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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. That wouldn't surprise me either. Once the first one falls, it seems like it starts a chain reaction.

    I'm hoping the chain reaction continues. colts play the thursday night game soon against the texas. maybe if we lose 70-0, caldwell will get fired! I wish BB had a clone...

    wait i think i understand...Polian did make a bb clone except he forgot to put a brain in....that's why caldwell always has that expressionless stare.

  2. "....to put faith in some guy in college that doesn't even play in the SEC,..."

    What does that have to do with anything?

    I don't disagree with the spirit of what you are saying but that line alone will cause people not to take you seriously. It's way too biased.

    You do realize that, historically, far more great QB's have come from out of the SEC than have come from within it, right?


    but the GOAT did come out of the sec :)

    No but seriously i agree that more non-sec qbs have turned out to be great. the sec quarterbacks lately are just horrible, i.e. alabama and lsu quarterbacks.

  3. I wonder if Haley and Sporano are golfing together tomorrow, or maybe they're all going out on Jack Del Rio's boat!

    The Colts aren't firing Caldwell so I'd guess Spagnolo (sp?) is next on the block. I know he's only been there for two seasons but the current ownership group inherited him and did not hire him directly.

    you are probably right. i'm thinking if the rams get embarassed tonight on mnf (even though no one will be watching) he'll be fired tomorrow morning.

  4. When i made my post, i made it under the assumption that Barkley will probably go back to USC since they will be off of probation next year and can compete for a title...the reason i think Barkley will go back, is that Kalil has already said he is going back to USC...and considering he would be the top OL guy taken, it just seems like they're wanting to go for a championship...

    with that said, i wouldnt mind having Barkley...but he and Luck are the only two that i would want out of the first round. I'm just not convinced that RGIII will be a good NFL QB

    Kalil said he's going back? If he is, then you're right barkley will go back. O-linemen and their qb almost always come out at the same time, so I expect barkley to go back if what you said is true,

  5. You Colts bashers are funny.

    The team is coming off of a decade of nearly unprecedented success. During this past decade, there are what, two teams (New England & Pittsburgh) that can compare. Across the decades there are maybe two franchises that have generally had consistent success (Pittsburgh & Dallas).

    Great teams like the Giants, 49ers, Bears ... what have they really done lately? Giants are up and down, more down than up. 49ers have been a non factor for over a decade, until this year. Dallas, much the same ... an up and down team that has not come close in more than a decade to the excellence the Colts have enjoyed for hte past 10 years. If not for my being a Colts fan and wanting to see them succeed, I think it would be hilarious for the Colts to wallow in crap for the next twenty years and then come back and see how you longingly yearn for the great Colts teams of the 2000s, led by HOF Peyton Manning.

    HOF great Dan Marino, one SB appearance, 0 SB wins. Brett Farve, what, 2 appearances one loss. Green Bay had a good run, then fell well off, now re-emerginng. Yeah, they are also one of the storied franchises, that were crap through the 70's and 80's and into the 90's.

    How long has it been since NY Jets won a Super Bowl? The Bill's had an unprecedented run of success making 4 consecutive SBs, but as bad luck would have it, they failed to win even one. How successful were they before that run and how successful have they been since?

    How long has it been since the Raiders were great? What about everybody's trendy favorite, the San Diego Chargers, just how great have they been over the past 10, 20, 30 years?

    Run down the list of teams, MOST are generally wallowing in mediocrity, maybe rising to a high level for a year or two, but then falling right back down.

    I am as disappointed as anybody over this season. Believe me, I bleed blue. As bad as it has been this year though (which is as bad as it has ever been in a single season, and there were sure a LOT of those bad seasons through the late 70s, the 80s, and into the 90s), I still view this year as an aberration. I think with the return of a healthy Peyton Manning, the return of good health in general, the development of some good young key prospects (Castonzo, Nevis, Angerer, Carter, Lefeged, and yes, even Donald Brown), this down year affords the team the opportunity to finally add some top end elite draft prospects.

    Am I a Caldwell Fan? Nope, not at all. I am happy they got rid of Coyer and I too would like to see a new head coach and an evolution to a more aggressive style in general. Coaching aside, though, I see the glass as two thirds full with the Colts readily perched to go from a historic fall to a historic rise in 2012, re-emerging as a legitimate Super Bowl contender.

    If Manning comes back healthy and if the team as a whole can finally avoid this disturbing injury jinx that has befallen them over the past three years, then I will be utterly SHOCKED if the Colts do not sit nearly a top of the standings in 2012, holding a realistic shot to once again make a legitimate run at the Super Bowl for the 10th time in 11 seasons. I believe the same prospects will hold true for a good 2 to 3 years thereafter, too, with a healthy Manning.

    If Manning cannot make it back, then this season may have proved to be a godsend in allowing the Colts to select the most singularly hyped QB of the past 25 years. Perhaps it is that in having such an atrociously bad season, LUCK is actually on the Colts' side.

    Disappointed in this year's futility, I certainly am, but overly fussed, nope, not at all. The Colts brought me a decade of joy after three decades of despair. In my book, that buys some good will, for my memory is long. As hopeful and optimistic as I am for the Colts' immediate future, though, there is a part deep inside of me that fears that in 20 to 30 years from now, I will look back at the past ten years as being the best of times for the Colts' franchise and glad as all spit that I was wise enough to recognize and enjoy the greatness while it happened, rather than to whine and complain for what could have been if the ball had bounced the Colts way just a few more times. I understand and recognize just how thin the line between winning and losing realistically is and I know that the fans of, oh, about 28 other teams would give up their first born to have their team of choice enjoy a decade of success like the Colts have just had.

