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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. Wow...all I can say is wow, from both sides. Those selling him short and those marching him into the history books at 19-0 (2 different people with 2 different teams).

    Maybe we should find out if he's even going to be able to play at a high level and resume his career first. I know this won't go over well with all the PM admiration flowing in this thread, but getting the cart before the horse is never a good thing.

    Let's keep in mind that for somebody that has spent their career with an offense built entirely around him (if he doesn't return to the Colts) it's not going to be an overnight transition into a team's offense. Either they have to morph to what system he knows, which will take time, or he needs to learn the new offense and develop timing and chemistry with his new WR, which will take time. Whatever team he ends up on will look much better towards the end of the year than they did to start off the season.

    Of course this is just my opinion just like all of yours.

    Manning built the offense, nothing was really built around him. He'll have an offseason to practice with the offense. The only team he had a shot at going 19-0 the first year was the 49ers. They actually have a great defense and a good running attack. I put 13-3 with them but it's not crazy to think peyton could go undefeated with them. peyton is a way better qb than smith and every game that they loss with smith was close. But like you said this is just my opinion.

  2. I agree on the Browns and Titans. Interesting that Peyton wins more games with the Dolphins than he does with the Colts. They gave up 52 sacks last year, play all but 3 games outdoors and we're in contention for the #1 pick for quite a while. I actually low balled the Colts wins, IMO, and maybe a couple of others but think familiarity, indoor/warm weather games, an improved coaching staff and draft position will make the 2012 Colts a much better team than the 2010 Colts.

    schedule plays a factor as well. also they have a better running back and marshall is really good. also they have a better defense. they lost a lot of close games last year and they arent losing any players really. most people agree dolphins will go o-line in the draft so with that improved and peyton behind center (which helps the o-line) i can see them winning 14 games.

  3. A healthy Peyton would make anyone a Super Bowl contender, and if he went to the 49ers they would likely be the 85 Bears with Dan Marino at QB, 19-0 lol

    I think they really could go 19-0 with peyton. I posted 13-3 with losses to GB, NE, NO. Though i can definity see with peyton them beating those three and going undefeated. Harbaugh would have the guts to go for perfection too.

  4. 1. Best New Member (Jan 1-Today): JTCard

    2. Thread of the Year (Jan 1-Today): Bradying

    3. Most likely to lose there job b/c they are always on: jskinnz

    4. Best Avatar: firejimcaldwell

    5. Best Username: firejimcaldwell, hoosier daddy

    6. Most helpful poster: Peyton Girl

    7. Most Informative poster: Undecided Frog

    8. Best Debater: Doogansquest

    9. Colts Story of the Year (not Peyton): Dan Orlovsky

    10. Funniest Poster: Joker

    11: Colts Moment of the Year: Reggies TD catch in the Endzone to win second game

    12: Best Non-Colts Fan Poster: Idk

    13: Best News Man (member who always seems to bring the news): Bayone

    14: Most Knowledgeable about Football: Idk you all think you know everything.. lmao

    15: Most likely to be Jim Irsay: DN or well, DN

    16: Most Missed: Idk

    17: Most likely to be seen on the nightly news: Braveheartcolt

    18: Best Sig: Who ever has the sig about Ray Lewis talking about Manning..

    Woot...I'm the one with the Ray Lewis quote...Thanks :)

  5. Maybe this was all Manning's doing? He is the one who personally told Luck to stay in college last year. He is the one who had the surgeries and who never complained about having to carry a bunch of scrubs for 13 years. Peyon is the one who saved the colts by making the contract not guaranteed for five years (like irsay wanted) but making there be an option bonus one year after to protect the colts in case the surgery didnt work. Yes now that I think about it this was all carefully manipulated by Manning to get out of Indy.....

    Can't I have my conspiracy like some others?

    But honestly, it's sad Peyton wont get to retire here, hope he winds up with a great team.

  6. He hasn't produced even at Garcon's level.

    Meachem has a really great Y/R and his numbers arent that prolific because he has to share receptions with brees' many other weapons (henderson, colston, moore, grahm, thomas, sproles). For being the 4th or 5th option he is really productove.

  7. If he is reasonable with money then sure. But if he is going to demand close to top dollar it's time to say goodbye. He's getting up there in age and it doesnt make sense to pay him bit bucks especially as it looks like we are completely rebuilding.

