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Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum


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Status Replies posted by BrentMc11

  1. Weekend begins soon. Nice weather, ideal for gardening.

  2. Now we have home court advantage...GO PACERS!!

  3. Going to the Pacers game tonight! Beat the Heat!

  4. Heading to a soccer tournament in Chicago for the weekend... let's hope the kids remain undefeated, if not we will still have a great time as this is the last year this group will play together! sniff!

  5. Well friends, this will be my last day on the Forum for 10 whole days...I might go through some withdrawl, but probably not too much since I will be ...on VACATION! :)

  6. busy, busy time of year! hello friends.. need to get caught up on sports info and get a Colts fix... yeah Pacers!

  7. busy, busy time of year! hello friends.. need to get caught up on sports info and get a Colts fix... yeah Pacers!

  8. House secured, rock'n roll starts...

  9. House secured, rock'n roll starts...

  10. Well Another Pacer's Game. GO PACERS !!!!!!!


  12. Today would be a GREAT day to go fishing... ...

  13. Today would be a GREAT day to go fishing... ...

  14. Today would be a GREAT day to go fishing... ...

  15. I was provided a new notebook. Everything must be set and customized again...

  16. I was provided a new notebook. Everything must be set and customized again...

  17. Fried frehswater fish for lunch/dinner with garlick dip....mmmmm excellent!

  18. IMS Opens Today - May the Month of May be a Memorial to Dan Wheldon !!

  19. Have been visiting parents. They are ok!

  20. Sorry Pacer fans but the MVP is coming to Indy, and he means business!

  21. Danica running 2nd Sprint race tonight at tough Darlington, hope she at least finishes this one.

  22. Buffalo just signed Young to a 1 year contract

  23. Heavy storms expected for tomorrow. Raintstorm, wind, hailstorm...

  24. Just a friendly reminder to my Forum friends...Sunday is Mother's Day, be sure to do something nice for Mom. Remember, it's not what you buy. Instead it's about quality and time spent with her!

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