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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. I understand what you're saying, but think of those pesky Patriots. They have had a quality team year after year after year without having a top pick for ages. We just need to use free agency to fill in the spots as FO has already done to some successfully degree.

    True but they still have Belichek and Brady..until otherwise they will probably always be a threat 

  2. However you want to word it. What different does it make? Good players don't just suddenly appear out of no place. The Colts have been over achieving the last two seasons. When looking at the big picture is there any other team that has been through what the Colts have been through and done as well? A complete rebuild in 2 1/2 years and still made the playoffs and a division title? Colts fans were very spoiled with the wins in the past and now the team is in transition. Reality says we are at least 1 or 2 drafts away from being good enough to advance deep into the playoffs.

    No, I agree 100% with you. IMO, its a double edged sword. Andrew Luck turned the ship around and fast. Was it too fast though? Sounds silly but the Colts FO hasn't had the luxury of filling in the pieces with multiple year top 10 draft picks. Thus the lack of top tier talent. We didn't have to endure multiple losing seasons. Good for Colts fans to have a playoff caliber team, but in reality its bad for Colts fans to have a team that will only advance so far into the playoffs. But then you look around at other franchises and maybe isn't so bad after all 

  3. Whats worse--Watching Trent Richardson play RB for the Indy Colts..I`ve seen enough

    Watching Sergio Brown squander an opportunity to play safety with running his mouth and totally getting owned play after play.

    Watching our ILB`s getting stampeded..where are our "Mad Dog" Mike Curtis LB mentality type players? Very disappointing

  4. Whats more embarrassing was Sergio Brown running his loud mouth after such a pi** poor effort all game long. That was a pathetic performance. We still don't have a "thumper" of a LB, Freeman aint it, poor arm tackling technique

  5. This sounds awesome. Everything is there for Luck to be among the best to ever play the game. IMO, mental improvement can only happen with experience and tireless study of the game. The Colts can help speed that up with better pass protection and a solid run game. The little things like not staring down a receiver at times can turn the tables on the defense, confuse them where he`s going with the ball. Seeing the wide open receiver and delivering there instead of a predetermined pass to a covered WR. Those are all things that can be fixed and no doubt Andrew will correct. We as fans discuss these things on here a lot and its cool to hear the Colts see the same things and are working on fixing. The future is so bright  

  6. Brady is an elite QB no doubt but..apply pressure to him. The same type pressure Andrew Luck deals with on a weekly basis and Tom Terrific isn't so Terrific. When he stands back in the pocket with all day to throw and the ball at his hip he will pick apart any defense. Colts have to find a way to rattle him often and its a different ballgame

  7. I never cared what any of the critics speculated about Robert Mathis with his suspension. He`s a great football player and a greater human being. I`ve followed him on Twitter and he was the first "famous" person to ever answer one of my questions I posed to him on Twitter. He took the time. Mathis plays with that same urgency, a "this could be my last play" mentality and he always has from day one. Among my favorite all time favorite Colts players. Can`t count the times watching a Colts game I`ve caught myself thinking, praying, "ok Robert, we need a big play, a tomahawk strip sack" and he delivered. Great post and thanks for sharing Hirst

  8. http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2014/11/05/tom-mcmahon-rebrands-colts-special-teams-unit/18543045/


    The pertinents:


    Start with Vinatieri. No matter that at 41, he's the oldest player in the league. He is an unblemished 20-for-20 on field goals this year, good enough to extend his streak dating back to last season to 26, the longest of his 19-year career.


    McAfee is the real story, though: Despite kicking behind the league's top-ranked offense (meaning far fewer punts) he's booted 18 punts that have been downed inside the 20 and is second in the league with a 43.8 yards-per-punt average. Tapped as the AFC Special Teams Player of the Month for September, he's playing at a Pro Bowl level.


    What's more, Colts' opponents have retuned those punts for a combined total of just 69 yards, a paltry average of 4.1 yards-per-return. The longest return allowed? Eleven yards. The longest kickoff return? Seventeen.


    McMahon's aim – buoyed by his directional punting scheme – is coming to fruition. The Colts are pinning opponents deep in the corners, allowing them to dominate the field position battle. According to advanced statistics website Pro Football Focus, they are, by a sizable margin, the most effective special teams unit in the NFL.