    I don't know what separates you from the colts bashers.....almost all of us, including me, think we will compete for a sb again next year with a healthy peyton manning and a new coaching staff. No one is bashing the colts, they just pretty much want the same changes that you agree should happen.

  6. Great game. Eli once again comes through in the clutch. I know aaron will win mvp but eli really has heen the mvp. he has done everything like peyton would, he's the only reason the giants are in the playoff mix. thanks eli for giving me something to cheer about while peyton is out :)

  7. McCoy? Alex Smith? They are game managers at best... Why would you think otherwise? San Francisco and Harbaugh would want the Luck reuniting... I understand Tampa and Jets seems radical, but Browns and 9ers are good at QB..really???

    this also has nothing to do with what i think. these teams are just not going to trade for luck. the coaches of these teams will all stand by their qbs for at least this season. personally i dont think any if them are ever going to be even very good qbs, let alone great ones.

  8. Prove to me how McCoy can only be called a game manager after less than 2 full seasons in the league with virtually no talent around him? Hillis has mailed it in, there are no receiving threats there, and the defense is in transition.

    Alex Smith was viewed as more talented than Rodgers coming out of college. Who inherited a better team, however? Smith is finally starting to put something together, and I think Harbaugh has plans to ride him out unless he bombs.


  9. My only question is: Why does Tebow recieve all the credit?

    i really dont think a ton of people give him all the credit. if peyton had that defense he would be blowing out everyone. brady and brees would also be doing well. most people imo recognize that the d is playing extremely well and the o as a whole steps up when it needs to. and the kicker is the opposite of vanderchoke. with that said, there is some tebow magic involved. I would probably put tebow in the top 16 of all the qbs in the league. people that think he is in the top 3 are nuts though.

  10. Out of curiosity, who do you put in our ballpark of stink besides the 0-16 Lions or the Rams who come close every season?

    A few Raiders teams of the past decade, perhaps? San Francisco? Browns? Bengals? Miami? They've all had some stinkers, sure - but I'd take any of their teams from their most awful season 2000-2010 to beat us in a heartbeat.

    i have to agree. nfl network did a top 10 worst teams of all time a little bit ago. This tean is definitely top 3 material. possibly the worst team ever with all this supposed 'talent'. lions were rated the worst, then the winless tampa team. if we played those two teams we might not lose but we wouldnt win (can u say 0-0 tie).

  11. Tebow for Luck? I'm not too sure about that one.....If Caldwell gets a hold of Tebow, poor 'ol Tim is going to be working for McDonald's by the end of week three next season.

    i sadly agree :(

    But i wouldnt mind having tebow as our backup behind peyton for 4 more years. he could become a great passer possibly and then would be unstopable.

  12. In theory that is correct, but stranger things have happened. Like Caldwell being named head coach to start with.

    firejim, you can say it out loud. we are going to lose every game. It doesnt make you a bad fan to say it. im hoping for these "stranger things have happened" to come true for our team. but it is over. we need a christmas miracle and a new year's day miracle to both happen.

  13. That is a good point but any of the 3 teams we play could be beatable.... We would have to catch a perfect storm. Houston will likely play the string out since they have a 3rd string QB that they will need to get as much pre-playoff work as possible... Tennessee might be playing a rookie QB, and while Jacksonville put up some points today, I could see Gabbert stinking the place up.

    The # 1 pick is likely safe, but it's not locked up yet.

    no it was locked up when irsay said he doesnt envision manning playing this season. We cant beat anybody. we have the 3 best runninh backs to go against. cj2k foster and mjd. the first two led the league in rushing the last two years n mjd will lead it this year. Those three guys can beat us alone.

  14. Uh...what?

    Roger Staubach

    Ernie Davis

    O.J. Simpson

    Jim Plunkett

    Archie Griffin

    Tony Dorsett

    Earl Campbell

    Marcus Allen

    Herschel Walker

    Bo Jackson

    Tim Brown

    Barry Sanders

    Desmond Howard

    Eddie George

    Reggie Bush (who's gotten better in Miami)

    Tim Tebow (how's he doing?? Oh yeah, he's winning games...)

    Sam Bradford (one of the best rookie QB seasons in NFL history; too bad Saffold and his line are terrible)

    Mark Ingram (already a solid contributor in a pass-happy offense)

    You said "most" end up busts in the NFL. That's not even close to reality. By the way, Vince Young didn't win the Heisman.

    There are more Heisman winners who will contribute to the Hall of Fame than those who will be left out. Furthermore, winning the Heisman doesn't mean a player will be a bust in the NFL. It's not the "Outstanding Player Destined to Suck Award"... it's the best player in college football award.

    I love how the Luckies can't make this about RGIII; they have to draw Luck into it. Just a few weeks ago, you were all talking about how he's a shoe-in to win it. Now you're saying the winners are busts at the next level. So I guess he was a shoe-in to be a bust... :P

    RGIII has pretty good pocket awareness as it stands, and he's the most accurate QB in college football. He's dynamic, but a little raw, which equates to a ton of upside. Luck is about as good as he'll ever get.

    also add charles woodson to your list of winners who did amazing in the nfl.

  15. He came out in more than those two they were just two that came to mind. He came out in like the middle of the third quarter vs. the Saints that year I think and had already thrown 6 TD passes. They did the samething in the LIons game that season I know that for sure because he threw for six on turkey day. You going to tell me if he finished those games he doesn't throw probably 3 to 4 more TDs in just those two games? That gets him up to 53 or 54 TDs right there.

    peyton didnt play a total of 8 quarters that year. he was averaging 3+ tds a game so 55 was a real possibility. and like u said that lions he could have set the td record for a game (8) if he had wanted to. the last game of the year was against the broncos who the following week peyton destroyed in the playoffs.

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