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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. First off awsome post. I agree with some on Mathis>Freeney. Freeney was a freak getting to the QB, but so is Mathis. Plus Mathis is relentless chasing people down even during plays away from him, that would be my tie breaker! No way I could put Vanderjagt over Vinateiri though, especially if we are picking players that played elsewhere too. How about Raul Allegre or Dean Biacuccia (spelling?)! On another note, I hate it as a Colts fan that in many eyes the Colts were born in "1984". Its such an injustice to former players before that. They wore the horseshoe with the same passion as now but get no credit, kind of like lost souls.Yeah they have Baltimore, but that's now Ravens country so are left behind there also. The Steelers, Cowboys and Packers fans all get to have their full menu of years/teams, while Colts fans only scratch the surface. Thanks again for the post and making it a "complete Colts" list!    

  2. I don`t understand the "we don`t have any picks" mentality? Most of the "missing" picks were filled with proven players, maybe other than TRich but thats yet to be determined. Not every pick is a given to succeed anyways?

  3. Easy question to answer. Anybody that has watched the Colts for the last half of the past decade knows they couldn`t run the ball. My guess is that plays a huge part in the negative view towards running the ball. I personally would love to see the Colts be able to shove it down opposing defenses throats, pound that rock on a consistent basis. Then go over the top with TY, Hakeem and Reggie when they stuff the box. 1 dimensional will only take you so far  

  4. He's our best run blocker, easily. I'd give him a B+. Problem that presents is that you usually put your best interior run blocker at RG, so we're putting a questionable guard next to AC, and that guard has been next to a terrible center the past two years. 


    And as a pass blocker, a C+. He's usually very good in protection, but when he does get beat, it's bad.

    Thank you for the analysis, hopefully the FO can get those OG positions locked down this offseason

  5. Those stats don't tell the whole story. The difference between an above average LT like AC and a below average LT like Matt Kalil is 0 sacks, +4 hits, -6 hurries. But AC was much better than Kalil last year, per PFF.


    But even if those stats were the whole story, one play per game is significant for a pass blocker, especially a LT.

    How would you grade (A-F) Castonzo as a run blocker then?

  6. So the Colts just lost all respect as an organization.  Just went from a team that lots of player want to play for to a team no one with any sense would want to play for.  How does anyone like this team anymore with an owner with these issues.  How do we as fans justify giving our money to an owner with these issues?  As someone pointed out how do any players respect him after this.  I would not be surprised if Luck, Wayne, Hilton, Davis all wanted out of Indianapolis after this. There is no way we are getting anyone we wanted anymore. I can't even imagine that any rookies we draft could want to come  here.  It's a really sad day to be a Colts fan and I feel really sorry for him. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt anyone. Is there any type of precedent to this at all?

    Wow, glad I don`t feel this way

  7. Nominal is a very abstract term.


    I'm not so worried about the sacks and hits as I am about the hurries. Throws off the rhythm of a passing game, and if our QB wasn't so capable of getting away, it would be a much bigger issue. 


    We also slide protection to the left to help the blindside pass blocking, so it could technically be worse.


    I'm not ragging on AC, I like him. But there's a difference between him and the really good left tackles, and I wouldn't call it "nominal."

    You`re saying a 14 play difference in - sacks (+2), hits (-1), and hurries (+13) with Castonzo vs Thomas isn't nominal? That's less than 1 play per game difference in getting to the QB by a defensive player in usually no less than 40 QB drop backs. Not sure can agree Supe

  8. I'm not sure, but i think if you cut someone after june, then they count agaist the cap, so a big cut like that would have to be done well before training camp.. not sure, though..

    actually I was just being sarcastic lol just going with the trend around here

  9. Rogers might be something. But he's very unreliable to this point, for several reasons. People are severely over-inflating the potential of Whalen and Brazill, though. If either of those two guys -- or both -- are released in favor of a better player, then so be it.

    You really think Griffin and Brazill`s potential are being over inflated? Both really came on strong towards the end of the season and showed the potential most were hoping for? Not sure how you gauge that 

  10. IMO, Grigson has been all over the place. Maybe its inexperience as a GM. Luck was a no brainer pick. Like Manning before him, how much has Luck made everybody else look good around him? After 2-14 there was no place to go but up. Its only 2 years after wholesale changes so the final product is yet to be determined. 2012 was a banner draft year according to on field results, but the Colts also held early picks in each round. Something they didn't have for almost an entire decade. Then there`s picks like John Boynett. I read where the Colts kind of stumbled upon him during the combine through incidental conversation. After his incident with Indy police that's the first thing I thought, did the Colts/Grigson really check this guy out off the field before they drafted him? The Samson Satele pickup. And then get rid of A.Q Shipley. The Trent trade, hoping that's still to be determined and what we saw isnt what we are getting more of. So that's why I say he`s kind of all over the place. Some really great moves and some really questionable moves. Two 11-5 records is hard to complain about still

  11. If Pat was that type of punter there wouldn't be much of a debate

    Cant argue with that, pretty obvious.But I still remember Polian stating special teams really had no bearing on game outcomes because of such a small percentage of those plays during a game. Let me clarify. That's where I was directing my comment towards, those that say punters make no difference at all whether good or bad. McAfee hasn`t came no where close to what Scifres did in that game but he has made some TD saving tackles and is an above average punter IMO. He also can kick FG`s and is pretty good at it which raises his value. 

  12. Brown's gone? He'll want too much money? If we look at some of the cash we wasted last off-season on average at best players, you must really think Grigson is a fool.

    well said. Don't think Grigs is a fool but how do you ignore who was your best RB?

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