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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. The Colts have 2 TE`s entering year 3 of their career, I doubt they drafted either so high in the draft to let either walk. But guess you never know. Mathis is 35, so Adongo makes sense to "experiment" with, I get that. If he doesn't work out then the Colts would be looking for Mathis' replacement anyways. I still don't understand the logic of Swoope, its not like bugging me or nothing lol, just don't understand it. Maybe I envision some Earl Thomas "clone" instead that Grigson comes up with at Safety, now that would be impressive and just what the Dr ordered..unrealistic yes I know

  2. The Erik Swoope "project" is puzzling to me. Why put forth the effort and time when you already have 2 really good young TE`s? Seems like a "project" would be better suited for a position like a Safety for the Colts. Maybe falls back to best player available? Puzzling

  3. Not sure how much is Andrew and how much was a bad O line but..not locking onto WR`s would also help him progress in seeing the "open" man. More time to throw = a better Andrew Luck hopefully. Would like to see him progress even more in throwing the high ball, it sailing on him. He seemed to get better with that later last season.  

  4. It is tough..


    ..dead time by design...and we're up near Chicago where baseball just aint makin' it again this year

    Good point, "by design". If something good gets too saturated then it loses its appeal, IMO. Ive followed/watched Nascar for over 30 years and that's what happened there for me, they ruined it. The NFL has done a good job of balancing but if they start expanding to over seas and more games I believe they will start flirting with the same dilemma  

  5. Like ALL the one and dones! Woot Woot!

    Weak division, and over 40% of his reg season wins against 7 teams, Houston, Jags, Bengals, Browns, Bills, Raiders, Titans.

    Played indoors so much. A huge asteric compared to the prior generations.

    Played scared in the pocket (Happy Feet) his 1st 5 years with 100 Int`s to show for it.

    Pass happy and ONLY Won a SB because of his running game and defense. 3TD`s 7 Int`s that year in playoffs.

    Not that he wasn`t VG of course. :thmup: 

    Loved the $$$ & his Manning. And my favorite, EARNED $26M to rehab. What a guy!!

    Each and every one and done were different games with different scenarios. 

    And? With him at QB he beat the teams he`s supposed to beat 

    Opposing teams were also indoors when at the Dome/Luke?

    "Scared"? laugh at this one. Peyton was fearless in the pocket and took hits while still delivering the ball

    Pass happy? Agree.. Running game- sure helped! Defense? how many Super Bowls WOULD the Colts have IF they always had a decent defense?

    He was very good

    Do you really think he wanted to be on the sidelines with a possible career ending neck injury? What a guy you are!

  6. Great write up. Good question. A lot of IF`s to be determined yet. The best answer is going to be how much Andrew improves on decision making and staring down receivers. Hitting the open guy instead of forcing predetermined throws. He`s a tremendous QB talent with grit who can put a team on his back. If he improves on these things with the run game unknown right now then throw the football 60-40. The Colts already proved they can win 10-12 games this way. IF TRich is the RB Grigson and the rest of league thought he was coming out of college and IF the OLine is improved like I think it is then I`m all for some smash mouth football mixed in. Especially with this WR and TE corps. That opening drive against the 49ers this past year was a thing of beauty. That's what I would strive for!  

  7. Andrew understands what the QB means to a team. IMO, deep down he'd rather keep things low key and not have the attention..that's his personality. But now he is trying to step out of his comfort zone with the media and have to admire a guy for that. So just be yourself Andrew, because he does seem like such a likable guy and everything will be alright :thmup:  

  8. He's going to run some plays at QB, and throw TD passes to himself. (wouldn't that be awesome for Fantasy..6 points for passing TD, 6 points for receiving TD and 6 or more points for yardage)

    Hey, I used to do that when I was a kid. Lob the ball in a high arc and scamper down the yard to catch and run for a TD. Sometimes I`d drag my toes along the imaginary out of bounds line in my 2 minute drill. Wow, I thought I was the only one to ever do this.. haha

  9. I'm expecting T-Rich to really break out this year. He will know the system and will have a much better offensive line. A lot of his issues last year wasn't really his fault with our horrid O-line.

    didn't seem to bother Donald Brown though?

  10. His actions were the first thing that jumped out in your eyes. I watched the play and let it speak for itself. My opinion was you were so busy watching what you call showboating actions you overlooked the talent he showed on the play. You never mentioned a word about his talent, just his action you thought were not classy. This young player was only acting like the larger majority of skilled players act after scoring a TD. If you have a problem with what this kid did then you must be pretty miserable watching football in general because I see those actions in every NFL game. And that is just my opinion. When you make a comment do you expect a response? Not all of them will be to your liking.

    Yep just drooling in misery watching NFL football lol that's a good one. Just because "everybody" does it doesn't make it right. I prefer the players that don`t. We agree to disagree. Most times you either love players like that or you don`t, and that's in any sport. Fans aren't "robots" either, to each his own. They were good catches, especially the one handed Dallas Clark style like he was serving a platter. Awsome. But then he acted the fool lol.. again..my opinion 

  11. The kid wasn't even drafted and you want him to be a "Marvin Harrison" type of player? No where did I read even a suggestion he was a HOF player or would make the roster. His actions are no different than 90% of the receivers we see in the NFL, college, arena and Canadian leagues. Harrison was one of a kind but not all receivers are not prone to avoid the media. Most crave it. I am not for over celebrating but these players are not robots either.

    I watched the tape. That was the 1st thing that jumped out from it, I had an opinion. I stated my opinion, you didn't like it so what? Never said he was a HOFer. Never said he was Marvin Harrison or craved the media. You like the showboating, good for you. I don't. I prefer the Colts or potential Colts showing some class. Its a forum, its an opinion...

  12. ^ wow.

    3 plays showed twice mixed with him running down the field with his arms crossed and chest puffed afterwards lol? Isnt exactly a highlight reel but thanks for sharing. Just give me somebody with Marvin Harrison`s "ive been here before" and flip the ball to the ref please 

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