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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. I don't need some outside source to vindicate the season/careers these players/coach had for us. As long as we, as their fans, appreciate and recognize what these players have done for us...that's all that matters. With that said, just because a player doesn't receive a plaque...doesn't mean that these players/coach aren't recognized for their achievements. For example, just for Dungy and Harrison to be finalists for the HOF is exceptional...many retired players/coaches would kill just to be recognized as a finalist (poor choice of words...shouldn't have put kill and Harrison in the same sentence lol). Anyways, I never understood when people complained about these types of things. Sure, you can contribute your thoughts on an existing thread (eg--the Pacers thread or I would imagine there's a HOF thread already up about Dungy/Harrison not making the cut)...but it's overkill just to make a whole new thread to complain about such a trivial thing. JMO

    then don`t comment? simple as that

  2. Colts never get any love. Robert Mathis got screwed out of Dpoy, Dungy and Harrison get snubbed out of the HOF, and not to mention Lance Stephenson getting absolutely screwed out of being an all-star. This is getting pretty old

    Agree 100%. When I see the likes of a big mouth Michael Irvin in the HOF, with stats that don`t hold a candle to Marvin's *, it does get old.

  3. I see a lot of "not for 3mil a year" comments. What other kicker would you want with a game on the line? Up the ante with a game ending kick and Super Bowl title on the line? How many titles would Brady have won without AV? IMO, Irsay`s not going to go down that road again with any other kicker than AV until he absolutely has to. Pay the man 

  4. I get the feeling Pat will be successful no matter where he goes or what he does. Just one of those type people. I remember seeing him kick FG`s in a competition before the Colts drafted him, he won it. Love the tenacity he brings to punt coverage, wish other players on defense played like that sometimes 

  5. Its more frustrating that Satele KEPT playing than the fact he didn't turn out to be very good. Some players don`t work out, that's football and life but to refuse to make a change as the coaches/front office did, especially when you had other options was so frustrating to watch this year and even last year with Shipley. Best of luck Samson in the future

  6. The knock on him coming out is he is not that strong more of a position guy not a power guy. He lacks core strength. He is suppose to be VERY SMART. Thats his strong suit.

    Well don't that burst a bubble..

  7. Holmes is a big concern. Hoping he isn't bust. Yes he hardly played but considering how much we struggled in the OL, that alone is a concern.

    Was thinking on this. In most cases doesn't the center play an important part in calling the line protection or something like that? Maybe it isn't Holmes physically not being ready to play or just plain bad but maybe he wasn't ready technically? Just a thought

  8. Do you think the team reflects the fanbase?

    The Colts name should have changed when they left Baltimore. Colts because of horse racing makes sense. But Ravens might be a better fit for Baltimore and it happened long ago. Most team names are not as strongly linked to a city as were the Colts. The Packers, Cowboys, Dolphins wouldn't make sense anywhere else. When the Senators moved out of DC, they changed. Irsay should have changed the team name to something that meant Indy.

    You mean like Baltimore did with the Browns?

  9. Do you people not remember Donald Brown a season or 2 ago?  He was freakin awful and we all wanted him gone.  He then has one good year (his contract year) and you act like he is irreplaceable...  We have seen what a difference a few years can do for Donald Brown, so why are you acting like it is impossible for Trent Richardson to get better?  Brown hit his ceiling this year and will only go down hill.  TRich/Ballard is the direction we need to go and i am glad we are doing it.   I hope we can bring back Bradshaw on a low risk contract also.  

    Disagree. This year the Colts only scratched the surface of what Brown is capable of. Been saying this for 3 years now. The Colts have never used Brown to his strengths. A former Vikings RB Robert Smith clone is what he is.

  10. Square one?


    What are you smoking?


    We are 23-12 in the Grigson/Pagano/Luck era. I hardly call that square one.

    Obviously you didn't read. Let me fill you in. 1 dimensional offense, no run game and can`t stop the run. The same as before gutting the team and starting from scratch. Not about wins/losses..about team philosophy, something preached from day 1 of this new regime

  11. In no way am I trying to bash the FO nor discredit what the Colts have accomplished the past decade. Its just hard to believe the Patriots were able to stumble onto a power run game without trying to head in that direction and the Colts gave up on it and started winging the ball. I could just picture Pagano Saturday night standing on the sideline staring across at Belichick thinking "yeah that's what we want to be able to do, run the football and stop the run ". A formula for winning championships

  12. After all the coaching and personnel changes why does it feel like the Colts are right back to square one? Think about it. A great QB in Luck, who when presses too much, makes mistakes. Peyton had those tendencies too. Sometimes trying to do too much because really that's the only chance they have. A defense that cant stop the run nor seem to get off the field consistently on 3rd and long. Making no name QB`s looking like the second coming of Joe Montana. No running game that really amounted to anything. An up tempo offense that could score points but still fell short on the big stage. Sounds all too familiar. The Colts have tried for 2 years to become a power running team. As much as I despise the Patriots they adapted and evolved into one in the course of a season, without ever intending to. Now they seem to have the right formula to win it all. I believe the Colts will get it fixed over time. This season was still a success and am proud of how hard the Colts fought. They have heart for sure. But it just feels ironic that after all the changes this is what`s left IMO as the identity of the Colts right now.    

  13. With the wet forecast this is where I wish the Colts were built the way Pagano wants them.  A stingy defense and a power run game would be really good to have tonight. Will be interesting to see how the Colts play in bad weather that's for sure

  14. Was listening to Sirius NFL this evening. They stated the Colts will shut Trent down after last weeks fumble. The only action he saw after that play was in passing situations where he was used to block and to expect more of that from here on out. I don't know, doesn't sound good though

  15. Not really sure the defense is totally to blame for that KC 1st half. Its more about the offensive mistakes. It’s a lot to ask of anyone’s defense to stop an opponent when the are starting there drives on your 20. But I do agree regardless of the reason, if we fall that far behind to the pats it will be game over.

    How many 3rd down`s did KC convert? I don`t know the numbers but it had to be up there. Brady is a different QB when he has all day to throw, the Colts D has to put pressure on him

  16. Sometimes I wonder if the media even do their homework on the Colts. Last year they made predictions based on the previous years 2-14 record, after the Colts cleaned house. How do you base what a team can do or can`t do when there`s an influx of new talent and philosophy? Then its like they think its a fluke and to justify their own "being wrong" they say the Colts would surely regress this year. Keep winning and sooner or later they`ll have to acknowledge the Colts

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