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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. You've been blinded by your own pessimism. Most 'bad' plays do not happen on their own. Most are dictated by what the opponent does. Tiny margins are usually at play, so being so defiant against the possibility that good defensive play can contribute to offensive mistakes is silly.

    I grant you, we have made mistakes, but we have also pulled out some clutch drives as well. So easy to ignore those for some reason.

    And it also seems to be the Offense that gets all the flak, and the Defensive goofs are ignored. I wonder why...

    Am blind to nothing. You are mixing pessimism up with reality. This years Colts defense, without Mathis, IMO has surpassed expectations. Maybe all the preseason hype, about how good the offense was going to be, with all the weapons hasn`t? I don`t know. I really think they have the ability to be the best in the league with more discipline.This thread was about mistakes and that's where IMO the biggest improvements can/need to be made regardless of who they are playing. Not meaning to bash anybody, would be blind (no pun intended) to not see the potential this offense has to be elite. At times it is. They are their own worst enemy and my comments pertained to the thread. I agree with OP. The Jags game was a perfect example, played against a bad team and still left great opportunities to score on the field because of COLTS mistakes, not opposing teams "great play."  

  2. So you give no credit to a very good Ravens team? Could have some of the Colts problems been caused by playing a good team? This is the NFL. There are very few perfect teams let alone perfect games. Just curious as to why all the negativity when the Colts just won a game when they wasn't favored to win.

    What do the Ravens have to do with failure to execute, timing off between Luck and his WR`s, poor decisions to throw to covered WR`s, poor decision to fight for extra yards with a 7 point lead and in FG position with under 2 minutes to go when down in the Red Zone? So NO to answer your question. The Ravens are good but why? to your "positivity" towards the Ravens? The Colts dominated time of possession and their special teams coverage was off the charts. Who cares who was favored to win, you let that sway your opinion on whether it was a sloppy win or just lucky to get out with a win? Let those opportunities slip by against the Patriots, Broncos (oh yeah already did) or any other high powered offensive team and they WON`T win many games like that. The defense played like a lion, something most Colts fans have been begging for what seems like forever. That's an awesome, positive thing

  3. I've never made that accusation/correlation, so it has no barring on my evaluation of him.

    He's got a following, and more power to him, but they prop up his play much greater then what he's actually ever produced in IMO.

    I think he's too frail to be an every down back, yet we were cautioned all off season of the doom we were in for, when we let him walk.

    The reason I mention his longest run, is that even with it he was at 2.9 ypc. He's great being a change of pace back, but thats his ceiling as far as I'm concerned.

    That's your opinion and many like yourself down play his abilities. As far as doom goes, isn`t Bradshaw considered an "injury prone" player? I hope he makes it through the whole season, a healthy Bradshaw is a really good RB. Its only been 5 games and a lot of football left before thinking the Colts are out of the woods regarding healthy RB`s. Heard a lot of doubts not that long ago that maybe re signing DB might have been a good idea. Opinions change on a week to week basis around here   

  4. It seems like you guys are so focused on your argument about Donald Brown - did you miss our UDFA Branden Oliver's performance yesterday?  182 yards from scrimmage in his first rookie game.  We saw this kind of performance out of him during preseason, but of course it wasn't against the #1 NFL rushing defense so we mostly took it with a grain of salt.  The fans had nicknamed him "Sprol-bert" in the summer as he has the quickness, size and moves of Sproles but can run through and over people like Tolbert.   


    We were expected to win this one - but no one expected our running game to accomplish what we did.  And NO ONE predicted 31 points on that D.  


    Donald's purpose is to pound and pound until they get tired.  His early runs were often losses, even 4 and 5 yard losses as their D were deep in the backfield.  But prior to the nasty, head shot that took him out (the Jets were nasty, dirty players trying to cause injury), he was starting to pile up some good runs.  


    I liked what I saw out there.  Toughness and dominance in all 3 phases with incredible injuries piling up.  Can we swap bye weeks with someone?!!!  Assuming we can survive the decimation and start to get some key players back I think we will have some amazing depth - the one thing we've always missed going into the playoffs.

    Thank you! DB was starting to come on strong. And that one run where he stiff armed the guy and hit the after burner while changing the ball from one side to the other was the one that I was referring to.

  5. Yep, true dat. Brown, if the holes are HUGE, his vision is not a factor and will get the yardage, something the Colts in trail position while playing against nickel capitalized on a lot last year. In the NFL, the holes are not HUGE, sometimes you need the vision to go sideways and run outside the tackles. Brown gets tackled by the first player he encounters in the open field. Even a slower Mike Hart used to make people miss. Without elusivity and vision inside the pocket, there is only so much you can do as an RB in the NFL. Backup is Brown's ceiling, no doubt.

     You say Brown runs good when the holes are HUGE. Then you say the holes aren't HUGE in the NFL. Which is it? Brown has a heck of a stiff arm, which you don't see many RB`s use anymore and he IS elusive in the open field. None of the Colts RB`s had/have the ability to take it to the house like Donald Brown can once he gets in the secondary of a defense.

  6. Bradshaw is a really good RB. He runs hard and glad he`s on the Colts. Would never say I`d rather have Brown over Bradshaw. But Brown didn't have a good year last year just because it was a contract year. That is nonsense. He still runs hard, he`s still fast and keeps his legs churning. His numbers aren't great, actually are horrible, but its not lack of effort or being financially comfortable.

