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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. ..and guys..theVikings final game is at home against the Bears..with Johnny Knox...Matt Forte and Jay Cutler..

    The bears are also on their 3rd string QB..and have lost 4 in a row going into a Xmas night Alomo at Green bay..

    Minnesota most likely will have 3 wins and will draft behind the Colts

    vikings are truly horrible though. and besides st. louis wont win for sure, so imo out of all three teams we have the most likely chance to win.

  2. If Andrew Luck is who we think he is, is largely irrevelent for this discussion.

    The first overall pick has signicantly more value than any other pick in this draft. Going 3-13 vs 2-14 has really no value. Even if you don't think Andrew Luck is the guy, you should still want the pick because we'll get far more trading the first overall pick than we would the 2nd or 3rd.

    we wont trade luck so fans who dont want luck would rather us have that 2nd or 3rd pick so we can draft to win now and in the future. A great ot, wr, or cb is not going to suddenly disappear once manning retires contrary to what some people think.

  3. Luck could easily fall to 2 or 3.

    2 much more likely than 3. Vikes and Rams both have very young, good QBs, and both have other needs. If the Rams get the number 1 pick and Colts have number 2, Rams will pick OL and Colts will pick Luck.

    no luck is the first pick no matter what. rams/vikings will trade down for a ransom. if colts get the third pick then i can reallyvsee the 2nd pick also being traded. with barkley not coming out, only two nfl ready qbs are coming out. teams that need a qb will probably trade up for rg3. if we do win and i hope we do, i see us getting a cb, ot, or wr. rg3 and luck will both be gone imo.

  4. I've never bought the puppet HC thing, Leavy, Capers, Mora, and Dungy don't fit that mold at all and I refuse to think he just started hiring puppets with Caldwell. Also to believe that you have to over look the fact that Caldwell was endorsed by Manning and groomed by Dungy for the job. It seems like there were several other people who thought Caldwell was the guy.

    Also at the end of the day it's really Irsay's call so he must like Caldwell or he would have hired someone else regardless of what Polian thinks.

    i think the hc puppet concept has some merit. just looking at mora and dungy: mora was reportey fired for nit firing someone on the coaching staff that polian wanted gone. dungy agreed a lot with polian and irsay in the team philosophy so it was sort of, and i stress sort of, a puppet relationship. dungy was also a decent in-game coach. on nfl network, brian billick said that a lot of gms nowadays want to have all the power so he personally would only go back to coaching with the right gm. the way polian acts makes me think he is one of those gms that want to have a lot if control.

  5. Well then maybe he makes more sense to let him come in and learn the Colts ofense.

    Oh well the door hasn't completely closed on Luck yet either, if we lose to the Jags Luck is still ours if we want him.

    And we (the colts fo) will want him. I want to win next week in part just to avoid the luck drama. Dont like the bad feelings it has generated. Luck is sort of becoming tebow-like with his polarizing stature.

  6. Me either I don't really think anyone has an issue with Caldwell as a person.

    The issue people have with him as a football coach but frankly I think Caldwell has become the scapegoat for a lot of fans. Don't get me wrong I don't think Caldwell is perfect, he has made mistakes as a coach no question about it but frankly anytime something goes wrong some fans say it's all his fault no matter what it is. Then when something goes right a lot of fans refuse to give him any credit for it. There is a huge double standard with Caldwell with a lot of fans.

    I said as recently as after the Titans game I would probably lean more towards the fire Caldwell crowd but I am also willing to admit I don't know everything that goes into making that decision and I was then and still am willing to trust whatever direction Polian and Irsay go with Caldwell.

    when it comes to the coach, i guess im like you and will trust what irsay does, since afterall he wants to win as much as us fans do. i dont think polian should have a say in the coach. i think polian wants to have a puppet hc so i cant really trust his decision.