  8. So if I'm reading this right, a Rams trade of the pick reduces the number of teams going strongly after Manning

    It reduces it by one team. But in actuality Peyton will sigh before the draft so there will be one less team interested in the pick. Once peyton signs then orton and flynn can sign so in total there will be three less teams interested in the pick. if im the rams i trade it soon to get its max value. i see 6 teams wth a real shot to sign peyton.

  9. Why the constant 'digs' at Manning? No doubt he's no speed demon...hasn't needed to be. Let's clock Luck in full pads, with a defense coming at him, running a wide, sweeping 30 yards....not a fair comparison now, is it?

    I dont think it's a dig at peyton. In fact, that oakland play is one of the smartest plays i've ever seen (because he did not score) and one of the most hilarious since it was so unexpected.

  10. If you arent going to vote or say anything positive about keeping manning then why even post in this thread. If it's a Luck vs Manning thread then fine say your opinion whatever it may be. This thread is about helping to keep Manning in Indy. Do you really need to add negativity to this thread? Just doesn't make sense to me.

  11. Someone posted a thread of this site earlier today and said that Saturday wanted to play and that Luck would benefit from a vet center.

    And last week/earlier this week Pagano said he'd love to have Saturday back.

    Don't know how accurate all of this info is, just what I've heard/read.

    Yea I posted what Saturday said. He said it on nfl network in the booth at the combine. He also said he was exploring his options but from his tone I think he will 100% play for some team next year. He said he felt great. And he also said that he realizes the colts are rebuilding and so he isnt a priority for them at this point. Hopefully the colts get some deal with him done

  12. If no Manning then no Wayne. Colts wont deal out money for Wayne (the amount he wants) if no Manning. We probably keep Mathis because our new coach wants him. Saturday is gone. We might work something out with garcon. Tamme is gone too probably if he wants a pay upgrade. He's easily replaceable with another te in the draft.

  13. Saturday is in the booth on nfl network at the combine. He's doing a pretty good job. I wonder if he'll get into commentating or become an o-line coach later in life.

    Some things said about Saturday/Peyton/Luck:

    Saturday still wants to play football and said Peyton will play this year and he hopes he plays for the colts. Also he said that having an experienced center would help Luck by letting him focus on the reads and not the protection.

  14. It's better to have more draft picks when you are rebuilding. And in the next two years our first rounders will still be pretty high. I dont see any real benefit except we might get two really good players this year. But we would have less of a chance to get more good players in the future. Also there is no guarantee that first rounders will be good. Many first rounders turn out to be busts or just decent.

  15. It's up to Manning really! Either he takes a pay cut and redo's the contract prior to March 8th or they release him. Irsay isn't going to pay him that $28 million. He can't, there's no way, it kills our cap. I want Manning back more than anyone but I've come to the conclusion he's not coming back to the Colts. It's about the money and the current contract won't allow that. It's up to Manning now.

    I think it's more than just the money. Peyton wants to play for a team that wants to win now. The colts are sending out signals that they are fully committed to rebuilding. Why would Peyton want to come back if he thinks his team is rebuilding. And then there's that guy luck. Peyton doesnt want to have to deal with any situations that may arise because the colts want to try out their new and future toy.

  16. Luck will be given 4 years at least but he better show potential. Manning threw a lot of ints his rookie year but he also threw a rookie record 26 tds. manning then turned his team from worst to first. Luck is expected to have success soomer because its easier for rookies nowadays. you are groomed from a young age on how to be a qb so much better than 15 years ago. If luck doesnt take the colts to the playoffs by year 4 though its time to go.

  17. I wouldn't necessarily say he carried the team, the team was just built based on him. By him playing and putting up points, the offensive line focused more on pass protection than on run protection and their flaws were covered by Peyton's quick release. The defense was built to play against the pass. So Peyton put up points and the defense went out and did what they were built to do. He is more like a catalyst, allowing everyone else to do their job in the best way. The problem is when you build around one player and that player gets hurt, all your weaknesses are exposed. Your team was built to play a certain, specific way; they are now forced to do something they aren't built for

    I dont really think our team was built around Peyton. The fact is our o-line has struggled recently because besides saturday they havnt been playing well at all. we won games because after we put up points our d would usually give up more points just not as many as we scored usually. Our o-line and defensive players/scheming was just bad. I dont think polian chose these bad players as a way of building around peyton. Polian just happened to pick bad players whose flaws were mostly covered up by peyton. We did have some players that were good but not many who were "great". Clark, I love him, but he was just a good te not a great one. Peyton made him look great like many others.

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