    What used to be one of the Colts biggest weaknesses during the Peyton years is now a strength. This team is so much more balanced now top to bottom. Grigson has done a nice job

  9. When most fans criticize Luck on here its not really in a mean, nasty way IMO. Never really heard anybody say "Luck sucks", maybe have heard overrated. Contrary, most people gush over Luck. Luck was the #1 overall pick in the draft, the cant miss once every generation QB. Maybe he should be put up on a higher pedestal as you will, maybe he shouldn't. All I`ve heard from the beginning was "how smart Luck" is, cerebral. And he is but..he seems to make the same mistakes over and over. Luck is frustrating to watch sometimes, like somebody else already commented about. He is so freaking good at times, fearless and a modern day warrior. But then he throws some highball floaters, refuses to take a sack and wings the ball across an open field. The 2 plays vs the Giants that stand out to me as bad decisions was the lock down on Reggie with a wide open Bradshaw and a pass to Bradshaw over the middle when the Colts were down at their own 10 yard line. If Bradshaw hadn't caught it, which he did, there were 3-4 Giants defenders with an easy pick 6. These plays don't negate all the awesome plays he makes or make him not good at all, but keep him from being the top dog QB in the NFL which he has the talent to be, which is what we all want him to be. 

  10. Early on in that Giants game, Luck did seem to go through a "slump" at one point. But as always he presses on and gets better as the game goes on. Sometimes he does seem to either "predetermine" where he`s throwing to, like the high out of bounds pass to Reggie to his left when Bradshaw was uncovered and wide open to his right. Easy walk in TD missed. In the end it didn't matter and the Colts won easily, but in the playoffs those type plays have to be taken advantage of to keep advancing and live to play another day

  11. What happens if the Patriots play 'sloppy'?

    One can hope lol and the answer to that really depends on who they are playing and how the opposing team is playing. Any given Sunday. I  guess what I`m trying to say is that the potential for greatness from the Colts is there if they can stay healthy and most importantly perform to their abilities. This team isn't an overachieving team, when they execute and are hitting on all cylinders they are hard to beat no matter who they are playing. So don`t beat themselves, don`t make it harder than it has to be which is something IMO they sometimes do. 

  12. Is that a Patriots type team that was pathetic a few weeks ago? Or do we only focus on poor games / sloppy play when it's the Colts?

    The Colts have played sloppy in a lot of their games, even in the blow out win against the Jags. The Jags were a bad team and against bad teams, such as the Giants good teams like the Colts can get away with sloppy play. My point with the Patriots, in using the Patriots as an example because we play them next is that sloppy play will not cut it and they will pour it on if the Colts get behind early due to sloppy play and mistakes. That "pathetic" Patriots team was not the norm for them but as a Colts fan I don't follow other teams     

  13. Offense:

    1) T-Rich and Bradshaw both looked good to me -- Bradshaw rushed for 7.1 yrds/carry and T-Rich for 4.7.  Both had some contact in backfield to deal with and still got positive yards

    2) We got away with some bad mistakes (e.g., Bradshaw picking up the fumble on a broken hand-off one of his rushes and gaining about 7 yards off it, and Luck getting away with 2-3 picks) -- it's hard to complain when none of the bad stuff happened, but the play Luck tried to throw it away with an underarm from the ground was a pretty dumb throw (again, hard to complain him when I know he's coached to avoid taking sacks, but in that case taking a sack could have been better than throwing it away wildly towards the middle of the field).

    3) Our o-line played OK, but Luck still was getting pressured quite a bit and our RB's had to make some of the plays they made on their own.

    4) Our TE's played very well (didn't see much of Doyle), but Allen tonight showed me that he is a stud, both with blocking and receiving -- Fleener played very well and took advantage of some mismatches he was presented with.

    5) Nice to see Luck has options -- again he hit 9 receivers, 3 of which had 70 or more yards -- nobody 'lit it up', but it's nice to know we can throw for over 350 yards without having a 100 yard receiver.

    6) Reggie back is big - he adds a whole different dimension to this offense.  It was great to see that TD from him. 

    7) They seemed to game plan for TY, and he still made some plays.  That TD is a perfect reason why his route running needs to improve (he just used straight speed against DRC and was covered perfectly and could have been an interception), but it was still a great play by TY and that was pretty awesome.

    8) I think this is the best game we have seen from Nicks.  He dropped that 3rd down play early in the game, but we utilized him differently than we have al season and he had a few nice catches for some critical yards.



    Offensive takeaway:  I am glad to hear Luck say after the game that he thought it was sloppy, we have some things to fix.  Overall, it was a solid performance, but we have to get Luck better protection and reduce some slop if we want to beat a team like NE or make a deep run to the playoffs.  Good to see us able to put up those numbers (yards/points/time of possession) when we're not at our best.



    1) Kerr played very well, best game I've seen out of him.

    2) Newsome also played well, we did a good job of mixing him and Studebaker into the rotation -- we didn't really put Newsome into any coverage or edge-setting situations where he could be vulnerable and Studebaker didn't do anything spectacular but he did his job well.  Good to see Newsome is becoming a very solid pass rusher.

