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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. It's not even so much as safety being the problem as it is the pass rush

    If we improve the pass rush, I wouldn't care about having Landry and Adams back there. Everything starts up front

    If we get a pass rush, we can have average safeties. Don't need a top flight safety if you have a dominate pass rush

    You mentioned Purifoy at safety awhile back, I wonder if theres any way to move Landry around as a pass rusher and substitute in Purifoy in his place? But then who would leave the field in that scenario? Thinking in the lines how the Steelers have used Troy P. over the years 

  2. It won't work without a rush LB which we don't have and Werner's not it. The secondary is playing fairly well but can be expected to cover 4 to 5+ seconds.  We better be looking for someone to fill that role if we are going to contend.

    Robert Mathis is not replaceable. Going to have to dance with who we brought  

  3. My biggest complaint with Grigs is/was the Oline. With Shipley in the line appeared to play better. Without Shipley, not too good. Then he traded him. I am glad he is back and it has turned out nicely for all concerned. Everywhere else on the roster IMO he has done well and upgraded. Walden was supposed to be awful and has turned out to be good. Losing Mathis, who has never had health issues, is huge for this defense. You don't replace guys like that on short notice. Interesting to see what the next offseason yields  

  4. Imo, I don't think anybody's acting like "spoiled brats" by stating obvious concerns, even after a 44-17 win. Did you ever see Jimmy Johnson let his guard down back in the early 90`s when the Cowboys were dominant and winning games? Even late in games when they were up, it was all business and execution. This aint Dallas nor Jimmy Johnson I know but that's what makes a good team like the Colts..great. and I personally want a great team. It was a great moral victory today, but if the same occurring mistakes happen against the Patriots, Saints etc of the NFL world the Colts will remain "good". There were a lot of bright spots to be happy about in todays game and am sure will be talked about. But overall big picture wise, IMO, there`s still a lot of work to do. Good is good but great is better

  5. Much needed win and great way to start a game and continue through til halftime. 2nd half not so much, believe with Bortles and more experience the 2nd meeting of these 2 teams will be closer? Even after putting up 44 they still left a lot of points out there and missed opportunities, something that led to being 0-2 entering this game. Against the better teams those opportunities are further from and in between. Have got to execute. I don`t understand why Luck throws some passes in the dirt, like the one to TY? He rifles passes when they don't need to be, a simple run and catch play that should have been an easy TD. Luck does incredible things when on the run, almost unhuman, but the simple things he makes hard on himself at times. Hard to complain when you win 44-17 and maybe shouldn`t but just thinking down the road and things needing cleaned up on.   

  6. When Irsay cleaned house he stated he wanted to "get this right" in hiring a new GM and coaches. Was Manusky getting it right? Arians serves 1 year as OC (which I understand he had a once in a lifetime offer but..) and leaves? Fire Pep and then have Luck start on and learn OC #3? Definitely not what I expected in "getting it right"..

  7. Why not have them both in the backfield...... Send one (or both) out for catching and one for possible run after Luck reads the defense. They are both excellent at blocking and could take Fleener's spot since he can't block anyone, and somehow forgot how to catch as well. 

    Exactly. You read my mind

  8. As a fan and not knowing all the circumstances that can make a QB look good or bad, such as WR`s not running the correct route or being on the same page as a QB, it looks like Luck has hit his ceiling. Its only 1 game but I`d swear he`s still telegraphing where he`s throwing the ball, it still tends to sail high and doesn't put a "touch" on some of his passes, yet he can run freaking sideways and hit a man in stride? Its hard to say when you factor in the offensive line

  9. As I was watching the Colts game Sunday night I saw many things the Colts could improve on and many things the Colts did well.


    Things We Did Well

    1) Our run defense looked fairly decent.  Monte Ball and C.J. Anderson combined for only 94 yards, which is an improvement (in my opinion) of our run defense last year.

    2) In the second half, our defense really turned it up a notch... I don't know what was said to the defense at halftime but boy did it work...

    3) The offensive coordinator changed it up and called some pretty creative plays, which I liked... Although there was one questionable call when it was 2nd and 16 and he decided it would be smart for us to run it up the middle... That's all I'll say about that...


    Things We Need To Improve On

    1) Pass Defense - Although we were facing one of the best passing teams in the game today, I thought we did a pretty weak job defending the pass (in the first half for the most part)

    2) Our defensive lineman need to be skinnier and more speedy and agile (no offense to them).  Even Peyton Manning was outrunning them! C'mon Man!

    3) Our offensive line needs to step it up a notch. Too many times the other night did I see Andrew Luck get hurried to throw the ball before the receivers got open... Also, there was quite a few times when TRich got stuck behind the offensive line because they didn't open up a hole, although TRich did look pretty good the other night compared to last year.

