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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. If I don't see some real contributions from at least some 2013 draft picks and 2014 draft picks then I'm going to start seriously questioning Grig's ability as a GM.


    His drafting in 2012 and his decisions in 2012 off season where superb.  We got significant production out of everyone from the first to the 6th rounds.  


    However the contributions of the 2013 draft class as well as the 2013 trades where lacking.  Certainly it takes more then 1 year of play to fully evaluate a drafted player though.


    In terms of 2014 I felt like there where players on the board that would have made more sense for us in both the 2nd and 3rd rounds.  However time will tell on that and I'm willing to wait and watch before passing final judgement.


    That said if we don't get some significant start seeing significant production out of several players that were added from 2013 off-season on it would to me be troubling.  Especially when it comes to players selected in the first 3 rounds.  


    If that is the case what I'm afraid of is the possibility that Grigson is excellent at looking "under every rock" for talent but when it comes to the obvious picks, the big important ones in the first 3 rounds he can't seem to get that right.


    And I think we need to look at this regardless of how the team does overall.  

    agree. Sometimes I wonder if Grigs is just stubborn and doesn't pick the obvious and wants to find "that" player nobody else thought about. I said I "wonder" about it "sometimes", doesn't mean that's how I totally view Grigs. Its still really early in his tenure and he is entitled to make mistakes. Time will tell 

  2. What would this years draft be graded "IF" the TRich just out of college potential was picked at #26 in 1st round along with rest of draft picks? You have to add TRich in with this draft after giving up a #1 and that result is still to be determined IMO..  

  3. *WAS..Donald Brown with honorable mention to Robert Mathis who is now getting the credit he deserves so cant be "underrated". TY could make a case for because many have said he wasn`t a true #1 receiver, which he has shown flashes as being. I like Whalen though and the way he plays the game. Hands were like Velcro and was hard to bring down, hopefully this time next year none of our Colts will be considered underrated after hoisting the Lombardi and kicking some tail.

  4. What kept the Baltimore Colts the Indianapolis Colts was in part keeping the uniforms and "Colts" name. Had they changed the uniforms and team name completely most fans would have bailed for another team. Look also at if you don't live in either city the only thing that matters is "Colts". If they move to Biloxi, Mississippi next year and remain the "Colts" then order me up some grits and cornbread and call me a Colts fan!!

    Agree with this. I still get that pride feeling now, as I did as a kid, when I see anything to do with the Colts. Visiting my in laws in Indy really gets me excited to walk into any retail store near Indy and see all the Colts "stuff" for sale. Everything here is Ravens and Redskins with some Steelers and Cowboys stuff sprinkled in. I STILL get that fuzzy feeling. And like King Colt said above a lot of that has to do with basically the same uniform and "Colts" never changing. I hope they never do! 

  5. The "__________ Colts". It doesn't matter to me. As long as there is a "Colts" team in the NFL I don't think it will ever matter to me where they play. The Colts are bigger than any one thing. Its about the Blue and White, the Horseshoe. Not the city, owner, GM, QB or any other player. In my fan era I`ve watched Bert Jones, Mike Pagel, Jack Trudeau, Mark Hermann, Jeff George, Peyton Manning and now Luck to name a few as QB. Lydell Mitchell, Don McCauley, Joe Washington, Curtis Dickey, Randy McMillain, Albert Bentley, Eric Dickerson, Marshall Faulk, Edgerrin James as RB`s. They are a blend of 2 different cities yes but I don`t separate them as "Baltimore" or "Indy" players. They are all just "Colts" players to me and always will be. No one has changed me view on that in 35 years now and pretty certain no one will going forth. 

