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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. If you had read my previous comments like I had asked, I said getting Shipley back was a GOOD thing, am happy to have him back. The run game/pass protection always seemed to be better with him at center, McGlynn at guard. My complaint at that time was why trade him then? Its all hind sight, I get that. My original post from which this all stems was before Shipley was signed, right after the Saints wreaked havoc on our 1st team offense and were in the backfield, just like last year before the ball could be handed off. It was simply frustrating, it is all still yet to be determined and the big picture to be painted. I get all that. If that's how should be w

    hy then just not close the forum down until the end of the season until everything is clear and played out and discuss? 

  2. Did I miss the 2014 season? I went to bed last night, and it was Kickoff Weekend. I wake up today, and we've already determined that the offensive line is bad and the team is one-dimensional... I must have slept for four months, right?

    Let me ask you something. At the end of the 2013 season and beginning of offseason with the cap surplus the Colts had would you have thought the Colts wouldn`t know who the starting center for the team would be 1 week or now even days before the opener? Would you have thought it might be a player just signed from another teams cuts? That is where my frustrations stem from. Why? Regardless of injuries, O line and secondary were the 2 biggest concerns heading into the offseason. Injuries happen yes, but the Colts were counting on the interior line being addressed with players who have been injured before and were big question marks as far as health. It has bit them and there`s no excuse for it. Ok lets wait and see how everything pans out? Next man up. That's nonsense! Meanwhile lets sign a center who we traded, who should never have been traded for the bum in David Reed they traded for and possibly insert him into the lineup with 1 week of practice? Theres no integrity with how important OTA`s are when stuff like this happen. Read everything I wrote, I also said I hope I`m wrong, I would love to be wrong. I have no problem to be wrong on this. But again, Grigson believes interior line is not of emphasis and I really do not understand his thinking on this. That's where the run game starts, has been the Achilles heal during his tenure and yet still wont be emphasized? I`m no football expert by any means like many here are but I know crap shined over and that's what this is 

  3. I heard Tim Brown on NFL Sirius network talking about injuries in general. One thing that stood out was him saying athletes in general train differently now days. Special running shoes and similations, in the gym all the time. His biggest recommendation was to make sure they wear their cleats while training all the time and do more old school exercises vs the modern day methods. Was interesting for sure

  4. But Grigson has attempted to address the offensive line. Just because it has not worked out you can't say he has not done his job. Can't you see the difference? You can write a whole novel on the history of the Colts but still  Grigson has done his job. If every pick a GM made was the players they wanted they would never lose a super bowl. You cant make up players you need out of the blue.

    Not writing a "whole novel".When somebody has a habit of twisting your words though it makes one feel they have to explain in detail to avoid that. No different than somebody so condescending with their comments. Really annoying. True, you cant make players up but AQ Shipley for instance was traded? He WAS on the roster. He played BETTER than Satele as did the whole line when he was in. Was that a good move? Glad they resigned him back. Did you read Kevin Bowens article on that? Grigson says the guard position isn't a position of emphasis right now? Are you freaking kidding me? He still refuses to get it, maybe its beyond him doing his job and you are RIGHT, he`s just plain bad at putting a O line together period. Give him props everywhere else but interior O line I stand by my comments

  5. These are PFF's numbers. Not grades, just charting. Pressures are subjective, but usually people who know what they're looking at come up with similar results.


    As for pressure from the interior, the vast majority of plays are won by the blockers, not the defenders. I agree that we gave up a lot of pressure. According to PFF, 246 total pressures on 712 called pass plays, with varying degrees of severity, so just over a third, like you said. But it can seem worse than it really is. If you rewatch games with an eye on charting pressures, you realize how many plays go by with no significant pressure on the QB. That's true even of teams with bad protection. This is part of the reason I suggested in another thread that we should be more concerned with run blocking than pass blocking.

    Agreed 100% on your comment in the other thread on run blocking vs pass blocking. I actually was being over zealous when I said "1/3" just to drive home the point that it seems like Luck is ALWAYS under constant pressure in the pocket. As you stated better WR`s, everybody on the same page with the playbook should help with this along with I pray to be an upgraded Oline this year. Hopefully Pep got your message about "play action pass" :thmup:   

  6. Thornton was 1/22, McGlynn was 1/19. Satele was 1/55, an elite number for any OL.

    Long story short, pressures aren't conclusive. Just a piece of the puzzle.

    I don't know the exact definition of what a football pressure is..and I`m certain you know what you are talking about..but are you sure? lol my eyeballs would have guessed more like a 1/3 ratio at best from the guards and center position  

  7. LOL



    I should rephrase.


