t operate like a small market team. Both franchises that you mention can do things the Colts can’t. If Ballard is fired tomorrow, Irsay will hire either Dodds or Morocco Brown and nothing will change. The approach that you hate that you think is set only by Ballard is also set by Irsay. It’s not changing. I don’t see the Colts signing anyone like Christian Kirk to a deal that upset many NFL teams. Irsay is not changing that approach. The Colts have to be smarter than other teams. Welcome to the world of the small market teams. They can’t do things big market teams can do. And while you can point to Kirk be signed by Jacksonville which is a small market team, you probably didn't know that before that Kirk signing JVille spent $1.4 BILLION over 10 years in free agency and had almost zero to show for it. That was the most in the NFL for that decade. Jim Irsay is not going down that rabbit hole. It’s unbelievable that you think using Nelson’s injuries against him is a good idea. The Colts locker room is everything. And adding poison to it is the worst possible idea. Irsay loves Nelson. Pretty much called him the face of the franchise. He’d never stand for it. Im glad you have thick skin, I suspect you’re going to need it.
  23. It’s been my experience that few things here make our community go crazy as to what players are getting paid. People here go nuts. People here become extremely anti-player, extremely pro-management, as if it impacts them directly. And it happens most years.
  24. Why do you feel the need to decide a guys career based on half a season?
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