    3) Mike Adams and Sergio Brown really impressed me tonight.  Adams made a few very good open field tackles, and even on the TD he got beat on he was in good coverage.  Brown had a couple of very nice plays on pass D.

    4) Vontae was a stud again -- they tried to go at him, I counted 3-4 receptions but he was tackling the WR as he was catching it on all of them and none of them were anything he could do.  He totally shut them down anytime they tried to do something big against him.

    5) Great to see Chapman cause that fumble, he (IMO) has been underrated this season, in large part because we've mostly been playing with the lead and he doesn't get to see the field or show his skill set when he is on the field if it's a passing situation. 

    6) I thought our LB's played very well for the most part -- other than the drive where Williams had the big screen pass yards and rushing TD they did well in coverage, blitzing, and they didn't let much else get by them. The few plays where D'Qwell was missing I thought Andrew Jackson and Muamba did well.


    Defensive Takeaway: Still some room to improve, some of the yards the Gmen put up were when we had a lot of backups in and we had a few plays where our tackling was suspect, but overall, I think it was a good performance.  I think the coaches and D will be able to correct the mistakes we did make and keep themselves humble, but there isn't much to complain about here -- no, they weren't perfect but they were very good.


    Special Teams:

    1) Vinatieri hit a couple 40+ yard field goals and continues to look very good.

    2) McAffee had another quiet but spectacular game -- his punting was great and his kickoffs were also very good.  Very nice to be confident about field position battles with him on our team.

    3) Dewey McDonald seemed to be all over the place down the field tonight and made one very nice tackle near the sideline.

    4) Other than the fumble (which we recovered), that was the most dynamic game I've seen from Griff as a return man all season -- it seemed like we were getting some good room for him on punt returns. I hope we can keep this up.


    Special teams takeaway:  I think we have the best P/K combo in the league.  I don't think we have much to worry about on special teams as our coverage units have been very good and we've been doing a pretty good job winning field position battles.


    Overall takeaway:  We still have room to improve, I am glad we are going to the bye week before we face NE, but this was a big positive. Very good game tonight, but not perfect and I think all of the players and coaches know that.  I am (and have been) very pleased/impressed with how our coaches and players bounce back from adversity.  Our gameplan was sound and we (for the most part) executed very well.  There is a lot of fight in this team and a lot of camaraderie.  Very nice to see a big win on national TV after what we saw last week.   We are in a good spot in the AFC South and we're right back in the mix with the entire AFC.  Seems like we came out healthy and if we can heal up some of the minor injuries and get some players back to full health after the bye week, I think there is a lot to be excited about for the next 7 games.

    Great analysis and "feel" for the game here. Take out several "bad decisions" and over throws, under throws by Luck and it was an elite QB performance. Those couple plays a game are the only thing that's really holding him back. He always comes back and makes you say "wow" with a non-human pinpoint accurate throw on the run to make up for them. Hope they prepare well and execute against the Patriots 

  14. Another perfect example of "not as good as it appeared" when the Colts win. The Giants were horrendous and NO I don't think its because the way the Colts played made them that way. The Colts did play sloppy and IMO are lucky it wasn't against a Patriot-nisque type team, like last week. Or IMO most on here would be crying the sky is falling.. again. Luck had defenders breathing down his neck early and often. Great job by him to get the passes off and burn them for blitzing on one hand but a lot of "where was he throwing to" on the other? IMO, Lance Louis was awful and Harrison not much better. The fumbled handoff to Allen, did he not know he was supposed to get the ball? But Bradshaw was alert enough, and the ball bounced right to him helped too, turned it into a big gain. A bad, sloppy play that turned out good, just like the score and game itself. Wins are always good, especially when the offense puts up 40 points. But the sloppy play, which has shown itself repeatedly this year has got to stop IF the Colts want to be real contenders against GOOD teams. Thats not ragging on them or being negative or never being happy as I feel the OP is being lambasted for, its the reality of needing to execute no matter who you`re playing against. Glad to get the win but still a lot to get cleaned up

  15. I saw one play where Walden just stood there holding hands and dancing with an O lineman. And Ben just stood back in the pocket all day to throw and no pressure. Setting the edge? More like sitting at the edge..and doing nothing on a pass play. Disappointed in their effort today

  16. How come the board is so active after loss, but these crazed "we suck!" posts are nowhere to be found after a win? Why do so many people get so much pleasure from being drastic and negative?

    That's not always true. Maybe not a "crazed we suck post" but even after a big win I`ve mentioned glaring things the Colts need to work on and its always called "never happy, negativity, when`s enough ever enough", good teams take advantage of mistakes or weak links. The Steelers did that today with no Colts pass rush which in turn really made the secondary look worse than it is IMO. Not as good as we think and not as bad as we think really seems to fit today 

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