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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2015 at 0:58 PM, ColtStrong said:

    We as fans can root for whoever we want. It has nothing to do with the Colts being pansies, or the fans being pansies. OK tough guy?

    Whatever happens Sunday, it comes down to Texans vs. Colts next week. So.......



    Of course one can root for whoever they want..its America. One can also hold onto the firm belief you work hard, take care of your own business and the rest falls into place.. because..its America. Either way can getcha to the Superbowl, the fruit just tastes better when you pick it yourself lol 

  2. I personally thought it was a great signing when he joined the Colts. Coming off Pro Bowl year with the Jets, lost Bethea to FA..goes to show sometimes the "flashy" free agent doesn't always pan out. I see people here calling him stupid..$14mil..2 years..still healthy..doing what he loves to do, pump iron..maybe not so stupid after all? Sucks it happened to our FO though

  3. I truly believe he loves the "Horseshoe", the Colts, however he may refer to them. Its not all about the money. He wants to bring the fan base a championship and make it enjoyable with his charitable trivia give aways ( I won $100 cash a couple years ago, and true to his word I received the money in mail soon afterwards). He may not be "perfect", nobody is.. I believe his intentions are good and his heart is into it. Just MO

  4. Here's what I don't get: 


    Why go on & on & about how hiring Pep Hamilton was the easiest decision you & Chuck every made & how Pep fit like a glove for Andrew given his familiarity with his playbook/personality at Stanford, but you can't explain or elaborate on why Pep was let go? It's not really a distraction since he's gone now. Plus, why rave about the hire now when it didn't work out? It's like a WallStreet broker accused of embezzling $75,000,00 but the feds could only retrieve $5,000,000 of it.


    Translation: Don't use Pep to brag about what a genius you are as a GM when you had to dismiss him because our offense looked anemic or uninspired on the field. You don't gloat when you crash & burn especially when Pagano will be gone next year. All you can do is tell your fan base what your failures have taught you & how these circumstances & setbacks will make you a better GM if you are permitted to stay in INDY. 


    If a GM says for instance, I screwed up on Trent Richardson & the experience taught me don't waste a 1st round draft pick on an older back that never shined in Cleveland. Instead, I know now that youth & athletic talent in the draft are more valuable than a veteran RB who has no vision & always runs away from any openings the offensive line creates. 


    I respect a guy who has the courage to say I blew it, but please give me more time to fix the situation & redeem myself amongst the fans & ownership. I hate it when the front office acts immune to constructive criticism. It ticks me off. Enough said.

    yes sir! agree 100%..border line "wishy/ washy" maybe its the reason why the perception he Pags don't see eye to eye could be true.  

  5. The guy that "had to go"..went. Pep is gone. Unless its already a done deal then IMO nobody has "to go". Both Grigson and Pagano, this is their first stint at these jobs, and like I`ve read others on here state, the growing pains are behind us hopefully. Theres been good choices and bad choices made. I`d like to see where the future takes them here with the Colts now with some experience under their belts. A lot of good things here to be proud of..

  6. Like Chud said "Poke Your Chest Out".  We'll be winning the Division and it ain't going to be at no 7-9.  We're the big dawgs here, we know it and the end result will prove exactly that.  Houston beat the Bengals so what?  They'll be watching us from behind as usual count on it. Take it as me being arrogant I don't care......I believe in my guys

    Lol sounds too much like a Dallas fan. We don't want to be like Dallas fans do we?

  7.  Can/would Pagano AND Grigson be able to coexist next year IF the Colts pulled together and ran deep into the playoffs again this year? Or is this going to be a Jimmy Johnson/Jerry Jones type deal where it doesn't matter if they win it all or not and its already a done deal..  

  8. The answer is to look for yourself and draw your own conclusions. He does have shorter arms, but the question is whether it affects his play. 

    My point was 2 reputable sources, NFL.com and CBS sports having 2 total different views of strengths and weaknesses..some is opinion but in this case length of arms isn`t? Its like calling a 5`8" guy "tall"  

  9. The more I read these "draft expert analysis" the more I think its all a crap shoot! The NFL.com article lists one "weakness" as "short arms". Then the CBS article lists a "strength" as "long arms"? Ok? So which is it? Long arms that turn into alligator arms in traffic? 

  10. Its the same media that predicted the Colts as super bowl contenders? Those who follow this team on a daily basis hoped for the best, another over achieving team that could overcome its mistakes. But a lot also feared the worse. Luck has always made incredible plays, then made throws that left one baffled, and put the team in scoreboard peril. A lot of throws luckily weren't intercepted, now they are. And the comebacks aren't happening. Where is the 4th year progress? Is it coaching or was Luck anointed too soon as an elite QB? If Luck continues to regress then yes, Pep was a scapegoat. If he and the Colts offense improves immediately, then there lays the answer  

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