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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. There is so much upheaval on our team right now - the more I hear, the more I think the Chargers already know it's likely they're moving to LA... I can't tell you how sad all this is making me.


    The fact that they won't talk to the other guys about their contracts yet, fuels the speculation that Rivers may be forcing their hand to trade him.  I'm dreading draft day instead of looking forward to it.


    I keep repeating to myself "It's only a game... it's only a game..."

  2. Is it certain that the Chargers will move to LA? I thought there were a few teams that might go there.

    No, it's not certain, however they are free to leave their contract at the San Diego stadium that is ancient and a pit.  San Diego is hurting financially and so far hasn't approved a new stadium or even a stadium plan.  The Chargers would prefer to stay in sd w a new stadium p;an, but are running out of time.  


    The Chargers bought land in Compton (LA area) with the Raiders and are proposing a dual use stadium, the Raiders would move to the NFC is my understanding.  


    The Rams also are interested in moving back to LA.  Which team(s) make the move is still unknown.  

  3. sports.espn.go.com - Rivers Outgrowing Brash Reputation - excerpt - "What started as innocent banter between those two fans and the quarterback eventually led Rivers to basically taunting an entire stadium after the Chargers AFC Divisional Playoff win that day."

    Phillip Rivers Gives the Jets The Middle Finger!!! - You Tube

    What is said in the press does not equal the truth.  The Jets footage is laughable, a middle finger extended in natural movement does not equal flipping someone off.  Just like him kicking the ball at Arrowhead stadium looked like a temper tantrum but it wasn't - one of our players had been seriously hurt after the whistle was blown in an earlier game.  That happened because the ball was reachable and people didn't stop playing.  So Rivers kicked (and still will kick) any ball out of the area of play to protect his team mates.


    Now... I don't and never have, condoned his getting into it with the fans - that was young and foolish.  He brought the criticism on himself because of it.  But what was said was innocent stuff - no cuss words - nothing nasty. He's a family man and has never said anything on or off the field that he wouldn't want his own children to hear at a game.  


    It isn't "normal" behavior to have someone say "golly gosh,"  "drats" and "shoot!" but that's the ONLY kinds of things that Rivers says.  The worst that's ever been heard to come out of his mouth was "crap."  When we beat the Raiders a couple years ago to knock them out of potential to make the playoffs on the last day, he walked off the field saying, "Now there boys, is a great rear-end whooping," or similar.


    PS I won't likely be back on the board until Tuesday - I have commitments that will keep me from the internet.  So I'll read responses then.  

  4. How do you feel about him going to TN? Apparently he has said he does not want to stay in SD. Will you still follow/root for him?

    He NEVER said he didn't want to stay in San Diego.  In fact he wants the team to stay in San Diego and would like to finish out his career there.  What he doesn't want to do is have the team move to LA.  Believe me there is more than an hour an a half's drive that separates life lived in San Diego or LA.  He has 7 kids and Compton (where the Chargers own property) is not a place you want to raise your kids.  He's the first in in the morning and the last to leave at night, but that's not so bad without a commute. Add an hours' drive to get to somewhere you would want to raise your kids and you don't see your family at all.


    Like many Colts' fans with Manning, I'll be a fan for life - but my team is and always has been the Chargers.

  5. Look, I don't care if you do or don't love Rivers.  It really doesn't matter why we do or don't like a particular player, but it just didn't happen.  A Colts fan flipped him off and he said, "I'll be back"  Go find the video or a photo.  He was followed by the cameras all the way to the locker room.  And believe me if it did happen like you think it did, the photos would be everywhere and I'm not the kind of person who would brush it off.  

  6. I understand why a lot of Colt's fans aren't fans - when Rivers headed into the locker room in our playoff game at Indy, people thought he was cursing at the fans because of his intensity.  They didn't know the kind of man he is.  He was young and unknown and almost any other player would have been saying what the fans thought he was saying.  


    It's been so long I don't remember the exact quote, but if I remember right it was, "Don't worry I'll be back!"  or something along that line, with a smile on his face.  There are people here who swear he used the F word at the fans and they "heard it with their own ears."  Except he never, ever, ever cusses so the closest it might have been was "Fudge!"  However, he's learned from that and the incident with Cutler (at the time everyone thought it was Rivers instigating but time has shown pretty clearly who the player with poor character actually was).


    He's a scrapper.  He's a fighter.  He's protective of his players, especially receivers that are being held or defenseless so he'll argue with the refs to make them pay attention on the next play.  He's a leader.  But for all of that, he's just a big kid who loves the game and plays like it.  He started as a line-backer so he talks "trash," it's just the cleanest trash you've ever heard in pro-sports, LOL!  