  6. Doesn't surprise me one bit, this has been going on for years with the Colts! They " the experts" make season predictions without ever taking into account what changes have/had been made during the offseason also.As far as draft needs, Tackle is the least of the O line worries, maybe for depth but not a need. RB really blows my mind, so much of a need the Colts just let a RB in D Brown walk who had his best year. Yes he wanted more money but its also a crowded backfield. *Somebody please find that angry Bill Parcells snarl at Phil Simms clip and post please coz I don't know how to do all that  

  7. Been a fan since 7 years old in 76'. I love both of the Colts eras. Live 2 hrs south of Baltimore. Can remember 2 other kids back then that actually liked the Colts even when they were here. Everybody else were Redskins fans. Maybe more north lay all the Colts fans? I believe Irsay wanted to keep the Colts here but the baseball Orioles were really good at that time and took precedence over the Colts? From what I`ve read MD voters were given the opportunity to build a new stadium thus keeping the Colts and voted "NO". The chance was there but wasn't taken advantage of. The law to take effect the next morning stripping Irsay of the Colts is what forced Irsay to move immediately but as always, the media twists it to look like he`s the sneaky bad guy moving in the middle of the night. I hate seeing the 2 fan bases squabble over this, it was a devastating move for original Colts fans. I was a 14 year old without a football team. I grew up in a Bert Jones #7 Colts replica jersey that Santa Clause brought me lol..and I always get a smile on my face when I see pictures posted here of kids in little #18 or now #12 jerseys, I was THAT kid once! And I`m sure Indy fans are tired of hearing about it. Wish ALL the Colts history could be shared amongst us fans in one "happy place"..   

  8. I think that's a real stretch. People change their minds. I don't think anyone should be expected to somehow pick up on the possibility that the guy who is here hoping for a contract is going to suddenly retire next month. All indications -- like his very presence in the building -- are to the contrary.


    And then the Boyett thing? You must believe in fortune tellers. There is absolutely nothing in his background to suggest that he would have an off the field incident like the one he had. The only issues with Boyett were his injuries. You also make it seem like Grigson drafted him after a five minute conversation, without doing any homework on him. That's a bit sensational. As a 6th round pick, which is going to be a flyer anyways, drafting the guy that you were impressed with on a personal level at the Combine makes sense. But the Colts were at his pro day, where he worked out in front of all kinds of scouts, and they evaluated everything they could find about him. 


    There are plenty of things to be critical of with Grigson -- the Richardson trade, Satele, even DHB (though that was a low risk move that stood out only because Reggie got hurt). The Costa deal is annoying, but I don't see why Grigson should have somehow known that he was going to retire, or that Boyett was going to get arrested. Those are both very strange assertions.

    That's your opinion. No fortune teller believer here. The guy messed up and to Grigsons credit he handled it the way he should have, he cut him! Great job Grigson! There, is that a "positive vibration" for you? lol..As far as Costa goes, if you think its strange for a fan to question a GM to sign a player who retires only a month after, at a position you are already thin at, failed miserably at with the last player you signed at the position, yet continued to play that player when everything showed they sucked, then....well I don't know what to say. :thmup:  People change their minds? C`mon man! That's more than annoying, in NFL terms that's called "reaching" to fill a position. The Colts need "hungry" players and that's the first question that should be asked.."how hungry are you for a Championship and to play for the Colts?" ..if they cant look you in the eye and give the answer you need to hear then you don`t need a "fortune teller", there you go..strange assertion? hah

  9. They didn't stumble into Boyett....   the knew all about him ahead of time...   they happened to see him at the combine,  but it wasn't that meeting alone that said "let's draft him"....   If they hadn't seen at the combine,  they would've arranged for the meeting.   They liked him.   They wanted him.    I'm not aware that there was anything in Boyett's background that should have told the GM that the kid would go out and get raging drunk and say something incredibly stupid.


    You do realize it wasn't getting drunk that cost Boyett his job.   It was his comments that went public and embarrassed the franchise.    If there wasn't a history of that kind of behavior -- and Boyett is the son of a coach with a good background -- then I'm not sure what the GM was supposed to know.    Stuff happens.     Hey, Boyett was one of my favorite picks from last year's draft.   I was very disappointed we lost him.   But I didn't blame Grigson.   I blamed Boyett.


    As for Costa,  I'm not sure you can say he didn't have his heart into football.   His heart probably was, but his body wasn't.  His body wouldn't let him anymore.   That happens in the NFL.


