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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. It's called playing smart. I wanted to go for it, ok, understand that. But when you really think about it the smart decision is to rest your starters. It's like when Peyton ran the ball at the end of the Oakland game. He could have tried to score but instead he fell down at the 2 yard line. That allowed the colts to then just kneel the ball and the clock could run out. If Peyton had scored he would have opened a window for the raiders to possibly win/tie the game. If Peyton had gone down we wouldn't have even made it pass the ravens. I want to win every game and keep our starters in all the time, but you can't fault the organization for doing the smart thing.

  2. i hope irsay paid attention. when peyton retires (hopefully in 4-5 years), irsay hires him as oc. i really don't know what the offensive coaching staff does. Peyton was the only one doing anything. I liked that Dan was paying attention to what peyton was saying, you could really see the improvement in his game.

  3. I wanted to go for it and wished we had. but the truth is that resting our starters was the smart thing. the goal is to win the sb. 16-0 means nothing in reality. the sb is the goal and if one of your players got hurt in a meaningless game (like welker in 09 for the patriots) than that is unforgiveable. the goal is to just win the sb, not look sexy on the way to doing it.

  4. Lsu would destroy us. they have a ton of first and second rounders on defense. i doubt we could score more than 10 against Lsu. They have excellent special team. Our special teams is horrible. the honeybadger would have a field day against us. I agree against most nfl teams they would lose but lsu is something special

  5. Well 7 of the 17 could be a garbage score.

    The 34 is a more realistic football score. The huge blow outs are not so common regardless of who's playing who.

    i didn't take into account garbage time, so you're right, 17 is a possibliity. Still 40+ has to be a realistic possibility. We can't cover. We are 10 yards off the receivers. New england's tight ends will eat up the middle of the field, i doubt we'll even be able to tackle them. and welker....he'll destroy us. he's not on pace to break rice's record anymore. after the colts game, he will be. even if brady is taken out in the 4th, hoyer or mallet will score a td on us.

  6. Lessee if I can go with a prediction based on a little reality.......... :)

    NE 34 Colts 17

    You're a fool. thinking we could score 17.... i'm just hoping we can score 7. The shut out is coming....but i think we won't have it till the ravens game.

    That was humane of you to just put 34 though, i appreciate that :)

  7. The colts might as well do that because they really dont have a passing offense, i think donald should have a pretty good game tomorrow... the pats defense isnt what it use to be.

    People remember the early patriots defense from this year. they have gotten so much better. They make a lot of turnovers and don't give up points. I don't know why people even look at yards. it's a meaningless stat. points is what matters and patriots d is 11th in scoring defense. Analysts that say the patriots have the worst d are *....colts have the worst d. and the patriots also have a pretty good run d. But i am in favor of running a little more, shortens the game at the very least.

  8. Ugh...the calls for Gruden make no sense. Is it because he yells? I mean, he took Dungy's team to a Super Bowl, and then got steadily worse. In other words, he is a loud version of Jim Caldwell. A lot of players say they couldn't stand playing for him (no, I am not going to link the sources...do that research yourselves), and he's stated that he has no desire to come back to coaching. Just because a coach is obnoxious, doesn't mean it will inspire, toughen, or light a fire under any players.

    Imo he is not obnoxious at all. Gruden can inspire, he respects peyton a lot, and seems like a coach who would go for it on 4th and short and a coach who wouldn't run out the half in the super bowl by calling three straight stupid running plays.

  9. Flash...agree 100% on the team quote...all I see right now is a team with NO confidence...they cant count on the offense. I really dont have that many issues with our D. I believe our D feeds off our O and without that we are stuck. I also believe our D plays with different levels of energy and by having a MUCH better O our D plays better. Would I like to see some upgrades on the D sure, but I prefer having an elite QB anyday and twice on Sundays.

    no problems with our d?? We cant cover anyone and we cant stop the run. We have massive problems on d. I agree with u that our d feeds on our o. But our d in the past was really just hanging on for dear life because we were putting up points. Aboutnour o....we have no o without peyton

  10. Well, let's put the money issue aside... Would you agree that if the Colts had the Steeler's defense and the Colt's offense the past 10 years, Manning would have a lot more Super Bowl victories? If Big Ben could win, then for sure Manning and the Colt's would've been a dynasty, right?

    My point is that in order to have a solid team both offensively and defensively, you would need to have talent all around. Moving forward, the Colts have the great fortune of having the number 1 pick, and having Manning. In order to build a great team, they can use either Manning or Luck as leverage. So taking money out of the picture, and looking at it from the stand point of building the best team, I think they should explore either of the two options.

    Since only 1 of the 2 QB's will be the starter and on the field, it would be a better use of the opportunity to build around either QB. We can still look for a competent back-up either through FA or the draft.

    I agree. I think we should keep manning and draft a back-up. i really like kellen moore, and he would just be a 4th round pick. he studys film almost as much peyton and they could have good discussions on football. i think people sometimes forget the back-up qb talks with the starter and they discuss different things they seen on film.

  11. MAC..you really cant see how being 3 years older and having better receivers than he had in Detroit might help Orlovsky?

    It s funny..when a guy is good..we always assume and anticipate that at some point he'll decline..

    But when a young player starts off poorly...we assume that's it and he's just athletically foolish.

    This isnt the 2008 Lions..I think we're better offensively than they were..

    possibly, but not by a ton. he had calvin johnson don't forget who is better than wayne. but across the board i'd say we're better.

    And yea he probably is better. But still it's the patriots.....with BB.......with TB and the third best receiving core in the game.....against our lousy d....

    Dan needs to put up 30+ to win.

    At least we'll see finally (Hooray for no more curtis!)

  12. I would bet my account here that Manning will not see the field this yr. in a game. Will anybody else take that bet that swear up and down that he'll play in a game this yr.? I doubt it.

    I don't bet, but still i don't think u can say 100% that he definitely won't play this year. But i'll admit it's very unlikely, but hey you have to have to hope.

  13. Speaking only for myself, the 2 more years figure comes because usually when a contract is structured the way Manning's is, it's because those last to years were never inteneded to be played under and were only added as window dressing.

    Keep in mind, he'd be 38 after those two years. So it's entirely reasonable to mark that as a potential retirement date.

    What isn't reasonable (IMO) are these ideas that he's going to play into his 40s. I just don't see that happening, and if it does, it almost certainly would not be at the same level we're accustomed to (which is the other reason I don't see it happeneing, because I can't see Manning playing at anything less than his best)

    I don't see why Peyton would suddenly drop off. I agree with that playing into his 40s is a little unreasonable, mainly because i don't think he wants to play that long. But Manning wants to play till he's 40, so i think he will. Peyton's best ability is his mind, and that isn't going to go away. Elway, Warner played some of their best football at an old age. So did farve that one year. If peyton's o-line protects him then he should be fine. The o-line should only get better by the time he is 39 and 40. And if peyton's skill does drop off slightly, then what are we talking about? just 28 td passes and only 4100 yards? Manning and Irsay i would think, want manning to become the all time leader in the passing stats. If peyton just drops down to say an Eli level of play then i think we're still in good shape.

    At this point though, I'll just settle for a healthy manning playing next year.

  14. Ah gotcha and that does make more sense. There are several people trying to say that Luck has no say in the matter going into the draft and that's simply not true. However if he is drafted by the Colts and he signs a contract, then from that point forward he has no say in the matter...but leading up to the draft and on draft day he does have leverage. :)

    Btw, i love your quote. That's my favorite one after Brady's one about Manning being the GOAT and Lewis's on Manning's importance to the colts.

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