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Everything posted by Indianapolis-Colts-Fan

  1. It’s the WWE. I’ve lost all respect for the NFL as a sport. Finding new hobbies for next years sundays. Maybe in my absence the NFL will decide the Colts can have a ring again.
  2. KC is the NFLs new dynasty. Good luck Ravens the NFL won’t like you next week.
  3. Read an article. Leonard isn’t very confident in what he’s going to do next year. Watched his highlights with the eagles and he’s just slow. I’ve been on record saying he will retire and I still think he will in the near future.
  4. I think Bowers would be legit. Just look at what Taylor did with Doyle blocking, and if you watch ARs highlights he threw quite a few balls to the TE.
  5. congrats on the win and finding your QB. Don’t mind all the Colts fans who are losing their minds. I for one want the AFC South to be successful, iron sharpens iron, and I’m sick of the rest of the league calling our division trash.
  6. the sky is falling can’t you see?
  7. It took Peyton 9 years to finally reach a SB. There were many who had started to doubt his ability to get to and win the big one. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to doubt Ballards ability to build a contender going into year 8 or want him gone if he can’t reach the playoffs this coming year, and he has done way less than make the playoffs every year.
  8. Yeah that’s why I said “what if” in my original post. It’s pointless.
  9. he’s an analyst now. It’s his job. He was asked questions on JMV so he answered them. His record was 30 years ago for christs sake. I know you don’t really have as much of an issue as others, it just seems to keep coming up. I don’t think it matters. You learn a lot over the course of 30 years and as an observer I’m sure he’d do things differently now as a coach. I like his takes.
  10. not really. It’s just his take. Was he important to this team this year? Sure. Doesn’t make him a top tier wideout.
  11. I was going with the final score of 23-19 if gay scores that the score is 23-22 and the colts are in FG range on that 4th and 1.
  12. If Gay makes that FG a FG wins the game. What if.
  13. he didn’t say he should get paid TE money. He said his production was similar to the top slot guys and TEs in the league and that the league valued that at around 17 million. He went on to say Pittman will probably make between top WR money and top TE/slot money. Which is around 21 million when you look at the math. I think he’s right when it comes to Pitt. He’s a really good possession WR but he’s not going to break the game wide open. I’d like to see him back.
  14. if he can manage to stay healthy his will learn when those moments are to take or not.
  15. Was it an arrogant thing for Peyton to say “if you don’t draft me I’m going to kick your * for the next 15 years” ARs season was over. CJs season is not over. They’re in different places right now. CJ is staying focused, AR can dream. I get your point but I think it’s irrelevant. The NFL humbles everyone at some point or another.
  16. I’d like to see Bradley tweak his defense more so than for him to be gone. If he’s not willing to tweak it then I think he should go. No more 15 yard cushions.
  17. which is why I think it’s futile to invest heavily in defense in todays league. Go all out on offense and this defense as it sits, will stop the other team enough to allow our offense to score big.
  18. If you want to play the long game then yeah sure, invest mostly in defense this year, try and fix the secondary and improve the pass rush. However I disagree as the quicker route to a SB is getting an elite offense. This defense stopped stroud enough times to allow an elite offense to out score them. With AR healthy, added playmakers, this team scores 30+ on Saturday night. agree to disagree.
  19. that is a sky is falling mindset. It isn’t there yet, and Pitt never said he wanted out of Indy. But we will see what happens.
  20. well the Texans weren’t going to be a crappy team forever. They had Watson too not so long ago. If Ballard can’t get things going everyone will get their wish. So seeing as how we don’t know what AR is, by the time we do know, we will also know if Ballard is staying. I think AR can be just as dynamic as stroud was before losing his guys. Maybe more so. If we can beat the Texans with an elite stroud we can beat anyone. And the colts already have shown they can beat anyone. Keep AR healthy and the sky is the limit.
  21. IF and that’s a big if, AR can stay healthy, I’m not worried about Houston so much, and even less the Jags. Stroud did good this year but he’s stoppable.
  22. I’d really like to believe this is the year Ballard spends a 1st on a pass catcher. It doesn’t seem to be his MO. Usually once you have your QB you get guys to put around him so I’m hoping he break routine… if he doesn’t and we do get a top pass rusher it wouldn’t kill me.
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