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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. Be alright for a game or 2. Maybe instead of "throwback" games the NFL could add "futuristic" looks in the mix. Put a spin on things and spike a lot of interest. Still like the Colts classic look. The Browns should really look into this version of their helmets though  

  2. Disagree. The Colts gave this dude every opportunity to "get it". They had his back even when the criticism grew louder and he ballooned 40 lbs and became hard to reach/communicate with in return? Screw that! He`s a diva, an unproductive diva at that

  3. I am glad I am not the one in charge of changing the pampers to a lot of cry babies in here. Maybe a new * for your bottles? Way too many are not happy unless they are whining and crying about everything Colts. Might as well fire every coach, trainer and the ball boys too. While we are at lets just cut every Colt on the roster and then we can get some winners in here. With fans like some of you the Colts might as well move on to LA. LA might support the Colts as much as the support they get in this forum. It's never about what we do have it's always about what we don't have. It's sad.

    You mad bro? Sounds like you about to go postal on everybody lol

  4. I typically try to avoid Jim Irsay tweets on average, but if Jim has finally seen "the light" better late than never. I could see Jim accompanying that tweet with a link to that Who song though. Jim's clever that way. 

    Was that in I or II because I only really liked Rocky III & IV with Apollo Creed vs Mick in them as Balboa's trainer? But, I digress. IMO concentratithon was not Trent's problem productivity was. He tried. He just wasn't good enough & he had plenty of time to prove himself.   

    It was in II. Adrian had their little boy and slipped in the coma, Rocky had been kinda farting around and Mick was ready to give up on him leading up to that. When Adrian "came to" out of it that's when she whispered "win" and Rocky finally got his rear in gear. I told my daughter in the beginning of the year that Trent looked "overweight and slow" to me. He needs to reinvent himself if he wants any shot from here at an NFL career. Too bad for him and the Colts for giving up what they did to get him. Cant say they didn't give him every opportunity and support during the process. Kinda sucks    

  5. The Colts will win and here is why. (1.)Look at the RB`s in no particular order they've faced since that Patriots game. Alfred Morris, Arian Foster, DeMarco Murry, Jeremy Hill, CJ Anderson, etc.. all better than the Pats RB`s and they shut them down. Art Jones is an unsung hero for this team.(2.) In the first meeting they double teamed TY Hilton with a safety and #3 CB. That left their #1 (Revis) and #2 (whats his name)CB`s to cover one on one Reggie and Nicks. They wont be able to do that or have as much success if they try now. Nicks is healthy and gained rapport with Luck, which he wasn't then and playing at a higher level now. Reggie is banged up but still..then you have the emergence of Moncrief, another "take the top off the defense" WR. (3)Throw in 3 very good TE`s. (4)Luck now has the ability to check down his throws if theres nothing there, something he`s never done and now is really improved on.(5) A legitimate run game, more than adequate enough to keep a defense "honest". I listened to the Indy Star sports writer Doyle talk all about this and it makes sense. The biggest thing that he said that stuck out..We all know one day Andrew Luck will beat the Patriots, he`s already better than he was to start this year. It could be tomorrow, it could be 3 years from now, but it will happen. And he`s a lot closer IMO than most people outside of blue nation think 

  6. It does make one wonder, how did he "get past" so many scouts, through the combine and all the hype to turn out to have the non success he`s endured? Is he just awful? It reminds me of all the Rocky movies where Mick see`s the talent but Rock just keeps loafing around and wont focus. But Trent never heard the bell or had Adrian whisper "win"..lol is that a good analogy or what!?!?

  7. What are you even talking about? Where did I slam them? You need to check your comprehension.

    "great run by a great runner"..by a Broncos RB. followed up by "colts could use a little of that"? is why I asked "what"? but then you get all snotty? colts could use what? a good runner? a great play by a great runner? what did you mean? 

  8. Does it really need to be explained? I guess I could go back and break it down but I think most got the jest of my comment.

    You forget to take your meds today? "It" makes no sense. For 2 games the Colts finally have a run game thanks to hard, great quality running by both Herron and Tipton. And you slam THEM in a comment regarding whiffed tackles by our defense? There is no explaining that thought process

  9. Not real sure. Go with what's working? I used to think when I had to work on Sundays and NOT be able to watch the games it was a good thing. Then bam the Cowboys game, I worked and it was 21-0 by the 2nd qrt. Up in smoke! So last week I didn't actually work on the job per se but I did out in my garage and just "sneaked peeks" at the game and that turned out pretty awesome. I also dusted off my Reggie Wayne blue home jersey and wore with a white T under it last weekt. Some Reggie mojo! That WILL be worn later today during the game no doubt. I bought a pair of NIKE`s, same exact color of Colts blue with the white swoosh. Took my daughter shopping, but we both spotted them on the shelf and it was a simultaneous "Colts!" from us both. She said they look pretty awesome, and I agree so hopefully they become my latest "big game lucky shoes"  

  10. Good defensive effort. Now as long as they don't get all big headed and come out flat like we know they are apt to do then they'll be "adequate" to make a run. Play with that "chip" on the shoulder these next few weeks and they give the Colts a chance to win. They CAN do it 

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