  7. So Austin Collie isn't injury prone, despite the fact that it wasn't his fault he kept getting hit in the head?

    Brown hasn't proven in his career that he can be an every down back. This isn't his first injury. Not sure why you're acting so incredulous.

    Coming on strong really? 2.9 yards a carry gets Trent berated on the regular around here. 13 of his 26 yards coming off one carry. Not exactly setting the world on fire.

    Really wouldn't matter who you are with Collie`s injuries, those were vicious shots he took. Very unfortunate.  Did you watch the game?  I cant argue he`s ever proven to be an every down back, nor against being his first injury. So like when he was with the Colts lets erase the big run and evaluate him with what`s left over to prove your point? The picture being painted on the Colts portion of the forum was that Donald Brown only ran hard and had success last year because it was a "contract year", that I disagree with. This was the first game I got to see him play in this year.He still looked fast and ran hard, not somebody "just going through the motions" and in it just for the money. That is all.  

  8. It was an "ugly" win. At home. Every opportunity to blow them out and kept throwing it away. Defense played extremely well for the most part though, that was really encouraging moving forward. Offense was on the field forever but couldn't seem to muster any points. From the 20 to the 20 they move with ease then just make mistakes, like they smell blood and get excited. If this team ever does reach its potential, play mistake free football, they will not lose 

  9. One thing he sure is still, is injury prone.

    Still he's looked like his usual self this season. Not sure what would be surprising.

    Injury prone? Is it his fault he was nearly "clothes lined" and head removed from his body? He was coming on strong up to that play.

  10. Anybody saying Donald Brown only ran hard last year due to contract year is full of s---! He is still a hard running explosive back, and again nowhere to run. Good stiff arm and changing ball from one side to the other. Would love to see him run behind a decent run blocking line. The Chargers aint it 

  11. I made a post on FB during the Colts/Jags game about sloppy play against better teams will spell doom for the Colts. That was a blowout win but there were a lot of missed opportunities even in that game. Today. At home. Starting field position after turnovers. Defense played well. All advantages to the Colts and still couldn't put them away like they should have. A win is a win, its a work in progress but hope they can clean up this stuff as the season wears on   

  12. Right. It's Thursday, this is what practice is for. 


    To be perfectly honest, I don't like the idea of Shipley at guard. He was pretty bad at guard last year, which is why he's not a Raven anymore. I also don't like seeing Harrison taking first team reps, and not hearing Holmes' name. I'm scratching my head about all of this. But I'm not there at practice, I don't know what the health situations are like, I don't know who is doing what or how they look while they're doing it. These are the times where I defer to the people who have waaaaay more information about this than I do, and that's the coaching staff. Whoever they trot out there on Sunday, I'm sure they will have considered every pertinent angle and made the decisions they think are best. They might not be right, but I give them the benefit of the doubt. Especially on Thursday.

    Samson Satele? Explain that one? This is where probably 99% of the "do they know what they are doing?" rhetoric stems from. And for good reason. But again as you stated, we don't know what the current  circumstances are either.

  13. Hey don't forget.....Boom looked great running the ball at the end of the game. 



    It's twice as impressive because the defense even knew we were running it. 



    Good change of pace back. Keep up the good work Boom! 

    I was thinking the same thing! End of the game, trying to run out the clock and they knew we were running the ball and he still had a couple good runs.   

  14. Don't get me wrong, i like the guy and think he does an ok job, but lets be honest, he's not a great returner, he's just serviceable..

    And I was just going by the evidence, since all of his big returns get called back by penalties..

    I watched the game again today, Whalen had some nice returns? Had a nice 29 yard KO return with no penalty. I`d be interested to see what the Colts average starting field position is compared to years past? He`s no Devin Hester but he`s better than just serviceable 

  15. because that's the only way he can break through the kick/punt coverage.. 

    IMO, I don`t think that's the only way. I good executed block could spring about any return specialist at the NFL level. Whalen doesn't need it to be illegal to make a nice return. I have yelled at the TV "why does he run backwards" sometimes haha but he`s still learning 

  16. he's absolutely nothing special in return game.. his best feature is reliability, he has sure hands and makes good judgments (when to fair-catch/take a knee in the endzone or run with it)..


    he lacks in speed and agility to break off big returns, as is evident by his potential big returns negated by colts blockers holding/illegal blocking the coverage players..

    how is his lack of speed "evident" by blockers "holding/illegal blocking" or have anything to do with?

  17. Griff is quickly becoming one of my favorite colts. The guy is so underrated and isn't the most athletic or physically gifted players but the guy just does what he's asked to do and doesn't complain and cAtches darn near everything thrown in his direction. Last but not least his name is freaking griff. I mean come on!

    Agree. Maybe he has reached his ceiling with God given talent, but nobody will outwork Griff or put forth effort to get an extra yard. "Intangibles" are high, just plays football the way its supposed to be played, my favorite type of player

  18. My X factor? A.Q. Shipley! I hope that you never get "shipped" off to another team after proving your worth ever again! A lot of people didn't like that trade then and the negative vibe from it you have proved worthy. But hopefully now the Colts have a nice little problem of depth and who should start at Center. Don`t know how Ryan Grigson pulled this one off, not sure he even knows how he did it, but my apologies for questioning his job performance on assembling an Offensive line. Hopefully this "fab 5" can continue continuity and get even better. IMO, this will help pay dividends late in the season IF able to make playoffs with playoff football. Hopefully Grigs can invent a pass rush without Mathis somehow as we go along?    

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