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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. I am rewatching the Colts/Bengals game.


    Something that has stood out the past few weeks is just how well Jonathan Newsome fits in this Colts defense. Even before Walden was tossed, Newsome played a lot in our nickel packages (has seen a lot of situational action this season), and he is really impressing me. He is starting to really come on and I believe he is going to breakout real soon. 


    There is a lot of Robert Mathis in Jonathan Newsome, and we can certainly see the mentor shining through. 


    The growth of Newsome each week is awesome to witness. 

    I was thinking "Jonathan Newsome" when I saw the title of the thread lol I agree and hope to see more of him on the field

  2. I know your pain lol I get invited to "come over and watch the game", for example when they played the Ravens. I just now politely say "no thanks". I especially hate when the Colts play the Cowboys, my sister and her kids (all 5) are huge Cowboys fans. The Colts haven't fared too well against the Cowboys lately and they all love talking smack, that usually doesn't turn out too well because I don't talk smack even if the Colts are winning big. Its not "fun" to me so I just sit at home and watch by myself, a lot less stressful and keeps the family in harmony lol  

  3. I've noticed in the chat rooms on Gameday that everyone is dissing Griff Whalen on his return abilities... If you ask me...

    Whalen is not only a solid returner (both punt and kick off), but he is there whenever you need him if someone (like Reggie Wayne) gets hurt. He's Mr. reliable in my opinion. Think of another guy that you would want to return.....Think about it. That other guy is going to be there for just those things (KR & PR). When you have a guy like Whalen, you have a guy that is reliable and that can step up at any time. He's also fifth in the league in KR yards... not bad for a guy that most consider "slow" 


    Just from what i've seen in the last 7 games... yeah there's that one fumble, but he made it up the following week and you could tell he was much improved. In my opinion, we keep him there, he's going to break one soon, I can sense it.


  4. Really good points. Its definitely all tied together. Instead of "cringing" when the Colts kick off or punt now, like in years past, its almost fun to watch who`s going to make a play or maybe create a turnover. Griff isn't a barn burner by any means but IMO, I still trust in him to get the job done and get what he can out of each return. Maybe this is a good point in the season to explore other options, the Colts definitely showed with yanking Shipley they aren't afraid to try

  5. Thank the "football Gods" that Shipley was available and bought some time to get things worked out. 6 weeks ago the Colts were entering the season with a starting center that had just signed to the team. Grigson had his "ace in the hole" and played it well. I eat crow on this one for now :worthy:  

  6. Nice post.. thats my only problem with griff.. he always seems to try and run it out of the endzone at the worse time. C'mon man! Take the 20

    I wonder what the Colts avg starting field position is this year compared to past years, say over a 5-7 year span? Maybe its the kickoff rule moving the ball out but sure seems like the Colts start in pretty good shape, even after punt returns. Is that wishful thinking or fact? 

  7. Those guys are examples of scatbacks. Darren Sproles is the perfect example, and there are other guys who play that role around the league. 


    Brown did a good job as a change of pace back, but he's always had trouble hitting the hole quickly. When he does, he has long speed, but not necessarily the short area quickness or speed around the corner that really threatens a defense whenever he's on the field. I'm talking about someone who everyone on defense is pointing at when you break the huddle because he has to be accounted for. That's not Donald Brown.


    We'll see what happens with Archer and Thomas. It's not an easy role to play in the NFL, because those guys are usually a little bit smaller and they're playing a physical position. But if we had a weapon like that, it would add an explosiveness to our backfield, and things would change.

    I don't know, Donald Brown makes Trent Richardson look extremely slow hitting the hole, but then so does most everybody else. Where is that 4.4-40 speed Trent is listed at? Not sure where we`d find a RB like that, that's more of an "elite" type NFL back. Be nice to have Sproles wearing the horseshoe, don`t care if the Colts ever have to face that guy again    

  8. I can't yet speak to the line play from tonight's game. Have to watch again.


    As for our backfield, yes, we need a different kind of back. I'd like a speedster, a guy with extreme acceleration who can get to the second level like he's been shot out of a gun, who can bend the corner like a blur, and who can run away from the entire defense, etc. Bradshaw has more quickness than Richardson, but he doesn't fly like we need, and sometimes the hole closes up on him. A real change of pace back would be incredible.

    Donald Brown? 

  9. The most common negative comment I see is "Luck is overrated". Then when you look at his numbers, those people look like fools. Its just an easy way/term for them to hate on Luck without giving reasons and then they switch to "well such and such has done this". Has anybody really determined who is better between Manning vs Brady? We all have our personal opinions but there's still no clear answer

  10. IMO, staying on topic of "mistakes thread", last night`s game was a mixture of both. Adjustments and great play - there you go, yes, great play by the Texans defense in particular Watt - to claw their way back into the game. Offensively a healthy Andre Johnson is still a beast and the Colts secondary had its hands full. Johnson is going to make plays no matter what, its mainly "damage control" after that. Arian Foster is as good as ever. Credit the Texans some for making a game of it. The Colts offense has still yet to peak. I think we saw flashes of just how dominating it can and will be. But was a bad snap to be credited to the Texans defense though? NO..a Colts mistake. And it led to 7 points. Just. Like. That. After dominating the Texans, THEY let them back in and make a game of it. Just. Like. The. Ravens. IMO, the talent is here and its still about the fundamentals and not beating yourselves. Great first half and overall win    

  11. Grow up.

    Really? That's all you have to say? Do you ever actually add anything to a thread other than trolling through and making condescending comments to other members comments? That's all I`ve seen from you so far and usually I think to myself when you comment on other peoples comments "wow, glad its them this time and not me"..pretty sad

  12. Had Bradshaw made a first down then all this wouldn't even be a discussion. It is my opinion you run the ball just as Bradshaw was told to. Give the credit to the Ravens for stripping the ball. You are correct it is my opinion and most of the members right here in this forum feels the same. My agenda?? What are you even talking about? My agenda? That's crazy for you to even make a comment that is just plain silly.

    Had Bradshaw secured the ball in that situation we wouldn't be having this discussion. You think Bradshaw ran the ball "as he was told to"? Carelessly, by the coaches? Wow. No, that's "silly". 

  13. Playing a good defense does have something to do with executing. So a RB fighting for extra yards is a bad thing? Seems like most whine and cry when our RBs are soft and don't give the extra effort. Bradshaw was fighting for extra yardage when the Ravens defense made a good play and stripped the ball. You see it as the Colts doing a bad thing but I see it as the Ravens defense making a good play just like the Colts defense make good plays. Credit is due when credit is deserved.

    It`s basic situational football? 4th qrt, up by 7 and in FG range with less than 3 minutes to go? A chance to go up by at least 2 scores?  Maybe any other time its good to fight for yards, like if we were down by 7 but I would bet in practice if you`re running a 3 minute drill I would think it would be stressed, in that situation, DO NOT turn the ball over. Run the ball cautiously, make them use their time outs and run time off the clock. I don't understand how you find any positive out of what happened ? You can spin it any way you want to fit your agenda but I haven't heard too many people even on Sirius NFL radio agree with your view. I already had my opinion on it and they just reaffirmed what I felt. But that's your opinion   

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