    When he has a bad year or a bad game - there's pretty much always a reason for it and pretty much it isn't wearing a #17.  However, you'll never hear him complain or throw his line under the bus.  I think his saying publicly that he won't just sign his contract is more about seeing how serious the Chargers are about getting him protection so he can have the kind of year he knows he can have.  The stats from the first 6 games of 2014 were utterly amazing... until he was hit too many times, lost his top 3 running backs, a couple of what would eventually be 4 centers, a couple OL men and suffered a couple serious injuries himself.


    I love the guy as a man, a leader and as our qb.  I trust he'll not only be with us until he retires but he'll lead us to the Lombardi before he's done.  I refuse to even contemplate any other outcome  :thmup:

  7. I have been reading every article I can get my hands on about this possibility - a really miserable way to spend the off-season I might add...


    I'm no GM, but could not see how this really helps either team mentioned or Rivers other than being closer to home.  This morning this analysis article was posted and I think Adam Schein gets it just about right:




    The most important thing for SD to do is show Rivers they're serious about surrounding him with top notch talent to make a run at the Lombardi and that they're serious about working toward a SD stadium if there's a possibility it can be done.  

  8. Yup. I'm sure most would agree that Rivers would easily be the second best QB in the division. If you just took his first six weeks in 2014, he'd compete with Luck for the top spot. He was 69%, on pace for 4,700 yards and 40 TDs / 5 INTs, and they Chargers were 5-1.

    Had he not been seriously injured (several of them that he played through) and had we not had the strangest injury year I've ever seen it could have been "the" year for Rivers and the Chargers.  


    I do not believe the trade rumors.  I also believe Rivers wants to finish his career in San Diego if they are working to have a contending team around him.  He's a competitor and wants to win more than anything.  

  9. Hey GAFT, 


    It's no secret that I have a ton of respect for QB Philip Rivers & how darn good he truly is since he always gave Peyton Manning fits in Indianapolis. Do you think there's any validity to the rumor that Philip might end up in Tennessee? I want him to remain with San Diego & retire as a Charger. 


    Part of my wish is selfish because he so talented & elite in my mind that he scares me & I never wanna see him in the AFC South, but I never thought Manning would be a Bronco & it still happened. 


    What are your thoughts on Philip Rivers if the team does in fact move? Do you see him leaving Powder Blue Nation? I sincerely hope not.


    My apologies to you, if this subject is too difficult to discuss right now. 

    You made me laugh at the painful comment... I'm in such denial I can't even entertain the thought!


    However, Tom Telesco (GM) has insisted that there is absolutely no truth to the rumors, as has Coach McCoy.  I believe Philip is pressuring the Chargers to work at staying in San Diego, something that the fans should appreciate.  Telesco, McCoy and the ownership all want him to retire a Charger.  He's in control.  He wants to see them beef up his protection and the rest of the team.  I wouldn't at all be surprised if money is very little of an issue.  It's about being able to stay healthy for the rest of his career and have a shot at winning it all.


    He was really hurt last year, though he characteristically downplays it.  I think Gates is the one who was really standing up for him by telling the truth.  If you see some of the footage of the games where he was hit HARD and was in massive pain.  I don't know how he managed to finish the season.


    I love the man and hope he retires a Charger after winning a couple Super Bowls! 

  10. This would eliminate the need for the two teams to face off in the same stadium 4 times every season. Being in the same division means they have to face off against each other twice every year. This would get old and ticket sales would suffer. Who wants to buy season tickets when you know 4 of those 16 games are going to feature the same two teams every single year??? A brand new stadium can't sell tickets with a sales pitch like "Come watch two teams leave it all on the field FOUR times EVERY year!"


    Taking one team that shares that stadium out of the AFC West and swapping it with an NFC West team ensures that the two teams sharing the stadium only face off a max of one time in the regualr season and another possibility in the playoffs.

    There would NOT be four games - there are two games with division rival, they would simply both be home games for each team.  The home team would be which ever team was designated so the home fans would have the seats and the "away" team would have to buy the away team tickets.  


    I have heard that it would require one team to go the the NFC - I can't remember if I heard in on local radio, in the announcement or where.  That would eliminate the two games at the same stadium and also probably make scheduling for potential playoffs much easier.    


    There are financial problems in San Diego.  I remember hearing a lot about how the state worker's unions have huge retirement and benefits packages that have put tremendous pressure on cities.  Other than that, I move 11 years ago so I'm not up on the city budget politics.

  11. ....made up story imo because of his contract is about to run out. 