    Obviously, choosing between the two, you have to keep Luck upright to whatever degree is possible. But when you're putting an offense together, you can use a variety of methods to improve your protection. Getting better players is obviously everyone's favorite method, but you can't always have the best players, and I think good schemes and execution can be better than good players. That's why people always talk about chemistry and execution and "the sum is greater than the parts" when it comes to offensive line.


    Between sliding protections, keeping extra blockers in, and the QB being decisive, you can make up for deficiencies due to personnel or injuries, or whatever. And I think part of the reason Luck has been hit so much the last two years is that a) our schemes don't do enough to make up for our personnel deficiencies, and b) the QB holds the ball too in the pocket, rather than throwing hot (and part of that is scheme and poor receivers), or getting out and running, which he's very good at.


    After getting sacked five times against the Titans, Luck was only sacked 3 times in the next five games, including against the Bengals when we threw the ball a ton trying to come back (no sacks), and against the Chiefs in the playoffs in a similar situation (1 sack). Even with a bad offensive line, you can keep pressure off your QB.


    But when it's time to run the ball, if you can't run block, you can't run. Yeah, there's misdirection and whatnot, but sometimes, you just have to power your way forward in crucial, short yardage situations. Or at least, it should be a legitimate option. 


    So what I keep seeing and hearing is "the Colts have to fix the offensive line in order to keep Luck upright," and I think, whether the offensive line improves or not, we can do a better job of keeping Luck upright with scheme and execution. I'm more concerned with us being better at running the football. Yeah, we can use the pass to set up the run, and we can be smarter with traps and draws and all that, but if you want to be able to line up and run the football, for whatever reason, you have to be able to run block. To me, that lack of a rushing attack is going to hold the offense back, even if the protection is better.



    This! ^ You nailed it

  8. he drafted 4 olineman in the last two drafts. he signed one of the best RTs in the game. what else do you want

    Not having a defender in the backfield every time Luck hands the ball off would be good. Being able to run the ball with about 4 minutes to go in a game and a 2 point lead would be good. Show run, run and the opposing defense still cant stop you from running would be good. That's all 

  9. No one is saying what your opinion is on the O-line is wrong. What I am saying was a reply to your own comment. That finally Grigson will do his job. He has drafted 5 offensive linemen with his drafts. Two of them are on IR. He has made an effort to pick up offensive linemen when they were obtainable. So he is doing his job. It's that simple. Maybe if you would have worded your comment not to sound like it was an insult the reaction would have been different. You can't point the finger at Grigson for what was going on before he became GM with the umpteenth comment. Everyone of us is frustrated with the offensive line play but it is a work in progress that never ends. The Colts are by far not the only team in the NFL that has problems getting quality offensive linemen. Is that so hard to fathom?

    When Jim Irsay fired everybody in town he made it known the Colts were going to move into a new direction on offense with football philosophy. Power run game, tenacious defense. Yet here we sit 3 years later with a top tier QB, good WR`s, not 1 but 2 good TE`s and probably, but yet to be seen, better at the RB position. That should be a good thing and in most cases it is. But...and....a still horrid O line. Its like Peyton Manning football 2.0 all over again. How do you tear a team to shreds personnel wise and rebuild exactly to what you had before IF your intention was to build it differently? How is that doing your job well? The Colts could win 10+  seasonal games again every year over this decade and not be built for playoff football..again. Peyton 2.0. Broncos 2.0  You say you cant compare Grigson to Polians tenure but when you look at the similarities on offense they are like a mirror image, when they are supposed to be total opposite. I read countless posts on how the Colts need to stop trying to run the ball and put it on Lucks arm to carry the way. I love Luck as the Colts QB but also have seen that might not be the best idea, sooner or later it catches up just like it did in the Chiefs and Patriots games, the last 2 games played that meant anything. One dimensional football is a recipe for disaster and that's how the Colts are built. That's my opinion. I`m not too big on myself to admit being wrong, for the sake of the Colts I would love to see the current Oline come into their own and you bash me for saying Grigson didn't address the O line better when he should and could have. Please let that happen I don't care about ridicule :thmup:  

  10. 23-12

    145-50 - 1 SB.. awesome decade..but..I hate the "but" part..was always something holding the team back from winning it all .Usually stopping the run on defense or no run game on offense. '06 they got it together late and stopped the run and the tandem of Addai and Rhodes were able to run when they needed. That was the difference right there in one and done or winning it all. Right now the O line feels like the Achilles heal holding this team back , just like the defense did then. I understand every team has issues at some position due to salary caps and injuries but its been year after year. After that performance against the Saints, their D lineman in the backfield before Luck could hand the ball off or nowhere to run, I about imploded. Is it playcalling? Is it like Superman had written a thread about the play action missing from the Colts offense, bad blocking, bad personnel? I don't know..I`m just to the point as a fan I want it fixed lol same as stopping the run on defense had gotten after all those years. Its frustrating. Get some mean, nasty players and kick some tail. Telling me I must not follow this team very closely in a condescending way irked me as much as it did to some as my saying Grigson`s not doing his job. 