    Oh, You mean the SAME problems we had entering the offseason..secondary and O line? We could have 5 HOF WR`s and Barry Sanders as our RB and it wouldn't matter

  10. Like I said, you're down 24 points...... Running the ball isn't an option anymore

    Give him a real game to see how he does. Not a catch up game, a game where we're battling or leading

    We are down by 24 because? We cant run the ball and its Peyton Manning, you have to control the clock and keep him off the field. JMO

  11. No. Can't know that. But the team would have been much, MUCH different.

    I`ve often wondered what the Colts would look like had they traded the #1 overall pick with Luck coming out of college. Its all hypothetical now but what/who could they have gotten and what direction would the Colts be heading up vs down? Good stuff lol

  12. To answer your question, no, I thought Holmes would be the starter. The only reason he might not be is because of a short term injury. Injuries happen. (No, this has nothing to do with Holmes' previous ankle injury. It's the other ankle. If we had signed Alex Mack and his ankle was rolled up on, he'd be questionable right now.) It's one thing to be frustrated, but it's another to lose all perspective. Even if Holmes misses the opener, that's just one game.


    Also, in March, it looked like Phil Costa would be the primary center backup. And everyone hated that idea. Around the same time, people were still moaning about how we shouldn't have traded Shipley. Even you say in this post that he should never have been traded (by the way, we traded Shipley for a pick, not David Reed; that was the Delone Carter trade). Now Shipley's back. I don't understand what the beef is with this move. Whether it's someone else's backup or our own backup, he's been working all offseason, and he was better as a spot starter for us at center than he was as a full time starter at guard for the Ravens. I am amazed at how this move sparks complaint.


    Do you want Grigson to have starting caliber backups at every offensive line position? When Grigson said after that draft that you can look at half the rosters around the league and not see a full time backup at center, did you do any research to confirm that statement? Again, perspective.


    And really, if you want to complain, if it makes you feel better, if you think your viewpoint is legitimate, fine. Carry on. I disagree, but go ahead. I just don't understand how it is that you've determined prior to Week 1 that the offensive line won't be improved this season. Especially when your primary complaint right now is that Holmes might miss the opener, and we might have to start a player that you wish we had kept and started all last season.

    Supe..this has been building inside me for awhile, as I`m sure you can tell lol. I have flashbacks of Edgerin James getting stuffed against the Patriots and McGinnist running off the field rubbing our noses in it.. 3rd and 1 against the Saints in the Super Bowl. Just examples. I want that feeling of when the Colts ran the ball down the Pats throats and Addai scored, Saturday pancake blocked his man in the AFC championship game. Impose some will on people. Its not all about "todays" Colts, which maybe I am off track and wrong on. I`m just so sick of entering every year with the same motto and same analysis from outside sources. "Big question marks for Colts..Offensive line" Yet we are stacked at WR, overflowing with talent and always seem to be adding more. I want a dominant O line. The Colts spent 16 games last year trying to become a running team. The Patriots on the other hand entered the playoffs and became one in 2 games and ran the ball down our throats? That was sickening..I want to see the Colts be able to do that if they want. So yeah patience isn't my strong suit but its been this way a long time with the Colts, which is what I tried to convey in earlier comments. Ive said my peace and hopefully for everybody`s sake I am wrong  

  13. Please don't overlook Ted Thompson in your widespread criticism about poor GM work in the NFL....unless you want to look myopically at only the Colts.  


    Green Bay came to the 2014 season expecting to start completely unproven J.C. Tretter (drafted one pick after Holmes) who spent most of his rookie season on the shelf.  Now he is on IR and they will open tonight on the road in Seattle with this year's 5th round pick snapping the ball to a future hall of famer.  Could the similarities be any closer to our own situation?  Is Grigson neglectful and Thompson is not?  Please consider that Thompson knowingly put himself in this spot by letting an effective center from last year's squad sign with the Bucs for a modest FA contract.

    I heard them mention tonight the starting center hadn't taken any preseason snaps with the 1st team offense, yeah that's about as similar as it gets.

  14. I like some of what you had to say but disagree with this statement.  I think Grigson does understand that the interior of the OL is important - the Colts run game is poor and Luck takes too many hits.  Grigson knows that the interior is largely responsible for these issues. I just think that he hasn't been successful with fixing the problem (not to mention the drafty position).  He's had 3 drafts and only 2012 has been graded an A.  We will find out this season how successful 2013 was - Werner, Thornton, and Holmes have huge opportunities. Mewhort will get a chance to put his stamp on 2014.  I know I'm covering old ground re: Grigson.  I'm just not impressed with him.

    Those aren't my thoughts, those are from Grigsons own comments. Go back and read the Kevin Bowen article on the Shipley re-signing and his thoughts on signing Incognito.

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