    That's the part you guys are missing, Rivers doesn't make things up and he doesn't lie.  He's a throwback to the fifties.  He says what he means and means what he says.  The only time he "lies" is about injuries, then all bets are off, LOL!  Like lying to Kevin Acee when he had had surgery and had no ACL before the playoff game early in his career.  Really.  This is not your normal football player.


    It was said yesterday, that the LA part of the equation has been over blown.  The GM, Tom Telesco has also said Rivers is his guy.  I don't think a trade happens and I think the Mariota workout is either a practice exercise for his scouting team, for future reference or a smoke screen.  Remember after all we are approaching the "lying" month!

  12. Rivers is a very plain-spoken kind of a guy.  The only time he'll lie to the press is if he's injured.  He's not angling for a massive contract, but quality of life for his family. That and NOT GETTING KILLED out there.  The quality of the guys they bring in around him will make the difference.  He's only got a short time left to chase the dream and he doesn't want to waste it. 


    Sadly, I can't blame him.


    With the team putting pressure on San Diego to build a stadium the atmosphere has gotten increasingly nasty as have the fans.  SD has always been a tough city because so many people are relocated from the cold East, Midwest et al and retain their team loyalty.  Few other cities in the US have a higher percentage of people that didn't grow up there.  


    If they move, Rivers does not see LA as a fit for raising his kids and I would imagine that could also go for some other cities like New York, though perhaps there are some quality living areas within a reasonable drive.  He's the first player in and last player to leave almost year around so too long of a commute leaves his wife alone with 7 kids and I would imagine that matters a lot to him.


    His family is in the south and they're very close.  


    I don't know what is going to happen but I will understand, but be very sad if Philip goes.

  13. Because of my career (I am a professional artist with agents and lots of contracts that are made in a year)  I've come to realize that a good contract is intended to cover ALL THE BASES.  


    If his agent is worth the money he would think through every aspect and cover them.  Especially with a battle-wise client.  Peyton may never have believed that he would ever play for anyone but the Colts at one point in his journey but we all know how that turned out.  

  14. After 30, a RB can just hit a wall one season and you don't even see it coming until its too late.. the statistics prove this to be true a vast majority of the time, which is why teams typically stay away.


    Gore is in a good place in Indy because they have some other guys to share the load.. if I'm the Colts, I want Trent Richardson hovering around Gore like flies on stink... learning how to be a Pro and how to handle his business.. if a bit of Gore can rub off on Trent and salvage his disappointing career, that alone would be worth the price of admission for Gore.

    Welp... since you guys let Richardson go today I guess that isn't happening.  

  15. There are backs over 30...and then there are backs that haven't had leg problems over 30....big difference. IMO Frank has legs still....also his game was never dependant on quick change of pace or direction etc....he never was a speed back. Guys like Frank and Stephen Jackson can break the mold of aging backs because of how they run and how their legs have held up...not just that they are great backs. I think you look at individual cases....and no I don't think investing tons of cap space is a good idea when there are a plethera of young backs coming in...but to me...Gore is an exception...even when HOF backs like LT couldn't be the same some play and are built like a lightening bolt....and some play and are built like thunder. Funny analogy but I think it fits if you catch my drift.

    I think your analogy is a good one, another thing to consider is if there have been injuries.  If I remember correctly, LT was NEVER injured enough to miss a game until his first injury, then he struggled from then on out.  Sometimes the body goes quickly.  

  16. Well... it's apparently official.  NFL.com is announcing it's a deal.  


    C R U D - I got my heart broken twice in 24 hours over this one.


    I expected Ryan Mathews wouldn't be back but really hoped against hope for Eddie.

  17. Oliver's slated to be the starter I'd guess, with Woodhead as the backup/receiving back. Brown as the 3rd back. But if I'm San Diego I'm drafting a back in the 2nd or 3rd. Abdullah, Coleman, Johnson Ajayi, etc.

    I can't see that.  I believe we will be drafting or acquiring a #1 rb.  Oliver has a lot of potential, but I would be concerned about durability as a #1.  I would love to see myself proven wrong, he is a BEAST who is hard to bring down and has repeatedly fought for the extra yards and gotten them with 2 or 3 people on his back.  Amazing for a little guy.  


    That said... I look forward to seeing him run behind a revamped OLine with 6'9" King Dunlap, 6'7" Orlando Franklin and 6'5" DJ Fluker (don't remember the other guys stats).  Peek - a - boo!  Try to find me ;)

  18. Good signing IMO. Look for him to bounce back. Solid back when healthy.

    yup... just isn't often enough.  I love Ryan having rooted for him all the way back at Fresno State years.  Sad to see him go, sad to see his career hasn't been all it could have been.  

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