  11. Grigson has not been here for umpteenth time. He has had one season to attempt to build an O-line. His first draft was on offensive skill players. . There was no choice but to go offensive skill players because of the players that were cut. The QB, WR and TE had to be addressed because we didn't have any. I do understand your frustration with the O-Line but to point the finger at Grigson and then say he was not doing his job was not correct.

    There you go again twisting what I wrote? I didn't say "Grigson`s" been here the umpteenth time. I said the "Colts" and question marks on the O line. Will you please stop twisting my comments to meet your agenda? Its been this way with the O line AND run game since Tarik Glenn retired after '06. Again, that's not all on Grigson but as a fan have still endured it, thus the frustrations. This was Grigsons 3rd draft by the way and if you want to debate positional players, did he really need to draft 2 TE`s that early in the draft? Its nice to have but more a luxury when starting from scratch. That's an example, IMO- yes I`m allowed to have one whether you agree or not with - of not doing a good job as a GM. He could have drafted Luck and then some O lineman to protect him. The old cliché` "it starts in the trenches", you ever heard of that? Still holds true, IMO. Last time I checked Grigson is the GM and unless I`m wrong is there another postion to point fingers at between him and the owner? Please fill me in  

  12. Is that for lack of attempting to fix the OL or is it perhaps more to do to injuries?

    That's a legitimate question and I believe its a mixture of both.  Maybe its a fine line between giving up on an injured guy too soon and keeping a guy around hoping they`ll stay healthy. Donald Thomas was out all last year and now again this year? Some say its just bad luck. But he was injured often in New England. Then I heard a story about Hall of Fame OT Anthony Munoz, played sparingly in his last 2 years of college due to knee injuries, still gets drafted in 1st round and never saw repeat injuries his whole pro career and considered one of best ever. You really don't know. Hind sight is 20-20 and the reality of O line decisions made hasn't turned out well. Just frustrated like most everybody else. I see AQ Shipley is back with the Colts, great to hear btw. But why did they trade him to the Ravens for David Reed? Reed was awful and Shipley always seemed to be an upgrade when he was in. Why did they trade Burley to the Seahaws and put Price on the PS? Our secondary hasn't been one to stay healthy all year either 

  13. Your comment was exactly to have Grigson finally do his job and address the O-line with the cap space at the start of the season. Well he tried. Do you think good offensive linemen grow on trees? They are very hard to find and when a team does find a good one it cost big time. For one thing when Manning was here the Colts were designed for passing and to protect the passer. That is why Addai worked so well in the system without being a great runner. He was a great blocker and caught out of the backfield very well. Grigson has really only had one year to build an o-line because of his problems he inherited his first year. I hope that don't need explaining. He has brought in o-linemen in an attempt to improve and you act like he has been negligent. It seems like you are one of the very few who thinks Grigson does not do a fine job. Look at what he started with and look at the success he has had from day one. You can choose to overlook that all you care to but not me. A good O-line is built through the draft and Grigson has tried but he can't control the injuries.

    Its 1 week before the season opener. Here we are again for the umpteenth time with the Colts "have big question marks concerning the O line" and "O line is the biggest need"?? 1 week from opener. I hope that don`t need explaining

  14. Do you really keep up with the Colts and what Grigson does? Some how I don't think you do.

    I`m on this forum every day, you assume much? You took what I said out of context and blew it up into Grigsons whole work of art. Yes he's done an excellent job in some aspects, I pinpointed O line. If you think the Colts O line is as good as it should be then maybe you need to re-evaluate what you consider a good NFL O line is? I mentioned the cap space he had to work with, its not like his hands were tied behind his back.  I`m sick of the Colts putrid O line. Ever since Tarik Glenn retired, after the '06 season, the line has gone down hill. Not all on Grigson, as that was before his time but its been the same sorry run game year after year. Some how I don't think you know what you think you know?

  15. So you think Grigs has not done his job? I guess completely rebuilding a team in two seasons and also making the playoffs while doing it is not doing a good job? He won GM of the year last season but he wasn't doing his job? You really think finding good linemen in the NFL is an easy task? You need to rethink about what a GMs job really is.

    When it comes to addressing the O line? NO!

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