  7. I am going to get ripped for this but i see a lot of people who would rather have the team struggle down the stretch just so Caldwell will get fired than be happy that the team is improving now and having to admit Caldwell might not be as bad as they said he is. I don't think Caldwell is a great coach but you know what the team is getting better towards the end of the year and it's pretty clear the players like him enough to keep playing hard for him when they have had every chance to quit on him. That has to count for something I am willing to sit back and let Polian and Irsay make the call on Caldwell and admit they have a better feel for should he go or not than I do and I am going to enjoy the fact the team is getting better under him rather than hoping they lose just so he loses his job.

    you are right...you are going to get ripped by many posters. i thought caldwell was a bad coach and still do. but like u said they didnt quit. i dont like his decisions at all when it comes to the game of football. but caldwell does deserve some credit. I have nothing against him as a person.

  8. I think this means caldwell stays. I hate that but still i woukd rather win than lose. with one more win this whole luck fiasco is over. peyton carried us to a sb with caldwell before, he can do it again.

  9. I've seen Kellen Moore before. His name was Chase Daniels. I don't think he's an NFL level quarterback.

    Might have said the same thing about Drew Brees, though.

    imo Moore is different. i dont think there has been a smarter football qb than moore over the last ten years. he has about the same arm strength manning did. he is very similar to manning imo except for his size, which of course is important. Still i think he has talent and if put in the right situation i think he will succeed in the nfl. he has that manning ability to make scrubs look a lot better than they really are.

  10. i dont think a lot people understand how exclusive the football HoF really is. they do it right. you dont get in by having a "really good" career or a "solid" career over a long time. you get in by being among the best players at your position for a long time. you pretty much have to be the best of that generation.

    i agree that the hof is hard to get into. still, 50-65 players will probably make it into the hof over a decade. That is a lot of names. if you are the fifth best at your position you will make it into the hof most likely, not including kickers.

  11. Out of these three positions which would you rather have.

    A dymanic RB: A lightning fast running back who is crazy elusive. Who has great vision, can out run angles, and who is tought to bring down.

    A monster DT: Who can take on double teams, domimates the run game, and is a great pass rusher.

    A shut-down CB: A CB with good size and great speed. He can completely shut down WRs in man coverage and can read plays in zone.

    Me personally would rather have a great DT

    the dt all day long. If you can get after brady, brees, a-rod they are not "great" anymore.

  12. Im curious to see who is gonna draft a quarterback. Youve got behind us:

    2. Rams- Sam Bradford hasnt done anything much since last season.

    3. Vikings- might Ponder looking into a new quarterback...? I doubt it.

    4. Browns- no comment, its obvious they need a new one

    5. Buccaneers-ehhh...idk? Why do they have a losing season again with Freeman? inconsistency?

    6. Redskins- Definitely no doubt they will probably pick up another bust with Heisman winner Griffen

    7. Jaguars-Will they trust Gabbert?

    8. Cheifs- idk what the situation is here...

    9. Panthers- Im sure they trust in Fig Newton.

    10. Dolphins- Theyre defense has been winning their last 6 games. they need someone to score on offense...

    It looks like the year of the quarterback in the draft again. Im also curious in seeing the Dallas Cowboys moving up in the draft to pick up a quarterback. I think they are going to be the shockers of the draft this year...

    rams, vikings, browns, cowboys, jaguars, buccaneers, panthers are teams that will not draft a new qb. you also have to mention seattle as a team that will. if reid is gone i think the eagles might. kc is interesting, too soon to tell.

  13. I dont think we arent working hard or are disorganized...

    This is what we are when we dont score 28 points a game...

    Do you think caldwell should be fired? and if so, my point is that we might as well get it over with. there is no harmful effect if we fire caldwell sooner raher than after the season.

  14. 1. The Colts front office won't make any decissions till after teh final game

    2. The ego's involved are just to big, no shot Polian hires someone like Fisher.

    have to sadly agree. polian is not going to relinquish his iron grip. he likes his puppet hc.....polian would have to be fired for a strong coach to come to indy.

  15. 11 carries...23 yards last week...

    ..but Wheeler probably is out..we're down another linebacker...

    Paco may be right...

    cj has been very inconsistent this year but he can still go for 150+ yards on any sunday. People would say he is having a horrible year but he is in the top 15 for running backs in rushing yards, on pace for another 1000 yard season. even his bad year is a really good year.

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