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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. The most frustrating part of all this is the defense. Giving up 42,42 and 51 points in the "biggest" games in the same season really magnifies the losses. They were not competitive at all. They still only count for a single loss each but as a fan seem much bigger than that. Definitely lowers expectations moving forward which is probably where should have been all along

  2. I love Saturday, but we don't really know if he is a good talent evaluator.  He would be great in our FO in some way though.


    A guy I work with said something simple but profound.  He said if he were building a team, he would start with the defense because if you can keep your opponent's score low, even a crappy offense has a chance.  Then he would build the offensive line because even if you have average or crappy backs, a good Oline can make them pretty good.  Whereas the Colts are building the team with the QB and receivers first, which means we have to outscore other teams and it puts a lot of pressure on us.

    I agree with this. Midway through Andrew Lucks rookie year I wrote a blog titled "Deja Vu". New GM, new HC, OC and DC with new 3-4 mindset. New starting QB. Wholesale changes across the board. But exact same team scenario. Great QB with good WR`s and TE`s and the rest go downhill from there. Deja Vu!

  3. Turnovers and sloppy play has plagued this team all year, actually going back to last years playoffs. Its almost to the point of an undisciplined coached team. The 9-4 record says otherwise and maybe I`m just wrong, been before, just don`t think this team has really peaked yet and played its best football. Hopefully that is yet to come and things get rolling

  4. When I saw this thread I thought it said Playoff Roosters and I was wondering what a playoff rooster was, kinda dissapointed.

    Lol..There is such a thing. A playoff rooster only crows on Sunday morning during the playoffs and can only be heard by fans of teams in the playoffs. He`s kind of like Bigfoot for some teams fans, they never see or hear him..but they know he exists! There, I hope that helps negate the disappointment!

  5. On a side note...is anyone else tired of using multiple Backs instead of giving Boom or Trent 20-25 carries and seeing what they can do? If neither can gain sufficient yards on those amount of carries fine but staff is trying so hard to cut there carries down the middle even  when one is running well (Like Trent has 3-4 times this season) he gets so many few carries he cant take advantage of it, I think staff needs to turn one of these guys loose, And if they continue to use the 2 Back set they need to go with the hot hand

    Right now they are probably so scared to death that if Herron were to get injured, please God no, that it would expose the fraud of giving up a #1 pick for a certain RB. Out of options

  6. why so much hype on Whalen?

    Because he catches the ball and moves the chains. Because he hustles and plays every play to the whistle. No laziness in Griff Whalen. He`s a good hardnosed football player.

  7. Why would you not want Whalen? Because he doesn't have 4.4 blistering speed? How`d that work out for DHB? The dude has Velcro sticky hands and fights every play til the whistles blows. Not flashy but a "football player". Yeah , I want him on my team every Sunday  

  8. On top of that, if he's in southern MD, that is Redskins country. The Colts old fan base generally never went south of Laurel Md.

    For the most part you are correct. My whole Moms side of the family were/are still Redskins fans. My Dad always liked to go against the grain so he liked the Colts thus a little Colts fan was born (ME) when I grew old enough to watch and emulate Bert Jones and Roger Carr out in the front yard. Guess I lived far enough away not to be persuaded to hate lol. Besides, they were my heroes..its not that easy

  9. Why did you continue to support a team that abandoned your city and fan base?

    That's actually a good question. I could never "hate or dislike" the Colts even if I tried. Partially because I was 14 years old and didn`t know any better when they left and partially because the fan base in Baltimore I felt/feel like kind of abandoned them too before they moved. Less than 30,000 fans at their last home game or something like that.  

  10. I endured multiple losing seasons, a HOF QB that refused to play for them, a move from my home state (MD), ridicule from fans in my home state (MD) who became Redskins fans and enjoyed success at same time, and then more losing seasons (before the Glorious Era of Peyton Thank You God Manning.) Is that enough? My love and loyal support never waivered though, I bleed Colts blue through and through 

  11. We'll never know with him riding the bench. Where you are on the depth chart doesn't always determine your skill set or mean the person in front of you is better

    Moncrief is better than Nicks

    Shipley is better than Harrison (Harrison is just younger so may have more upside)

    Boom is better than Trent

    Tipton honestly can't be any worse than Trent

    Nixon at RT is better than the banged up Cherilus we keep putting out there every week

    Retiz should be starting RG

    Plenty of spots on this team where players just aren't getting their chances or starting jobs they deserve due to the coaching decisions

    Agree, pretty much spot on

  12. It couldn't have been because of that or he would have been cut sooner also if it was just because of that then the colts are stupid. Cut a guy who has a boat load of talent for a guy who really sucks nice move colts.

    not thinking was because of that one incident, moreso maybe its an ongoing trend with him that culminated with something we haven't heard yet? Just connecting the dots

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