    I don't know what the magic words or questions are for a GM, any GM, to know whether a player is considering retiring.  


    I'm sure Costa was on his best behavior as all of us are when we're on a job interview.    By the way, in one of the Costa stories from the Dallas papers that I read,  it said the teams that were interested in him,  were the Colts, New England. Cincinnati and Detroit.    3 of the 4 are playoff caliber teams.    They had brought Costa in.   They all saw talent in the kid.


    I'm sure you'll disagree, but I think you're misreading events.   And that has resulted in you placing blame where it doesn't belong...    but, I'm viewed here by some as a blind defender of Grigson....    so, there is that....      :dunno:       :scratch:

    Getting drunk didnt cost Boyett his job but it put him on the path to it, then his character came out. Anyways all I`m saying is once is a coincidence, twice makes you go hmmm and 3 times is a trend. I never said Grigs should be fired or is a bad GM in the big picture..

  10. You think Grigson should've asked a 26 year old if he's thinking about retiring in the near future?    Like a month from the day Costa sign?     Why would the topic of retirement even come up?     And maybe it did...   maybe Grigson asked and Costa said he plans on playing many more years.    A month later,  things changed.    It happens.


    I just read some articles on Costa from a Dallas newspaper.    Costa said he was retiring due to the wear and tear on his body.  This should be a reminder on how violent the game of football is....


    I don't see why this is a Grigson issue.   Stuff happens in football.    Stuff you can't foresee.     You deal with as best you can, and move on.

    I think Grigson as a GM should have the ability to tell if a guy`s heart is into playing for the Colts BEFORE he signs them yes. Its his job. Costa had to have some idea, you don't just retire from the NFL without some sort of mulling it over. Grigson signed him, it is his issue. The Boynett signing last year was another example. From what I remember they stumble upon this guy at the combine, have limited conversations and then draft him. We all know how that turned out. Like I also stated, the highs are high..Luck, Fleener, Allen, Hylton, Freeman, etc...but the lows are low Satele, Boynett, DHB etc. Some work out some don't , I get that.

  11. 1.Find the wide open receiver  2. Do not force throws that aren't there when..there's an open reciever.  A lot of that probably was due to poor pass protection and very little time to make decisions. Lucks accuracy really seemed to get better as the season wore on, just don't be accurate to opposing defenses  

  12. My first thought was well that's simple, just take the top 10-12 teams from the playoffs and theres your answer. But then you have teams like the Texans who were playoff contenders in 2012 and then wound up with the 1st pick in this years draft. And they weren't rebuilding or retooling..There are so many variables in narrowing it down once you really think about it. Good question.

  13. *In the commissioner's voice*

    "The :colts: select...... Johnny Manziel, QB from Texas A&M university"

    *Forum Explodes*

    :Nuke: :Nuke:

    *Colts trade Manziel to Browns for all their draft picks in next year's draft*


    That's funny right there! :thmup:  What if every BPA was a QB when it was the Colts turn to pick? Could the Colts own over 20 picks next year with that philosophy? Draft 5 QB`s and take highest bidder for their services. You're a genius TK!

  14. On paper, for sure. I like the backups, Reitz, Louis, Nixon.

    Hopefully the unit stays healthy and gels.

    But the answer is - We won't know until we see them in a game.


  15. After a breakout year for the Colts Donald Brown will make his Top 100 debut this year, then after rushing for over 1000 yards, 10+ TD`s and catching 50+ balls next year for the Chargers moves into Top 20. That's my BOLD prediction

  16. Not sure if this is thread worthy but here goes..Do the Colts or any other teams for that matter make decisions based on "next years draft" quality? Like for example, when Grigson traded away the Colts #1 pick for Richardson did this years draft potential factor into that decision or was it just cut and dry they wanted TRich? From what I`ve read or heard this year`s draft is very deep in talent, especially at WR. The Colts really don`t have needs at WR. It seems its a bad year to not have many picks more so than other years with all the potential depth/talent at skill positions. Will Grigson try and gain later round picks? Just curious to thoughts on do teams look that far ahead and base some decisions on future available talent? Thanks

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