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Posts posted by SOMDColtsfan

  1. Who says it was a low ball offer?

    I cant quote exact when/where I`ve read but its been on more than 1 occasion and I believe most assume that is why it was rejected by Pagano.  I guess low ball am also meaning the 1 year offer, not just the monetary value, its not something you`d expect from an organization thrilled with its coach before this season started. Maybe "low ball" wasn't the "proper" term for some here lol.. Again, IMO, this has been brewing for awhile

  2. IMO, hind sight now, with the low ball 1 year offer to Pags, this was set into motion before the season even started and has been brewing before any of us realized. Maybe its been evident during weekly practices and preparations, even more so than the beatings this team took against quality opponents last year? Somebody has seen something they didn't like, (Irsay? hes been a GM and around a long time) why would they low ball offer after 3 successful seasons? This is like the seemingly happy couple getting divorced nobody expected

  3. Problem - Poor execution of too many deep passes that take too long to develop. Its been this way since Tryste was a baby. Answer - Dink and donk down the field. Run the ball mixed with shorter passes. There are 4-5 play making TE`s/RB`s or WR`s more than capable of getting 4`5 yards per pass. Keeps Colts defense OFF the field, chews up clock, moves chains. Why is this so freaking hard for football people much smarter than me to see?  

    Problem - Defense cant stay healthy, especially DB`s..no solution. We are a soft defense as has been the case since can remember even when healthy  

  4. Why cant we all just enjoy the moment, the 2015 season being that moment? Some people just love drama. Why was there a "super bowl or bust" cliché put on this team before the season even started? Its hard to win any game in this salary cap era of football, every team we play usually gets better each year. Its a competitive sport. Most teams are more than one player away from being good and only one injury away from being bad. IMO, leave this stuff for the offseason and enjoy NFL Colts football while we got it 

  5. This is Chucks first gig as a HC and Grigsons first as a GM. You made a great point about Belichicks record in his first 4 years, he learned from his mistakes obviously. IMO, I believe Chuck is a great leader. Personally I loved the grit and take chances/be aggressive style against the Patriots. It doesn't always pan out but drop back punting against that team all day long sure wont beat them. The Colts looked closer to having a real chance than at any other time against the Pats, I think they have something going now even tho was a loss..lets hope!  

  6. So basically all you have said is Belichick is a better coach? I think he has a couple of more years as a head coach under his belt than any on the Colts team. Oh by the way, Belichicks first four years as a head coach he went 36-44. It seems that Pagano has a better record in his first few years than the great Belichick.

    Was Belichick his own GM his first 4years, just curious? The difference I see is the Pats give their rookies 2 years..rookie year to get acclimated and by end of 2nd year they produce or they hit the road. Not too many teams function that way. Theres usually 4-5 guys on any given team drafted in the 2nd-3rd round that management holds onto because they were drafted so high but really didn't pan out. Belichick wont blink to cut a player. I wonder if Pagano is too loyal or if he had same power to cut players would he do it? It would def be interesting to see how far Belichick could take the talent on this team and who would he cut/keep.. 

  7. Almost every Colts game it feels like they make it harder than it has to be. They find things that work and then get away from it on offense, then every week talk about it afterwards how they need to be more balanced or go to the check downs. The check down passes to Gore were working great, gained good yardage. Pick up 3-4-5 yards a play, keep the chains and clock moving. The Colts don't have a defense that allows the offense to go 3 and out and bombs away constantly putting the likes of a Tom Brady back on the field with more offensive possessions 

  8. Yeah, for awhile there, I wanted better speed & elusiveness in our return game, but now, I'm come to accept Griff as a longterm fixture @ LOS & I'm cool with that because he always secures the catch before running & he's good nice hands. Plus, I like the kid. He's never gonna embarrass the organization off the field either. Whalen is solid & there's nothing wrong with that to me. 

    Whalen just seems to fight for every extra yard he can and catches most everything thrown his way. That's what I love about the guy, the same way A Bradshaw does running the ball. Plays with "full steam ahead" mentality and heart

  9. Let's be real here......DQ is a liability in coverage, but he has been playing out of his mind against the run the last few games. Hopefully he can keep that going. 



    I thought Irving looked pretty good as well! 

    I`ve been trying to understand the whole logic of playing Freeman because he is "good in coverage" but not so much as a run stopper? Hear it a lot here on the forum. IMO, I`d give up poor pass coverage any day as a ILB vs a run stopping "thumper". Make the WR`s and TE`s grow "alligator arms" for coming across the middle if they so choose.

  10. I don't think you`ll find too many fans here thinking the Colts will beat the Patriots. Most agree it CAN be done tho, THIS team can do it but it will take a 100% effort and flawless executed game plan. Don't turn the ball over. Run the ball/short passes that move the chains and eat up clock minimalizing Patriots offensive possessions. Lastly capitalize on every scoring opportunity. In short - The Patriots are going to score, don't give them chances

  11. Yah Im totally serious too eh?   GEEESH some of you guys need to lighten up a bit!


    Fact is Hasselbeck has played a whole lot better than Luck with the same team around him.... What I was really getting at is I hope Luck has learned a great deal from watching from the sidelines the last two games.  If he is truly a football genius he should have .... we shall see.  If he comes out and continues to throw horrible picks and get hit/sacked half a dozen times we will know for certain that he is not as smart about learning from his mistakes as some would like to think he is!

    I actually agree with you on this. We`ve heard how "intelligent" Luck is from day 1 but yet he continually goes for the chunk yardage or throws high passes over the middle..almost cringe worthy. Holding onto the ball too long also, while Hasselbeck did more 3 step drop backs and zip the ball was gone. That's what I`d like to see more than anything else offensively moving forward, move the chains with shorter throws and runs then bomb away when the chance presents itself. Luck CAN do it, just has to change his ways and improve   

  12. Colts need to go into the Pats game with this mindset:



    I envision this..the Colts run out onto the field during introductions vs the Pats like robots, each and every player yelling "I`m mad as hell and I`m not going to take this anymore"! Then again after every defensive tackle for a 3 yard loss and every TD scored..Colts win 84-0 with Adam V kicking an "insurance FG" as time expires..coz "theyre mad as hell and not going to take this anymore"! Then I woke up.. :realitycheck:

  13. does me too but sadly, with the way Vontae is playing, plus Andrew's mistakes plus rookie CBs, Brady and Co are going to an early Thanksgiving feast on us.  I can see 50, 60, hell 80-90 points being hung up.  We barely beat TN, got smacked by buffalo and NYJ

    Hopefully in a perfect world, the football Gods smile down upon us and everybody is healthy by then and the Colts offense is hitting on all cylinders..that thing got a hemi in it? lol

  14. Anderson does move around from one side to the other, haven't noticed whether Parry is asked to do the same. Even though it's early in the season, and considering where this d-line was a year ago... the stat below is a vast improvement.


    Through 3 games, opponents have 22 carries for 46 yards (2.09 YPC) when running up the middle (left/right of Center) vs the Colts Defense.

    — My Colts Account (@MyColtsAccount)

    September 28, 2015

    That stat makes me so happy I could cry lol

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