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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. IMO, I think a lot of the criticism is from fans who saw glaring issues, like many of the experts, that were present heading into the offseason and were not fixed. And the front office had plenty of cap room to do so. Its almost borderline being stubborn to the so obvious needs of this team. And here we sit with the same freaking issues year after year. Its frustrating, we all know with Andrew Luck and other talents on this roster the Colts are close but so far away at the same time. Its like self inflicted adversity rather than just circumstances

  2. I heard on Sirius NFL radio today Tom Brady`s average time from snap of ball to release this season has been 1.9 seconds. They put pressure on a defense. The Colts offense has not. Why are they throwing a pass to Joe Reitz down inside the 10 yard line when they have a whole arsenal of receivers? Too much "cuteness" and making things hard on themselves. Too many plays that take too long to develop with the O line we have. The run game is more than adequate, use it. Where are the check downs to Gore? Its all fundementals

  3. What I don't understand is how this team has been fundamentally built. Its Peyton Manning 2.0 with offensive talent at skilled positions. Maybe going 11-5 every year is almost a curse as having to draft in the late 20`s each year, hindering the talent pool? Too good too fast to in return be great?  Irsay said from the very beginning of this rebuild before Grigson, Pagano were hired, before Luck was drafted this team would be a "power running, stingy defense" type team. And its dejavu` Peyton 2.0 all over again? Yes its won a lot of regular season ball games but the same issues have arisen. I believe this years draft class will in time turn out to be a very good one, but still yet to be decided. What I don't understand is in 2014 the starting center had yet to be penciled in until AQ Shpley was picked up a week before the season opener, and that was a glaring need during the offseason, Then fast forward to this offseason and it was a DT. Once again waited til one week before season opener and looked for a DT? That part I don't get but hopefully Grigson turns out to be a genius and we all eat crow to my delight 

  4. After 4 years?

    Isn't this the reason why we lost all of these games?

    I was thinking about this today. When we look at Eric Fisher, Luke Joekel and Jake Long were taken with early picks and none have really panned out whos to say we wouldn't have wasted picks on lineman too? There are no guarantees even with "cant miss players" even on players in the trenches..  

  5. I've been thinking 12-13 wins all off season. Suddenly now the preseason games are over and the dust has settled i`m not so sure. The depth at RB and WR isn't so deep anymore, a lot of drop off from the starters, untested rookies on both sides of the ball..will they hit the "rookie wall" by 3/4 season? Can Andre Johnson stay healthy all year? Will Mathis be the same QB assassin? A lot of unanswered questions. I think expectations are high and this team underachieves for some reason..I say a very disappointing 9-7..just my gut feeling   

  6. History shows the Patriots have no integrity.Underinflated footballs may have had no bearing on the Colts needing to get better on run defense to take the next step, I get that. But why are players suspended for "off field" issues, having nothing to do with football or outcomes of a game yet Brady walks away clean attempting to actually alter a game and then cover it up? 

  7. What changes with a player like that? Wasn't he ranked one of the worst LB`s when Grigs signed him? I remember this forum clobbering the guy for the most part. Now he`s "good"? Kind of like Tim Jennings. Goes to Bears, all of a sudden a 2 time pro bowler but was awful as a Colts player.

  8. Would like to know what went on behind closed doors before getting all amped up at Reggie. But wow, what a kick in the groin for it to be the Patriots. All I can think is this scenario-- 4th quarter AFC Champ game--Colts up by 4--Patriots ball at the Colts 10 yard line with 3 seconds left--Brady drops back and throws to a wide open Wayne in the end zone--does he catch it? 

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